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Posts posted by RyanC883

  1. They will resign their own players and work on extensions for some others who have deals expiring in the next year. Nix said they want to keep their own good players. Read this write up on the 49ers plan. This is the same type plan Nix has said he will use to build the team:





    Still, Nix better add a FA or two. We don't have many "good" players on this team. It's a bunch of average players with a few players with one good year under their belt. We need some proven players, particularly at TE and OLB if we will compete next year.

  2. I think these two guys are the most intriguing players on the team heading into the new season. Will Steve Johnson build off of his success from last year and have a great season? Will CJ Spiller bounce back from a disappointing rookie campaign and be a difference maker?


    Personally I think they're both going to go off and next year we'll be talking about them as the two biggest play makers on the team.



    I agree and like the optimisim. I also think that other players will come out of nowhere and shine!

  3. Go Pens!! :thumbsup: (and Bills) Sorry, had to as a Bills/Pens fan. In all seriousness, the Sabers successes, which they will have with the new owner, will not do anything to effect pressure on the Bills. In fact, if the Sabers win the Cup, people may care less about the Bills. A similar thing happened in Pittsburgh. While the Steelers and Pens were winning, few cared about the Pirates. Now that the Pirates are winning, people are caring again. Winning cures all, and the amazing thing about Bills fans is that they are the best in the NFL hands down. 10 years with no playoffs and we still pack the place and care. No other team in pro sports has fans like us. So, I generally think most sports teams operate on their own, and that other teams in the City have little effect on them.

  4. It was an outrageous joke that high draft picks EVER made that money in the first place and how it ever came to happen is completely ridiculous. Imagine if you worked at a company for 15 years and succeeded at what you did, and some fresh graduate came in and made twice as much as you before he even put in a day's work, I have to say you would be outraged. I'm guessing that's the feeling the veterans had. Especially when some of these high picks don't pan out and contribute absolutely nothing for the millions of guaranteed cash they pocketed. This should have been fixed a long time ago.


    Well said. I will add exhibit 1, & 2: Mike Williams and Aaron Maybin.

  5. Actually this is good news for rookies, and everyone in the NFL and every NFL fan. If the Rookies perform, they will make more later in their carrear. This is really a no-brainer. Proven players deserve more than unproven rookies. Plus, the rookies will still make a ton of money, so it's not like they will be working two jobs like football players of the early years!

  6. I've been disappointed with Poz' play. Maybe that's due to the personnel in front of him, but I can't see re-signing him for huge bucks only to find out it was more him than anyone else. I think it might be time to part ways.



    I'd be upset. He makes tackles so far behind the line of scrimate becuase of the personnel (or lack thereof) in front of him. Also, the DC Edwards is the worst DC in the game. Let him have some time to play with Wanny and see what happens. All too often last year Edwards has Puz covering TE's--which is the job of a speedy outside LB, not an inside LB. I will be very upset if the Bills let him walk, unless he is asking for way too much money.

  7. Can you blame the guy? Goodell was targeting Harrison the entire year for lame hits. Sorry but that hit he had against us and Fitz was a vicious hit but it was clean. I don't know what the deal is. Harrisons comments about Polamalu is absolutely correct. Harrison and Polamalu are both hard hitting and vicious players. Harrison gets fined because he has an edge to his personality while Troy is mild mannered. So Troy gets away with more.


    Thats not right. Preach on Silverback !!!



    Harrison is an idiot. The guy has no idea how to tackle, so he spears people with his helmet. I live in Pittsburgh and watch a lot of Steeler games. He is an absoulte idiot, that's why he gets fined so much and so often. Troy knows how to tackle, and when he's not using his arms, leans in with his shoulder to make shoulder to shoulder contact. The hit on Fitz was dirty. Pick up a rule book. You're not allowed to spear with your head, plain and simple. It does not matter that he hit Fitz in the chest instead of the head. Although, it appears that Harrison has done the most damage to himself.


    If ANY of us went to the media, or even on Facebook, and called our bosses names and slurs, and accused co-workers of being on drugs... we'd be unemployed today.


    If Harrison doesnt like the NFL, he is free to find work elsewhere.


    I've left jobs because of scumbag bosses. He should man-up and do the right thing. Not go out like a B word.


    Well put. If he hates it so much, he should retire like he threatened to do last year. Instead here is a guy making millions whining about the few rules he has to abide by during games. Grow up....and while your at it, learn how to tackle.

