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Posts posted by liverpoolkev

  1. People complain that McBeane isn't signing enough free agents. I don't get it. Do people actually believe there is starting talent just laying around, waiting for a call?


    This is insane! All the good players are already signed. Free agency ended months ago. Get over it!

    Oh Yeah you are right. We also believe that if there is an opportunity to acquire talent Beane is not the person to get it for your organization. He is good at giving away talent

  2. It's unfortunate that you choose to be frustrated when you're standing outside the walls of OBD and are privy to none of the efforts that may or may not be happening outside of your awareness.


    I dislike it when fans make up stories in the absence of real info. You just don't know what calls are being made by this FO.


    Oh you mean when people make up all kind of stuff about Marcell and try to pawn it off as fact. You let me know what potential all star this regime is trying to acquire or draft .......I will wait

  3. I think what looks like tanking is actually just moving pieces around to play the salary-cap game. It's not that GMs don't want to win, it's just that keeping a bunch of veterans making $8m/yr so the team can maybe finish 7-9 just doesn't make sense. Replacing those guys with younger and cheaper players, and maybe stockpiling a few picks in the process, is worth it even if it means maybe finishing 5-11.

    Draft picks are a big part of that, but I really don't think they sweat it out over a few slots in the actual draft order.

    That would be believable if they got rid of mostly high priced veterans but they didn't virtually everyone on the offensive side was on their 1st contract. If that was the truth Groy would be starting for us now saving us 6-8 mill a year . Kyle is not worth his price at 34 on the last year of contract. Losers stock pile picks just ask Cleveland. You need to know how to draft for example KC draft play makers not choir boys so while for example Tyreek Hill is blowing up the league we have our regime try to make a case for little Milano the little LB that could.

  4. In my opinion Boldin seen what he had here in Tyrod and ran to the hills. Tyrod on the outside world looks like a good QB, stats lie. Once he started seeing it first hand in a Taylor made scheme it was over in my opinion. Wouldn't doubt Watkins filled him in and added to his decision.

    No he saw that the front office wasn't about winning when he traded Watkins for a pick and oft an injured CB.....Hell the CB is still injured


    So you want to give away KC's #1 this week for someone who may not work out at all or get hurt immediately? Then bring Whaley back.

    No I would rather Whaley trade up to get D.Watson

    Bean wasn't here for the draft, those picks are on Whaley and way too early to pounce on them.


    As for Duchasse and Tolbert, on that I agree, these ex Panthers and "good guys in the lockeroom" only gets you so far.

    Sorry buddy he was stripped of making pics ... Don't try to lay this egg of the draft on Whaley...Mcbeane made it pretty clear why he wanted and traded up to get ahead of Carolina to get Dawkins and Zay Jones he was in contact with McD or did you forget that conversation on inside knowledge that Carolina was interested

  6. They put on a good front saying they are "trying to wn now AND trying to win for the future" but is that REALLY accurate? I don't think it is...


    Look at what has happened in the week+ since Matthews and Clay have gone down for significant lengths of time basically turning our "average" offense with them into a disaster without them. 5 straight games with under 300 yards of total offense...we might set an NFL modern day record for that as I don't see how we get above that anytime soon without those players and people stacking the box.


    And yet McBeane has been silent on the waiver wire/FA/trade front. This team has the chance to make the playoffs THIS YEAR but yet they will do nothing to bolster our chances. And I find that to be maddening. It's one thing if the team wasn't that good and you just let things go...it's another thing entirely when you have wins over 2 top 5 teams in the league and the defense is good enough if the offense can just literally DO ANYTHING productive. I think he owes it to those guys busting their @sses on the field AND to the fanbase who is tired of this bullcrap over the last 17 years to actually DO SOMETHING to try and help this team now.


    I am not talking about trading a high pick for a guy necessarily, but if there is the opportunity to get a guy AND he fits in the budget/long term plans of the team WHY NOT do it? You don't HAVE TO only get players through the draft...there is the opportunity to make moves that can help the team both now and in the future that don't involve simply drafting well.


    It's just so frustrating to see McBeane "fiddling" while the offense burns around us and nothing is done to try and fix it...another wasted season when the team was good enough to make the playoffs with a little help...so frustrating...I know the plan is to start in earnest next year with all the draft capital and likely new QB of the future, but still...


