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Posts posted by liverpoolkev

  1. Not surprised at all. McDermott runs the show, and Beane has the strongest ties to McD. We shall find out if it's a good hire in time.

    And the joke continues.... The real problem I see now is the ownership....they are piece mealing everything. Thank goodness club section 231 row 1 seats 5-10 wasn't paid on. I will let my wallet do the talking that 12k will go on something else. Raptor seasons are starting to look nice, I will get to see Lebron James play.....

  2. It will prove that this was a GIGANTIC failure of a move. In a draft where CB was one of the deepest positions, the Bills had a chance to land the BEST of the bunch. Then, at 27, the Bills also decided that picking the 6th or 7th best CB was better than fixing the right side of the line for good.


    The Bills organization has failed to make the right decisions for so long that it is tough to put any faith that they will turn that extra first rounder into the franchise QB that has been lacking for so many years. If they pull it off next year, this will be the best move ever. Until that actually happens and they get their guy, I have a hard time believing that this trade down will pay off.


    What I don't understand is that by making that move last night, it clearly states that this is a rebuilding year (as if we didn't already know that). If that truly is the case, why the hell is Kyle Williams (and to a lesser extent Shady) still here. Why not make THIS year the one where they go all in to fix the problem? As it stands right now, Browns Jets and and Bills will all be looking to get their guy in 2018. If the Bills miss out by overachieving to that 7-9 record again, they will most assuredly look like they messed up yet another draft in a long line of them.

    well the media wanted Micky-d to draft the players our owners didn't show intestinal fortitude and let the first time head coach talk them into picking the players . This is what you get . I am so glad I did not pick up the club seats 231 row 1 seats 5-10 I saved 12 k while this crap burn for a year or two....

    Even if he does: no thank you.

    I am sure you have your reasons

  3. Have we hired him yet?

    No you got plenty of time to hire a puppet


    The Rooney Rule was less intend to solve the problem of "not wanting to hire a black coach" than it was to break the good ol' boys network that would recycle coaches rather than take a risk on an unknown, which made it much more difficult to even get an interview as a minority coach.


    In that regard, it's actually ended up being a very smart rule. It's gotten a lot of candidates exposure at higher levels than they would have otherwise received, but they still succeed or fail on their own qualifications.

    To try to avoid unqualified people like John Lynch of San Fran jumping over more qualified candidates

  4. There was no good reason to take him with his character and injury concerns. Of course many people whined because they had heard his name on TV.

    The kid had no serious character concerns.......we should have picked him at 27 cleaned his shoulder up and have a beast at linebacker for the next 4 years . I rather have him then pick a DB in a DB rich draft. This is when you need a GM who can look at long term as oppose to a first year coach trying to get team ready this year......good thing I gave up my club seats Sec 231 row1 seats 5-10. I can watch this tire fire free on TV. My 12K can go towards something else

  5. They fired the GM and the entire scouting staff THE NEXT DAY!!!! Who in the word would allow a guy to pick all of the players in the draft if he wasn't going to be employed THE NEXT DAY?!?! As soon as the "on voice" motto came out of OBD it was McDermott in charge. If you can't see that McDermott is in charge you don't know what you are watching or are in complete denial. We will see how it works out but he is in charge. Who do you think claimed James today? Signed Shareece Wright yesterday? He is the man calling the shots and has been since getting the job.

    Hence the weak draft giving all of our picks away for plan B players.. It all make sense now ..... Reuben Foster top 10 talent fall to 27th after we make a trade down Nope mcstupid get a CB in a CBtalent heavy draft .....That forced New Orleans and San Fran to trip over themselves to get to Reuben....... wow that is micky-d priceless lets continue Did I say it was a heavy talent CB/WR draft......micky has a 2 two 3's 4 - 5th rounders and a 6......he gives a 3&5 away for a WR who worked with the coach in a talent rich WR/CB draft.......oh he wasn't done he gave away another 3 and 2 5ths for a guard because he thought Carolina wanted him.........did he forget our problem was on defense .....So LB class is lacking he decides we need special team help so he pick two of the lightest LB he could find in a rich laden CB/WR draft....they still had on the board CB that weighed more & taller than the LB's we drafted Did I mention we needed CB in a rich starting caliber draft . He drafts little LB to play special teams ....Wow... do he understand we face Fournette this year and our D was terrible..... micky will not last through his contract once the losing begin its going to get nasty. We will see who the one voice blame for this