  8. Let's keep this going we might get somewhere.


    I'll define what I mean and you can define what you mean. "More reliable expected results" refers to high performance, healthy players that are at the top of their game right now. Example: Tyson Clabo, Zach Miller, Kevin Boss etc. It is 95% likely that these players would come in and perform at their high if not probowl level. It means that they will continue to have the same qualitative and statistically quantitative performance they have had for the last few years.


    I have defined what I meant and given a percentage likelihood of them attaining that level of performance. Can you do the same for Merriman or will you just continue to say I am wrong whatever I say?


    And none of those players will be signed for 2.5 million a year. You simply cannot get a potential stud for that amount. At worst, Merriman ends up being an average LB, which is what you would get on the open mkt for what the Bills are committed to paying him. On the other hand, you also have someone who can be a stud.

  9. Valid points. By the way, I read an article where the Giants may pursue Puz. Let's see. A superbowl winning and successful franchise near NYC or Buffalo? Add MLB to the Bills long list of needs.






    Don't worry about Puz. He's from Pittsburgh, and that is MUCH closer to Buffalo than NYC. He is not lured by big cities such as NYC. He also went to Penn State, and his hero is Shane Conlon, which is why he wore his number at PSU. He's not going anywhere, esp. not the Giants.

  10. Well the article is total crap, and Bucky Brooks is certainly total crap, but the guy does know a thing or two about busts...



    Bucky Brooks


    Drafted by the Buffalo Bills in the second round of the 1994 NFL Draft, Bucky Brooks played for five different teams (Buffalo, Jacksonville, Green Bay, Kansas City and Oakland) in five NFL seasons. After his playing career was over in 1999, Brooks joined the Seattle Seahawks' pro personnel department as a regional college scout. He served in the same capacity for the Carolina Panthers from 2003-07, before joining CNNSI.com as a football analyst. He joined NFL.com in 2009.



    So after being drafted #48 overall in 1994, dude played for 5 teams in 5 years (primarily as a kick returner), then a couple of years each with both Seattle then Carolina as a regional college scout, then couldn't get another scouting gig for 2 years - and apparently didn't quite pan out at Sports Illustrated either - so ended up joining NFL.com as a blogger...


    Bucky Brooks was the Bills' second-round pick out of North Carolina in the 1994 NFL Draft, chosen No. 48 overall. (Jeff Burris was the team's first-round pick that year.) A speedy receiver with kick return ability, Brooks clearly did not pan out as a selection. He never caught an NFL pass, spent just one year in Buffalo, and then bounced around between Jacksonville, Green Bay, Kansas City and Oakland as a return specialist and defensive back until 1998, when his NFL career came to a close.


    (Link - Bills Draft Busts, No. 9: WR Bucky Brooks)



    I think what Nix did with the Merriman situation was appropriate - if he does return to pre-injury form, we have a 27-year-old 3-time Pro-Bowl OLB and dominant pass-rusher. If not, I see little downside to the deal Nix structured - we've certainly spent more than $2.5M on players that didn't pan out.


    Bucky must have been under a deadline to fill some column space when he filed that one...

    19 and 0 baby!!! B-)





    100% agree. We are not paying him much money--even if he is a backup he still knows how to play the game and can teach the younger guys. If he performs, he gets his deserved pay-day and the Bills have a dominant LB. There really is no debate that Nix did the right thing here. The Kelsay signing on the other hand.....

  11. Thanks for the link. Seems like a bad decision on his part though. He's only a 3 star recruit, and the 20th best player in Va. And he wasn't recruited by any "top" programs besides Va. Tech, who only gave him an offer because he's Bruce's son. Thus, he prob won't see much playing time at Va. Tech given those facts. If he wants to start, he should have picked Syracuse--a program on the rise that he could have started on and contributed to.

  12. Anybody see the reference that Aaron Williams is doing ranch work?


    I have done this as a teen on my grandfathers dairy....this is the type of work that biulds a lot of "country strong" type strength (see Aaron Schrobel who is undersized but was a terror on the field)


    A bit old school.....but if you want to get strong baling hay will do it.



    Should get our rookies out doing farm work in CNY and meeting some residents. Another good way to "regionalize" the team.

  13. does this impress you ?


    The Buffalo Bills say their annual excursions to Toronto are helping to grow their fan base in Southern Ontario.


    Bills Chief Executive Officer Russ Brandon told a crowd of fans Monday that the team continues to see concrete positive results from the five-year, eight-game deal it signed with Rogers Communications in 2008.


    "After three years of that experience, we've had a 44 percent increase in season-ticket holders from Southern Ontario to One Bills Drive," Brandon said. "That's been the key, how the fans come from there, back to Ralph Wilson Stadium, come to our community and keep our organization viable and strong. That is the key to that relationship."





