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Everything posted by cwchze

  1. 3-4 defense so who goes: stroud past his prime ellison maybe stays as backup whitner 8th pick still killing us great trade bait kelsay please who else? needs:nt, de and lb offense: edwards jauron and turk killed him(plus the ol) to- love to see him stay with a good o coach reed-overated love to see lynch stay-need 2 bruising backs in this league hopefully has act together needs:qb chan will know if brohm is answer..dont be surprised if mcnabb ends up in cleve..we get b quinn.... ol--duh left tackle please wr-unless we keep to an lee(who is a number 2, paid like number 1) special teams.... bye bye rian lindell-dont let door hit ya in arse on way out..... I cant wait for this to begin.Yeah I like chan-Our offense sucked donkey kong for 10 years.cmon 3 points on cleveland, countless others.....Cant win if you sont score. I expect us to go back an be the Big Bad Bills again. This will be fun! Plus no more Mauron.....hahha
  2. I trust the guys, so much more than there predecessors...... Buddy= great talent evaluator Chan=great offensive mind offense will be much better than the crap we have been wathcing... just not used to the twang......(good ole boy) go bo and luke hahha
  3. Leon Seals- especially after he pancaked Hostletler's ass in the SB.I never thought hoss would get up.Thought we won the SB on that play... Kenny Davis-man Freddie reminds me of him.....
  4. Just watching that, boy could Rob ever through that ball.Cannon for an arm.but shiiiiiit for brains........
  5. Since Time Warner refuses to give in to the NFL...anyone have a link?
  6. To Live and Die in LA..great movie awesome chase seen(wish it was on tv more,saw it last month on mgm)made a star of william peterson... Beverly hills Cop-only the 1st..same with Lethal Weapon....the sequals boooo.. Road Warrior Wall Street Platoon 9 1/2 weeks..kim bassinger mmmmmm rent it... Bad News Bears....I think I was in 6th grade..boy that was funny... North Dallas Forty
  7. Just a couple...everytime they are on I end up watching...... Heat Point Break Sixth Sense Goodfellas Adventureland Superbad Dazed and Confused Incredibes 48Hours Im sure there are more.......will add to list.....
  8. ok old school:just a quick few I luv listening to... thin lizzy-jailbreak deep purple-perfect strangers ac/cd-back in black& for those about to rock & of course highway to hell night ranger-midnight madness countless others-love the ipod invention, takes the best of all great albums and makes a hell of a playlist.....
  9. Last night was like a playoff game.Huge game for Montreal, with us being ahead of them in the division.They were leaving it out there at the end with all those monster shots, and Miller made some big stops..Great win for the sabres especially in that building........Miller has given up very few soft goals this year as compared to previous when any high shot went in.....The Canadiens have some snipers...boy what a game.... go sabres..... man if we can only get the bills to play like this.......
  10. man it scares the crap out of me too...but I still walk on it..... love toronto....but love buffalo better...GO BILLS
  11. My previous post shannahan end of debate tells why shannahan fits here. now reasons why shanahan would consider buffalo. 1.bills have no debt!!the money is rolling in especially from toronto with that 76 million dollar deal.Plus after the 5 years are up, I guarantee the sign again.once again ZERO DEBT. 2.Brandon is the president of this organization and a damn good one if you ask me.he spearheaded a great draft from last year(maybin will pan out). got rid of the dick and is now going after the biggest fish in the sea. 3.Lets face it ralph is 91...he is not going to meddle(too old,plus he wants to win).this gives shanny freedom to do what nees to be done. 4. next year no cap..he can go out and get the players we need immediately to fix this shithole.(if you're a player,who do you want to call you dick jauron or ms cmon...) 5.keeps him in the afc,you know he wants to stick it to the broncos 6.buffalo is perfect for running the ball...cold weather, he will get the horses... 7.Lastly the fan base.We are a rabid fan base just like denver.He will be treated like a god,just like kelly is now..... LAUGHING STOCKS NO MORE
  12. reasons: 1. won super bowl twice...very rarely had a bad team even after elway left.. 2. runs the ball....should be a buffalo staple... 3. has an exciting offense.....lot better than the crap we have had for 10 years.... 4.makes corret decisions in games.....no need to refute.... 5. BEATS the patriots......not afraid of them like the bills are..... 6.will run the 3-4......read report that he is studying the 3-4 defense during this year....that is the defense to run in this wheather.....!!!!!no more of this tampa 2 crap.... 7. knows the afc inside and out.....not coming in here underprepared.. 8. best coach/gm/director of football ops. out there..... 9. not afraid of making deals to acquire talent......happenend all the time in denver...even if some didn't work out...... 10.finally-he is in no way shape or form Dick........ fire away....
  13. carl r's exit 18. always has bills game on..plus others.....great crowd and bar...plus good eats.......