  6. I would personally like to see us go after Eliot Wolf for GM. There are some very good options with Veach from KC, Beane from Carolina and DeCosta from Baltimore but I could see Wolf as a superstar GM. First he has a wealth of talent as well as good family lines with his dad Ron, which I am sure could help in running an organization. Eliot comes from a solidly run organization that understands how to draft and develop a good consistent football team. He has also been involved in scouting players since he was 14 and watched scouting videos at the young of 10 with his dad. Who else would you want to learn player scouting from than Ron Wolf? He also doesn't freak out at press conferences...

    NO GM is coming here if they cant hire their own guy period ..... Just look for patsys that can work with micky-d before they both get fired

  7. I am all in on high charachter and discipline


    you can't win with talented dummies like jerry hughes and marcel dareus

    We also showed we couldn't win with fine upstanding so called high character guys like Kelsa , Fina , Kyle Williams , Eric Wood and Schoebal either .... If you want all character and discipline guys minus the talent then join the army or go to church... I want talented beast mode players and an Alpha Dog head coach who can unleash the fury..... something we clearly don't have

    he can study Jim Johnson all he wants he defenses was never as good during his D-coordinator tenure.. Lets pray Leslie Frazier , who actually know defense and won a super bowl can bail him out

  8. Damaged goods. Coming off another foot surgery. For that kind of value if you think he will be healthy, you pick up the option and hope he has a great and healthy season then trade him. Highly doubtful anyone gives a first for him now.

    So did Julio Jones and Dez Bryant who both had the same surgeries and both had to have an additional surgery. Watkins will be fine . If I'm him I don't do anything extra until contract has been extended. whether its here is Buffalo or Carolina who is looking with great interest . They know micky-d and the owner don't understand personnel. Carolina cant wait to steal him

  9. Kirby:


    ...sadly I'd bet many of these folks were loyal RW era holdovers who felt firmly entrenched in the jobs.....at the same time, look at the vitriol here about organizational dysfunction in the media for how long?..think these folks were proud to say where they worked?....so they hung on as long as they could hoping the public perception would change whereby they could proudly say once again, "I work for the Buffalo Bills".....even after the major housecleaning, do those that remain know if and when they can say proudly, "I work for the Buffalo Bills".....uncertainty sucks but stay tuned............

    yet the person who has been doing the Bills contracts since ralph is still there along with Littman ; Russ is so good now he is conducting the Sabres GM search.... I guess you might as well get practice at the kids table before you look at the adult table