    They aren't coming out and saying it, but you can hear it when McDermott talks about the "silver lining" being that a bunch of rookies got in there...they know they are hoping to keep losing players and be forced to play untested rookies/backups and then they have the excuse "well, we had a lot of injuries and don't have the depth yet to overcome them", but if they would just go find the depth, we COULD overcome them...but they don't want them to...kind of like in Major Leagues when the owner was secretly rooting for the team to lose so he could move them...the McBrothers are secretly hoping for the injury bug to keep hitting so they can keep slipping further and further down the standings while having nothing come back on them that we were actively "tanking" while having to play a bunch of untested depth players on the roster.

    Mc Beane cant evaluate talent that's why he can make moves ....Its easy to get rid of players its hard to acquire because you have to have an eye for talent . I cant see this gm acquiring a Shady or getting a Hughes for virtually nothing do you ? Lets face facts the only reason he is here is because of McD. How are there draft picks holding up? They wanted and traded up for dawkins and Zay those two picks are killing this team because this regime thought they was ready front line players and not complimentary to Watkins and the Offensive line. Why all of a sudden Groy is not in the conversation for O-line playing time? I'm not even going to get started in Duucause and Tolbert when I last checked Mcd knew nothing about Offense but he thought the people he would get rid of in the purge was on the offensive side of the ball of young on first contract players in the name of culture change making our team the second oldest in the league. Incredible talking about someone not deserving of promotion Beame picture should be front and center

  7. If you hate the coach so much, why not find another team to root for. McDermott is our coach and from what I have seen thus far is a marked improvement over what we have had in the past. We will eventually have players with talent who also understand the level of commitment that it takes to win. I have seen absolutely zero evidence that his "ego" has anything to do with any decisions that he has made thus far. He is not Chip Kelley. Personality wise, they are in fact polar opposites. Some people on this board will always find something to complain about, but how about giving this guy at least a full season before you start complaining. After five games, we have seen evidence that we are headed in the right direction. Let's let the rest of the season play out before we start coming to conclusions about whether or not he will be successful in his approach.

    You need to take off those rose colored micky-d glasses. When you get rid young players while keeping older lack of talent players Tolbert, Duucasse , Holmes we know how the season is going to turn out..... You know we had 8-9 men in the box for the past two years we still rank #1 in league in running what changed ? Regime thought that Groy , Miller was no longer viable as guards on the number 1 rushing unit. How is Dawkins & Duucasse holding up ? they couldn't run to save their lives. He is chip Kelly light

  8. Chip Kelly won 10 games in each of his first two seasons with Philly.........after taking over a team that the esteemed Andy Reid had taken to the tank.


    He did a tremendous job installing his system and his "process"..........but he got carried away with finding "his" guys......cut star performers Desean Jackson and Evan Mathis and traded the devil he knew in McCoy and went the free agent route at RB.........and a ton of excellent work went to waste.


    I think McD is making similarly ego driven mistakes..........he thinks he's being all about team, but he's being all about McD and calling it "team"..........he is running the risk of undermining a lot of the good things he's done by dumping legitimately star talent under the misguided belief that he can coach-up more grateful-to-just-be-here personnel.


    As Chip Kelly found out......teams adjust to your X's and O's........and then it's about the Jimmy's and Joe's and if you can't win matchups you will start losing games.


    It would behoove McD to start figuring out how to get guys like Dareus and Glenn, and even the average John Miller, excited about the project rather than alienate them.........if they are cut the odds of the situation at those positions turning into the debacle that trading Watkins has made of the WR corps(and subsequently the offensive identity and effectiveness) are high.


    I started this thread because McD is trying to take credit for having some rookies playing regularly..........as if it doesn't matter if they stink and that playing them somehow guarantees future success for them..........seemingly blissful to the fact that Zay Jones has been tragic and Dawkins is struggling mightily and proving very costly to the Bills in starting roles.


    The only indicator that a rookie will turn into a better player is if they are playing very well as a rookie.......just being out there or playing to some adjusted curve is how you get the misguided belief that a guy like Brandon Spoon is the answer to your LB woes.

    Well Said

  9. It has nothing to do with ego if he is being a cancer for this team. If he is truly putting the GM down and doesn't want to be here then I'm sure this crap attitude is resonating in the locker room and playing field. I'm sure guys like Kyle Williams and Eric Wood are just tired of this guy. I would also guess that McDermott holds meetings with his leadership team and gets a feel for the heartbeat of his team. Dareus is a baby in a grown mans body. Please quit defending him by talking about ego's. If we don't keep him it is because his play on Sundays doesn't outweigh the mess he created with his attitude, behavior, immaturity, and self-centeredness. If his cap hit doesn't keep the Bills from dumping him then that will just tell you how much they do not value him.

