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Posts posted by fansince88

  1. 1 hour ago, Tiberius said:

    Not that you will accept any facts or anything, but we are paying higher taxes on imports because of Trumps failed trade war with China and many of our farmers were wiped out when China closed its markets to them 

    Huh? That is a crappy answer and I want asking you anyway. I was asking someone I wanted to have a conversation with. I will wait for @Buftex to answer.

  2. 8 hours ago, Buftex said:

    As a liberal, even I can't stand Andrea Mithchell

    Our current prez has his lunch stolen from him on a regular basis.  Ply him with compliments, and he is puddy in their hands.

    Can you give me an example of where he has not won on a deal with other nations? Then give me the examples of when he did win. They far far outweigh them. 

  3. 6 minutes ago, B-Man said:


    Nothing says connecting with blue collar America like Billie Eilish.



    BECCA LOWER        

    Okay, here's the feels portion of the program about illegal aliens.



    BRAD SLAGER        

    We now begin the section where people will be declaring the President whose grandparents were immigrants does not like immigrants.


    TYLER O'NEIL       

    A deceptive cut of Trump's "animals" comment — which was about MS-13 gangs. ....................DRINK!





    Well, all they have is deception.

    • Like (+1) 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Big Blitz said:

    My other personal favorite highlights of this sham that contributed to the hysteria...


    1.  That viral video from China of a guy passed out on public steps somewhere allegedly "dying" in the streets


    2. Covid toes


    3. Kawasaki disease 


    4. CBS using footage of an Italian hospital and calling it a NYC one


    5. That Instagram post from the crisis actress pretending to be a nurse in NYC in the middle of a "surge."  


    6. The missing cell phones in China


    7.  The body bag purchases in Taiwan


    Feel free to add your own....this was another:




    I dont recall this one. Refresh my memory please.

  5. On 8/14/2020 at 4:06 PM, ColoradoBills said:


    Good post 88.  I agree and would say that by next season a lot of these "wrong side of 30" guys will be gone.

    I know McDermott wanted the older leaders in the past but the younger guys will taking over leadership roles.

    I put Lee Smith/Taiwan Jones/Andre Roberts in the same category with DiMarco.


    I also agree that the shortened off season has been a damper on some of these moves.

    It will be real interesting to see what happens at cut down time. 

    Image may contain: text that says 'CHARGE Sal Capaccio On FB Reggie Gilliam, Heath Farwel said he's been impressive in "all phases of special teams. Called ita "great battle" between Gilliam and veteran FB Pat DiMarco. @ToledoFB'

    • Like (+1) 1
  6. 16 hours ago, Buffalo Timmy said:

    Right now a good portion of NYC is on the side of the terrorist, they both believe America is evil and racist, that it needs to be brought down, and violence is acceptable.

    This is why I want NYC and NYS separated. We don't have the same ideology


  7. 4 minutes ago, BillStime said:

    US-Canadian border to remain closed until late-September


    Can you imagine Fox News and all the obnoxious hypocrites here if Canada kept the border closed (for this long) during the Obama era?


    But for Trump - it’s just another day.

    This guy has masterfully played you IDIOTS w non stop distraction and desensitized you from what is really going on in our country. 

    170,000 dead Americans? Fake News - hoax, right?

    Our mail has has stopped flowing - TOO BAD. Trump is literally removing USPS mailboxes from street corners - nothing to see here.


    Remember the day you freaks started a thread on a cashless society? The thread started out like this:

    “A fringe totalitarian movement to eliminate cash is being pushed into the mainstream.


    It's justified under the guise of public health and economic efficiency, but it is one of the most terrifying propositions ever to enter the conversation and must be stamped out immediately.“

    We are so far down the rabbit hole its not even funny.


    Trump has turned our country into one of those “schitt hole” countries he biches about.


    THANK YOU Trump voters - not one of you can defend giving this SOB a four year extension. 

    Not one.  

    How does this play into your rhetoric moron?


    "While the border closure has had significant economic and personal repercussions for the millions of people that live along it or have loved ones on the other side, the vast majority of Canadians want it to stay shut. A July poll by Ipsos Reid found that eight in ten Canadians wanted the border to stay closed until at least the end of 2020."


  8. 19 hours ago, SlimShady'sSpaceForce said:


    Houston Playoff game ..   The Bills were on the 42 yard line and in FG range indoors


    Instead of Trying the attempt .... 

    4th and 27 call a pass play?. 







    So lack of execution is on the OC? So the choice to pass instead of kick is on the OC? So with 4th and 2 on the 42 you want to kick a long FG? 



  9. On 8/13/2020 at 1:30 AM, Locomark said:

    Will Bass win the job?

    How will the team simulate games / pressure in a way that they can comfortably decide to go with the rookie ?  

    Do they toss Bass on the practice squad ? 

    If they pick Bass, do they try to keep Hauschka on the practice squad and protect him as insurance ? 

    Hauschka may keep it but if he does Tyler will be an untouchable on the squad. 

  10. 3 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


    Clinesmith took an email from the CIA which said (paraphrased) "Carter Page is not a Russian spy, he's OUR spy against Russia" and altered the words so it read: "Carter page IS NOT our spy". He did not do this on his own. He did this at the behest of both Brennan and McCabe/Comey. His plea means he can roll up the chain in both Langley and the DOJ/FBI. He's a pressure point which Durham and Barr can squeeze to make McCabe, Comey, Brennan -- and those lieutenants under them -- sweat. A lot. 


    So who are they covering for? 


    Everyone! GIF | Gfycat

    (Including the media who knowingly lied about this matter for years)


    So he is guilty and he knows it. Furthermore he now gets squeezed, (or already was squeezed), and the plea was negotiated?

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