  10. Here are Sean's strengths and weaknesses:


    ISTJ Strengths
    • Honest and Direct – Integrity is the heart of the ISTJ personality type. Emotional manipulation, mind games and reassuring lies all run counter to ISTJs’ preference for managing the reality of the situations they encounter with plain and simple honesty.
    • Strong-willed and Dutiful – ISTJs embody that integrity in their actions too, working hard and staying focused on their goals. Patient and determined, people with the ISTJ personality type meet their obligations, period.
    • Very Responsible – ISTJs’ word is a promise, and a promise means everything. ISTJs would rather run themselves into the ground with extra days and lost sleep than fail to deliver the results they said they would. Loyalty is a strong sentiment for ISTJ personalities, and they fulfill their duties to the people and organizations they’ve committed themselves to.
    • Calm and Practical – None of their promises would mean much if ISTJs lost their tempers and broke down at every sign of hardship – they keep their feet on the ground and make clear, rational decisions. Peoples’ preferences are a factor to consider in this process, and ISTJs work to make the best use of individual qualities, but these decisions are made with effectiveness in mind more so than empathy. The same applies to criticisms, for others and themselves.
    • Create and Enforce Order – The primary goal of any ISTJ is to be effective in what they’ve chosen to do, and they believe that this is accomplished best when everyone involved knows exactly what is going on and why. Unclear guidelines and people who break established rules undermine this effort, and are rarely tolerated by ISTJs. Structure and rules foster dependability; chaos creates unforeseen setbacks and missed deadlines.
    • Jacks-of-all-trades – Much like Analyst personalities, ISTJs are proud repositories of knowledge, though the emphasis is more on facts and statistics than concepts and underlying principles. This allows ISTJs to apply themselves to a variety of situations, picking up and applying new data and grasping the details of challenging situations as a matter of course.
    ISTJ Weaknesses
    • Stubborn – The facts are the facts, and ISTJs tend to resist any new idea that isn’t supported by them. This factual decision-making process also makes it difficult for people with the ISTJ personality type to accept that they were wrong about something – but anyone can miss a detail, even them.
    • Insensitive – While not intentionally harsh, ISTJs often hurt more sensitive types’ feelings by the simple mantra that honesty is the best policy. ISTJ personalities may take emotions into consideration, but really only so far as to determine the most effective way to say what needs to be said.
    • Always by the Book – ISTJs believe that things work best with clearly defined rules, but this makes them reluctant to bend those rules or try new things, even when the downside is minimal. Truly unstructured environments leave ISTJs all but paralyzed.
    • Judgmental – Opinions are opinions and facts are facts, and ISTJs are unlikely to respect people who disagree with those facts, or especially those who remain willfully ignorant of them.
    • Often Unreasonably Blame Themselves – All this can combine to make ISTJs believe they are the only ones who can see projects through reliably. As they load themselves with extra work and responsibilities, turning away good intentions and helpful ideas, ISTJs sooner or later hit a tipping point where they simply can’t deliver. Since they’ve heaped the responsibility on themselves, ISTJs then believe the responsibility for failure is theirs alone to bear.



  11. Again agree with most of what you said and seems to be a good evaluator of talent based on the draft... still begs the question can he coach and no he doesnt have 3 years, two at best.... option on third with the talent on this tean now if he can coach?

    Again people around here are looking from rose color glasses. He passes a top 10 linebacker at 27 to get a mediocre CB in a deep CB/WR draft.

    New Orleans and San Fran was tripping over themselves to get to him because they couldn't believe micky-d was that stupid. I would much rather have Reuben Foster , a top 10 player , with my 2nd rd pick ; 2 3rd rd picks 4-5th round picks in a deep CB/WR draft. Then he trades 3&5 to get Zay Jones make matters worse he trades a 3 and 2-5ths for a guard .....That is not a person stockpiling talent in a deep CB/WR draft that's a fool not looking at the long term health of the franchise...... The two LB he grabbed both (6' 215) weighed less than some available taller heavier CB & safeties that had starting grades ....... He wanted them for special teams really what is his track record that states he knows talent .......he doesn't have one.

    The reason people like this draft is because Whaley was working with the Chiefs GM for a week according to the Chiefs To get a next year number 1 .... That wasn't Micky-d

  12. Disclaimer: This is a sincere attempt to understand what others see in McDermott. Not trying to start an argument, as I don't think we have enough info for a meaningful conclusion right now either way.


    But I am really struggling with this guy so far. And I am an optimist by nature and have pretty much talked myself into every single Bills coach (at least during their first preseason) over the past four decades.


    Here's what worries me:

    -Never says anything remotely interesting. Buttoned-down corporate speak all the way. And I know there is value in keeping your thoughts to yourself, but this kind of say-nothing style doesn't necessarily mask deep thoughts. It often means the person actually has no insight. The way he communicates publicly completely reminds me of Russ Brandon. That is not a good thing, in my opinion.


    -Seems to have read a few too many leadership books. He seems like he is trying to manufacture himself into a leader through notes and aphorisms and process. I am beyond skeptical of that approach in any organizational context. He doesn't seem comfortable in his skin to me - even the way he fidgets around in press conferences. He seems like a guy who loves the idea of being a leader, but hasn't discovered his own authentic approach. Feels like he's playing dress-up. (Again, screams Russ Brandon.)


    -Seems technocratic - thinks success will come primarily through control, detail, process. All well and good at times, but nowhere near enough to manage the seething, human, multi-variable complexity that is any football team.


    -Role in the Whaley affair is unclear, but optics do look like a bit of a backstabbing power grab. I admit this could be TOTALLY off.