    Dude stop putting words into players mouths..... There is not a shread of evidence that he is pouting. How about this theory he probably see what we see the players are getting shipped out of here and being replaced with substandard replacements in the name of culture change

    Usually when you change culture you get rid of most of your older players. This regime did the exact opposite .

    So you telling me that the people that experienced the drought the most should be here. I think they may have been part of the problem.

    Do you really think that cast offs like Tolbert , Ducase Holmes ,barnyard, Dimarco made this team better ? Just like Rex before we have a regime that took a strength and made it into a weakness.

    The past two years we ran against more 7-8 man boxes than any team in the league but still we ran the ball with the best of them. What changed ? A defensive coach/ an inexperienced gm both with resumes of winning or drafting nothing of note decides to tinker with something they know nothing about , the offense...

    In the name of changing the culture they get rid of

    Sammy Watkins a prime receiver causing the problems we have today.

    Boy how is Tolbert working out as a back up running back ? ( J.Williams looking better and better)

    Did Groy fall under this culture change he has yet to suit up at guard when we was the #1 rushing attack ( why is Ducasse still on the team again)

    Talent evaluator Bean thought Zay was the answer, boy is the game too big for him right now but for beane to think Zay was as good a Sammy Watkins shows me he is not a good judge of talent.

    Carolina for years was looking for a WR , offensive lineman to no avail. Beane has no track record of acquiring talent so we can have a zillion draft picks his history shows all he know how to do is get rid of talent not acquiring talent. most of our draft picks came because a coach had interaction with them. Not because they were highly rated. This is chip Kelly in reverse; systems don't win games players do. Until we get a legitimate talent evaluator we will continue to look at the Chiefs and wonder how that GM is able to find late round gems while we talk about special teams add-ons.

  10. When will McDermott realize this guy sucks? Jesus I am sick of this clown on our team.

    Probably when McBeane realize he is over his head constructing the second oldest team in the league employing his buddies instead of letting talent drive the decision. Wow how did 33 yr old back up rb do ? He is only three times more expensive 10 years older than Johnathan Williams. Boy that was a smart move by coach to make Brandon Tate inactive.... Oh Mcderett did so well on the clock management . Give me a break Tyrod is the least of this coach problems The coach is the biggest problem... Thank Godness for Leslie Frasier

  11. Can't really give Whaley any credit. Lawson was by far the highest rated player on the board when we picked. He only fell that far due to the shoulder.

    that's why I commend Whaley he knew all he had to do is get the shoulder repaired for the long term

  12. Bill coach Sean McDermott talked about coaching youth soccer this week on WGR. The sound approach to fundamentals that gig requires seems to have also taken hold at One BIlls Drive. These Bills passed the eye test last week. I'm way past dissing the win because of the Jets. Those same Jets will be a big problem for the Raiders tomorrow. Watch.


    Maybe the national consensus is correct and the Bills are "rebuilding". I believe the truth is closer to them being a team that believes it can compete because they believe they've earned it. And, based on the week 1 league wide offensively offensive offensive performances that are the talk of the in NFL world, should the Bills prevail in Charlotte (34-20 is my guess), be listening for the national press to rant about how Cam Newton and the Panthers are past their prime. Indeed, an NFL season with stunted offensive production would be just the tonic to finish the blasted drought. But patience pays...the Bills won't get any credit until midseason and, until then, any of their successes will be excused away by flawed opponents. Like in week one.


    If its an off year for offense and the Patriots are really 40, this might, just might, be the year the Bills become relevant.

    Its hard to rebuild when you have the 4th oldest team in the NFL.......This is nothing more than a short term fix to appease the easily distracted fans ........the lipstick on this pig wont change that this regime is still sporting a pig ......nice try

  13. what happens this year won't matter. the expectations are low, and it looks as if pegs is going to give this staff some time.

    the bottom line is the owners want to see sold out stadium. If they can't sell out the first game they might not sell out any this year. Owners don't like when you mess with their bottom line.

    Pelugas will see the error of their ways when their pocket books are hit. Hopefully they will hire a competent GM from a sustained winning organization with an eye for talent evaluation.

    Then he can hire a coach that understands talent wins football games. What is RB system is Tolbert (31) helping with that he is on the roster ; What system is Vlad Ducasse helping with that he is on the roster; the city knew Jordan Mills was bad two years running this GM thinks he is OK , I thought he had an eye for talent?