  14. Hmm lets see.Going to hsbc to see a great team play, that is well coached and has a great chance of winning or going to see a bunch of underperforming,poorly coached, lack of emotion bums playing...... SABRES>bumbling bills...... by a whole lot
  15. I will always luv the Bills,but I would rather be in hsbc watching the sabres.Something about them....good feeling this year.but I had that after NE on monday night.But sabres are better run!
  16. doing what he does best being a dumbass
  17. Hey a Win is a Win.We usually lsot these games!!!!GO BILLZ...
  18. At the game yesterday in half empty giants/jet stadium few thouhgts: 1.Lindell is a choke kicker.If he missed that one in overtime. I think the whole team would have strangled him.The one at the end of regulation, there was no wind, so he tries to cut it in.unbelievable..... 2.except for the big runs that we gave up, our defense played well!no pints second half or ot. baited sanchez into int. awesome..... 3.fitz is not afraid to throw the ball but his accuracy is weak.he is going to give up some int's if he starts.But he will make plays!!!!! 4.edwards still is afraid to throw downfield.Man he can do it but he refuses to.very scary and I've been in his corner....... 5.Marshawn and Freddie make an awesome run duo.Tough to stop.AVP must keep them both involved. 6.Fireman Ed is an idiot.Typical loudmouth jets fan.J E T S SUCK SUCK SUCK!!!! 7.Lee is a burner, caught that slant in front of us and just blew right by the defenders.Amazing.We need more.Plus he caught that ball at the end,both feet down..Tough day for the officials.NFL needs to upgrade.too many bad calls..... 8.Great game,I thought we were done.Second half we just dominated.Awesome rooting for the bills surrounded by ny fans.Ha Ha..I kept quiet though until the end when Lindell finally made it....... 9. Oline did play well.boy wood and levitre look like the real deal....growing up before our eyes.. Lets keep it up we still have a chance.time to put the smackdown on Panthers.......
  19. great game denver.great coaching---in every game.... HOW CAN WE GO FROM DOMINATING THE PATS ON OPENING NIGHT TO THIS CRAP LOSS TO HE FKN BROWNS......WHAT A JOKE......
  20. 1.The running game is phenomanal with the no huddle.The cutback lanes are always open.The oline is just dominating the opponents defense.Very impressive.-Geez doesn't freddie play similar to thurman-scary.Plus the screen pass is almost always there.When lynch gets back they can be a dynamic duo just like Kenny and Thurman. 2.Passing-Trent is taking what is out there.The short passes were open all day and he took them.Plus he opened up downfield fo the big play.Like what I am seeing so far.The two passes downfield to T.O. were right on the money With all of our weapons on offense,we are a tough team to prepare for.Kudos to the team that can slow us down.I can't see the Saints doing it next week either. Keep it going guys..great way to start the season... Bye the way-what is up with Dick-I wear sunglasses at night-Jauron...Maybe it is the new and improved HC..we'll see
  21. Hey now, We are 45 minutes north of albany and plenty of BILLS FANS here. also make it out to at least one bills and sabres game a year..........
  22. agree 10000000percent.Our line is mean and nasty,plus talented.Lets see three rookies(if you include bell) starting. new center and butler.kicking the pats ass all over the field.....loved it even if the outcome didn't work out...Beats those pansie ass lineman from years past!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. 1. Trent is a solid quaterback.The best we have had since kelly.Great play calling with the no-huddle.Made all the right throws.90%of his passes were right on the money. Last series of the game if he came back with the screen to jackson on the 40.I know we would be in field goal range.The pats were taking away the 20 yd gain.midlle of field wide open. plus he was pissed after the game(most of our past quaterbacks could care less).Call him what you want.but In trent we trust...... 2.Offensive line-granted they made some mistakes which hurt us,but come on we haven't seen a line that is as mean and nasty,finishes blocks open holes,run the no huddle since back in the day.Boy just think of the pansies we had last year and in the past years!!!!! 3.Rookie play-Wood,Levitre,Maybin.Nelson, enen harris.Wow what a draft and what immediate dividends to this team..I will be the first to say it kudos to russ...and the FO... 4.Defense-It looked like the old walt courey bend don't break D.Our d line was putting huge pressure on brady for 3+ quaters.we owned their o line.they couldnt run on us.Ferrell needs to be more aggressive, send the pack after the quaterback all year.DO NOT BACK OFF..this cost us the game....great things happen with pressure....... 5.Hey finally-None of us slept good last night-yeah none of us.This wasnt like in past like against the cowboys or browns or jets.where we were the weaker team.We were and are the better team now.I see nothing but good things ahead.We got rid of all the negatives(schonfart,oline,jp etc)I haven't been this positive since the late 80's.Yeah we got something here. Oh by the way=I predicted 27-24 us on sat.and i have been a nonbeliever since the lateral game.... FIRE AWAY.......
  24. Buffalo Bills 2009 Football:No Playoffs since 99....but who is counting??Is there an end in sight????
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