    Here's what I like:

    -People he's worked with seem to like the guy.

    -Reportedly does a good job of connecting to and caring about players as individuals.

    -I have mad respect for Andy Reid, so I like the tree.


    I admit, my negatives are superficial and based on my own cursory observations, whereas the positives are substantive and based on the experience and testimony of people who have worked with him.


    But right now I just have the feeling he is in over his head, but has impressed the Pegulas with his organized approach, attention to detail, and stoic wrestler manner - none of which will make him a good coach IMO.


    I really hope I'm wrong, and I'm totally prepared to fall in love with the guy as things play out. But I can't remember feeling this cold about a hire. Even Marrone who came off as a total tool early on, somehow convinced me he might have something.

    He is straight garbage ....his defensive rankings go as follows 21st 6th 10th 2nd (with Greg Hardy) 10th(with Greg Hardy) and 27th. So he is a middle of the road D=coordinator. .

    You know what the players also liked Rex, Dick Jauron , Greg Williams how far did that get him.

    His defense was clueless against Denver in the Super Bowl

    He wants his schill of a front office buddy in Carolina who strong suit is not evaluating talent

    This is another Greg Williams type hire..... I've decided not to renew my club seats sect 231 row1 seats 5-10 because this coach and owner is turning this organization back to the country bumpkin joke that it is. I might as well waste my 12K on a couple trips

  13. I love the smart decisions going on at OBD finally. No way in hell do I pick up his option. He has to EARN the new contract and Sammy can't stay on the field. If he does, franchise him and work out a long term deal, if not trade him.

    Smart decisions please take off those ruby red glasses.... We have a coach whose defense was mediocre that cant judge talent who gave away draft picks for plan b players...... Would you rather have tre white or Ruben Foster at 27 along with your 2nd , two 3rds and 4 5ths and a 6 in a draft deep in CB and WR...... Tre white will never see a second contract Ruben foster will become an ALL PRO beast


    Great character guy, hard working. Solid tackler struggles a little in coverage as hes not extremely athletic. Doesnt have over the top speed. Could help with depth, and play on Special teams. May be able to let the D do more with Hyde. Worth signing. Grew up playing with Sammy.

    what wasn't said was that he was a good player ..... If I want character guys I can go back to the Bills of 2000 .....Character doesn't win games ...TALENT DOES ...micky d better learn quick or he and his family will be moving back to where ever they came from in a New York minute


    No, but his name is TRE and we drafted TRE'DAVIOUS.


    Obviously, this means Beane is GM and we're signing him.


    No idea how people can't see the reality before them and connect the dots.


    THE DOTS, people, THE DOTS!

    MEAN WHILE A PRO BOWL LINEBACKER WENT TO THE 49ERS. All Tre tells me is that they(Panthers staff) blew another 4th round pick from two years ago....This tells me their front office cant judge talent . This might be the reason micky d defense was 21st 10th 6th 2nd 10th 27th the past 5 years hardly anything to hold your hat on .....now he wants someone who like himself cant judge talent. This is Greg Williams all over again ... I just gave up club section 231 row 1 seats 5 thru 10 if anyone is interested I can spend my 12 plus k on something else.


    Then they should be tough resilient and play whistle to whistle.


    They usually take on the IDENTITY of the coach though.


    Which makes way more sense because he creates the game plan.

    Mickys defensive rank says his defense was consistently soft


    micky-D defensive rankings the past 5 years


    2016: 21st- that defensive ranking got him a job with the Pegula

    2015; 6th


    2013:2nd -not bad I guess having a girl beater ,Hardy, didn't upset mcky-d morals to play him


    2011: 27th


    So we should really Hope that its Leslie Frazier defense that is going to save this unit not the unqualified micky-d

  16. So you want the Bills to be worse off because your mad about Whaley. Get over yourself or find a new team. You Whaley nut huggers are pathetic.

    Let McD accomplish something before you glorify his nuts. One voice coach speak only works during the offseason.. I did research on his defenses for the past 5 seasons and I'm not impressed. Remember Greg Williams gave a good interview with lots of papers too. He is part of the 17 yr failure. I think we have a clueless weak owner who let public opinion run his franchise

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