    Speaking of the newbie GM do you see any gems he brought in ? How are the two 215-220 lbs LB doing he drafted. I haven't heard much from them but they made the team really? This is Chip Kelly -light, at least Chip had a pedigree.

    I see today they have great seats for the opener. I hope some business help them out because it will be embarrassing. That's how much faith the football fans have in Mcbeeanie right now .


    With all the changes mcbeanie made, basically giving ex Carolina Panthers jobs that was cut, we now have the 5th oldest team in the NFL. Now that saying something changing the culture . I guess old dogs can learn new tricks

  14. I'm sorry, I'm just a little amazed at all of this talk about how horrible we're going to be. I actually can't believe anyone thinks this team is going to be a 4-12 or worse with such confidence.




    So, I ask, how have we regressed so much? Shall we take it position by position?


    QB: I am aware this is the big controversial position. But are we worse with a 3rd year Tyrod Taylor, hope promising young Rookie, and a vet who at least has knowledge in the system than a 2nd year Taylor, EJ Manuel and Cardale Jones? I guess the offensive system is the answer to this question so we're going to see soon enough :flirt:


    RB: McCoy is a year older but it doesn't seem like he's lost a step. Who knows about our backups but these zone blocking schemes are designed for RBs to thrive, aren't they? Tolbert's better than Felton. Doesn't seem much worse, if worse.


    WR: Obvious question mark. But let's be honest about our WRs last year: Sammy and Woods missed 11 combined games last year. That's tied with a few teams and the only fewer than San Diego in terms of number one and number two wide receiver's missing games. We had street wide receivers. Right now our WR core seems worse on paper, but if Matthews can stay healthy and Jones can keep looking like he has in the preseason I don't know how much of a step down our WR core will really be. Like the QB I think it's another wait and see. Powell might be a welcome addition after week 4.


    TEs: Better, no? Seems there will be a focus on getting them the ball and O'Leary has another year and looks good and Thomas looks like a promising prospect.


    OL: Worse to begin the season with questions surrounding Glenn and RG and RT, but I suspect both will be solidified relatively quickly. Just gotta hope Glenn stays healthy.


    K: BETTER!!!


    Punter: Same


    Coverage: I honestly have no clue


    DL: Sure did operate a lot better under a 4-3 than a 3-4, didn't it? Yeah there are questions but Kyle doesn't seem to be slowing down and it sounds like Hughes and Lawson will be really good in this D. Marcel is so freaking talented let's just hope he "buys in." Yarborough looks like a promising backup among others.


    LBs: Not a clue honestly but sounds like Brown will be a lot better. Lorax was a gem last year and if he's nearly as good it just means good things.


    CB: Brand new defense so can we maybe wait to freak out? White looks great. Gaines is a strong zone CB and that's what we're running. Same with Wright. Josh Norman thrived in this system that ultimately made him a star... not nearly as good now in a new system in Washington, is he?


    S: Top heavy and not deep but I think Hyde and Poyer are better than what we had last year.



    Coaching: It's everything. If it's good, I think we win a lot. If not we lose. I know that sounds simple, but we saw gross incompetence at that spot in the last couple years in particular. I think we see better.



    I don't really make predictions, but I can't believe all the folks calling us a 4-12 team. Point to the schedule if you want I guess, but even that seems a little simple minded given the consistent inconsistency of teams in the NFL.


    The night is darkest before the dawn, folks. Dawn comes in less than a week :thumbsup:

    The make up of the team. lack of a competent back-up QB; I don't remember the OC ever working with David Webb , the coach/gm knowing webb doesn't make it a viable option for a offense coach/gm never experienced. You can't deplete areas of talent with out upgrading something. which this novice GM is good at doing it seams.

  15. https://www.buffalorumblings.com/2017/9/6/16252418/buffalo-bills-2016-2017-roster-rex-ryan-doug-whaley-brandon-beane-sean-mcdermott


    Here is the writers' summary of the comparison of 2016 and 2017 starting day rosters:


    QB: push

    RB: worse

    WR: worse

    TE: push

    OL: push

    DL: push

    LB: worse

    DB: worse

    K/P: better


    "In re-tooling the roster from 2016 to 2017 the Bills improved one unit, weakened four units, and held serve in four more. While general manager Brandon Beane can talk about winning now and winning later it is hard to look at the roster and take his words seriously. In weakening the running back and wide receiver units, Beane has made Tyrod Taylor’s job that much harder. Depleting the defensive backs unit may not make a huge impact given the defense McDermott favors. The linebacker unit on the other hand figures to cause major issues on the defensive side of the ball. In Beane’s defense, it is difficult to completely overhaul a defense in just one offseason.

    None of this is to suggest that Beane doesn’t have a plan or that he is sabotaging the Bills. The extra draft picks acquired in the Watkins and Darby trades, along with the extra 2018 first round pick added in the 2017 draft, have set up the Bills to improve the roster down the road."

    Not a bad article - but a few things are missing in the analysis -

    1. QB I think Peterman has the potential to be an upgrade over EJ, but let us leave it as a push for now.

    2. Having Shady in there - strange to say RB is worse. The team think tank felt comfortable enough releasing J. Williams and to go with Banyard and Jones. Are Banyard and Jones behind Tolbert and DiMarco really worse than Gillislee behind Felton? I think not!

    3. WR: Yes on paper Watkins >> Matthews, but that is assuming they both play the same number of games, no? Given the number of games Watkins suited for, I am not sure Matthews 2017 << Watkins 2016! And we knew Watkins was damaged at the start of last season! Also Jones cannot match Woods' production? Are you kidding me? I am going to bet (if there are no injury concerns) Jones has more than 51 rec for 613 yards. He will probably not block as well as Woods though. And Goodwin was the very definition of inconsistent. I am going to call this at least a push.

    4. DL: So with Dareus and Lawson and playing a 4-3 instead of a 3-4, that is a push? C'mon! We are way better on the Defensive Line (and that is without even factoring in Yarbrough).

    5. LB: Clearly the Brown combo couldnt contain Ajayi or Bell in a 3-4 last year. Notwithstanding that, we had no clue at the beginning of the season Zach Brown or Lorax would otherwise perform as well as they did. I feel more comfortable with Preston in a better scheme & Lorax - so I feel it is at least a wash.

    6. DB: Here I do believe we got worse on paper. The jury is still out on how White + Gaines will replace Gilmore / Darby. I dont think we got worse on the safeties tho - what with Aaron Williams' injury history - it was always going to be shaky last year.

    7. ST: Yes the kicker is better (Hauschka >> Carpenter), but the coordinator is the same and I did not see anything in the preseason to say the kickoff / punt teams are any better. I would rather call this a push!

    8. OL / TE: I agree it is a push (though I believe we are not worse since we have Dawkins and Logan Thomas, who we didnt have last year).

    So my summary:

    QB: push

    RB: push

    WR: push

    TE: push

    OL: push

    DL: Better

    LB: push

    DB: Worse

    K/P: push

    We appear to have an 8-8 roster which with a couple of breaks can go 10-6 and challenge for a playoff or with a couple of bad breaks go 6-10 and have a shot at a franchise QB! The extra draft picks are just the icing on the cake.

    The fans must agree unless someone buy up the tickets we will have our first opening day non sellout in 10 years . I guess we don't trust their process enough to sell out the stadium. I bet that get the owners attention

  16. Now that Tyrod will likely play on Sunday, it seems that this is the healthiest we have been to start a season in a very long time.


    Is this due to the revamped training staff? Just a coincidence?


    I guess you can try to slap lipstick on this pig of a team if you want.

    The Fans has spoken; we haven't had a first game non-sell out in a very long time.

    Look like the fans don't want to pay to trust the process of two people that don't have a clue on what they are doing.

    I hope Leslie Frazier can save them because the mcbeanny team is out of their element

    I'm looking forward to possible coaching and GM's candidates becoming available

  17. Young fans and 20 year old kids need to step off the curb and relax about this team. There is no such thing as instant satisfaction. You grow up over time and when you hit 80 years or so you end up knowing more than kids who want there things now or they get upset. I have seen what it means to work hard and enjoy rewards and thats what our coach and the manager are doing.


    There is a webpage i want to link here but it doesnt work and I wanted these younger guys to read it. Basic story is that you need to step off the curb and relax because this team will be fine in three or four years and then we'll have some good fun.


    I have to run to walgreens quick for some powder. I will finish my thoughts on this in a few minutes but just remember good things come to people who wait for them.

    Sorry buddy if you think getting rid of the young players replacing with older ones who are not as good is a good idea. I have Dick Jauron and Marv levy to send you as head coach and GM again,,,,,,If Whaley would have done any of this nonsensical crap we would be screaming at the top of our lungs . I guess we can be more patient when the incompetent look more like us...

  18. I disagree with that. If they go 4-12 or whatever they will get some good draft picks. They may actually finally get us a franchise QB and do a good job building the roster. Nobody knows yet. If they fook up the draft and then proceed to have another crap season then yeah they should be purged like the roster just was.


    This staff isn't trying to get us another 8-8 crap season. They aren't even trying to get us to barely a wild card one and done. They are trying to build a team that can compete for many years to come. The purge is necessary to that. Although I do agree they are doing it bass ackwards. I am at least willing to give them a few years to see what they do and not just one off season of dumping low grade players.

    I am not willing to give a few years to some front office and coaching novice to get rid of talent. If this was a true purge you would not have Vlad, Mills or Tolbert on the roster all old players would be gone ie: K Williams or Woods. This is something stupid its easy to get rid of anyone its hard to add talent something this regime has not been able to do

  19. No, not even a little bit.

    Well you should ...... because this group don't have a clue

    I disagree with that. If they go 4-12 or whatever they will get some good draft picks. They may actually finally get us a franchise QB and do a good job building the roster. Nobody knows yet. If they fook up the draft and then proceed to have another crap season then yeah they should be purged like the roster just was.


    This staff isn't trying to get us another 8-8 crap season. They aren't even trying to get us to barely a wild card one and done. They are trying to build a team that can compete for many years to come. The purge is necessary to that. Although I do agree they are doing it bass ackwards. I am at least willing to give them a few years to see what they do and not just one off season of dumping low grade players.


  20. A lot seem to be implying Beane and McDermott have NO CHANCE of succeeding.


    Me, not having a crytsal ball, I don't know but thet certainly have my attention.


    Anyway, for those that do have the crystal ball and have rubbed it and saw the Bills sucking until these two are gone.....state it here. Don't skirt around the issue. You know who you are.


    Have the crystal balls enough and say it in this thread.

    If you are asking my Crystal Ball if the tiny twins will be replaced over/under 4 yrs

    I am taking the under guessing 2 years .





    Bean/Dermitt do not have a clue or an eye for talent If you bring your own they better be young and up and coming .....has he traded crap for an all pro player ---answer is No ( I don't see a Jerry Hughes on the horizon from this GM) Is he getting rid of old players with bloated contracts that's been with the Bills more than 4 yrs answer again is No.( Why is Woods or K Williams still be on the team when you are starting something new---- they may have been part of the 17 yr problem) If you was so worried about culture you get rid of the old (roster 4 yrs and up) and keep the young players like what Cleveland is doing.....

    The Bills was so worried about the past scouting dept really. Beane scouting dept just told us that Vlad Duccasse is a viable guard really......

    Don't get me started on Jordan Mills this scouting dept said he was having a strong camp on what planet.......

    Anquain Bolden 37 they signed Jeremy Maclin 27 better receiver GM couldn't do his job and reel him in after a 2 day visit.

    Tolbert do we need a 35 yrs old back because he is friends with the coach really I've seen this crap before .

    Ask Chip Kelly if culture/system is a winning formula No its the ability to acquire talent without giving away your own.... This regime don't have a clue

  21. I get some of what you are saying but I just don't get why anyone would be so down on a new regime coming in and wanting their own people throughout the organization....on and off the field.


    It seems as if so many here are basically shitting all over Beane and McDermott before even giving this a chance.

    Because Bean/Dermitt do not have a clue or an eye for talent If you bring your own they better be young and up and coming .....has he traded crap for an all pro player ---answer is no( I don't see a Jerry Hughes on the horizon from this GM) is he getting rid of old players with bloated contracts that's been with the Bills more than 3 yrs answer again is no.( why would Woods or K Williams still be on the team when you are starting something new---- they may have been part of the 17 yr problem) If you was so worried about culture you get rid of the old(roster 4 yrs and up) and keep the young players like what Cleveland is doing..... the Bills was worried about the past scouting dept really. Beane scouting dept just told us that Vlad Duccasse is a viable guard really......Jordan Mills this scouting dept said he was having a strong camp on what planet....... Anquain Bolden 37 they signed Jeremy Maclin 27 better receiver GM couldn't do his job and reel him in after a 2 day visit. Tolbert do we need a 35 yrs old back because he is friends with the coach really I've seen this crap before . Ask Chip Kelly if culture/system is a winning formula No its the ability to acquire talent without giving away your own.... This regime don't have a clue

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