    I believe him. I've seen a LOT more Canadians at games recently, and if you drive near the bridges to Canada after the game there is a huge line of traffic that takes a long time to get through. But, I would also like to see the Bills regionalize by playing a game perhaps in Rochester or the Carrier Dome. They also need to do a better job of tapping the CNY market.


    I'd rather see a new stadium be built on the north side of the city that make access easier for both Canadians and Rochester (and east) travelers. The current location needlessly add 45+mins drive for both those regions. Somewhere closer to the I-90 Tollbooths would be optimal....


    If we want a regional strategy then we need a regional location for the stadium, not moving home games to alternate sites. There is no business sense in the Toronto move unless it was say a Thanksgiving day game or something special like that. NFL networks game are NOT special and are in fact the WORST possible venue IMHO.



    Not a bad idea. (I don't like it driving from Pa), but it makes the most sense.

  14. Duff's=overrated anyway. At least 50 better places for wings in and around buffalo. They're closed and should be.



    No, they should not be closed. It's the 4th of July, and eating some of the best wings around is a great way to celebrate. I live in Pittsburgh, and there are only 2-3 places down here that even come close. But, I will check out Snyder Bar and Grill next time I'm in Buffalo!

  15. Kevin Boss would be nothing less than a perfect fit for this football team. His teammates named him "6'7" Kevin."

    Boss would walk onto the field and improve run blocking and pass protection. And, he is a clutch receiver. A throwback type to Pete Metz.

    Combine Boss, a RT (hopefully Trueblood), and Gailey, and the Bills just might have a credible offense. One thing I do know is that with those two, the Bills would not be losing 12 games.


    Of course I am dreaming, but it is a pleasant dream indeed.


    Hey, I agree. And this is the time of year to be optimistic! (now I just need my Pens to sign Jagr, who I fear is headed to Det).

  16. What makes you so sure the current regime knows what it's doing?

    The 4-12 season? The high profile coaching staff? Last year's draft? The rose colored glasses?



    The Chris Kelsay signing. haha. In all honesty I do trust this front office. They didn't reach for a QB this year in the draft and came away with solid players, they put in Fitz, now lets see if they can get a TE in FA that we really need.

  17. I have no predictions to offer, but will say that I wouldn't be all that shocked if there was another incident of some sort of deviant behavior.


    Sorry, but that's often the way this stuff works.


    Do you have a psychology degree, or minor, or anything that qualifies you to make that statement besides the fact that you perhaps watch too much Law and Order SVU? The only psychological evidence that is relevant to sexual predators (not those charged with "sex crimes") like Tony, is the fact that adults who rape and molest little children have high rates of recidivism. There is NO evidence that someone who had consensual sex (even with their sister) as minors therefore become sexual predators or commit other deviant behavior later in life. This is further proof of my above statement that people jump to unfounded conclusions once someone is charged with a "sex crime."

  18. Good luck to him. There are NFL players who have killed people, so you know, the fact he was given the cold shoulder was a little hypocritical.




    100% agree. Or committed DUI's, or hit people with their car. But utter the word "sex offender" and everyone gets crazy, even if the underlying offense was public urination. No one takes the time to find out what actually happened when someone has that label. If you read his story, he was treated unfairly and I don't the term "sex offender", as originally intended, fits what he did. Best of luck to him, and I hope to see him in a Bills uniform someday.

  19. That entire article is total garbage. LA had two teams, wound up being an epic fail. Once one team moves there, it also will fail, then they will not get another team.


    Also, when you combine Buffalo, Rochester, and Southern Ontario, you have around 8 MILLION people. That's a larger market than most NFL teams have. Perahps in the top 5. When people say "the Buffalo market is small" they are looking only at the City of Buffalo. If the team moved to Niagara Falls, it could more easily tap into the 8 million Canadians (many of whom already attend Bills games, just try crossing into Canada after a Bills game). The Bills market is not "small." Buffalo is small because NYS politicians have taxed most employers out of the region. But the Buffalo area (Rochester, Buffalo, Southern Ontario) is larger than most NFL markets. Sullivan is a hack.

  20. With the young recievers we have on our squad (Nelson,Easely,Jones etc) it really feels as though we are missing a reliable veteran presence. I'm a 50/50 guy on Evans and I think we've seen the peak of his career already. It'd be nice to have 2 veteran recievers to help these guys. I'd love to see more 4 to 5 reciever sets this year so why not bring in a Free Agent that has some reliable hands and routes to help the younger guys. Since the Bills are never going to sign a huge namer like Braylon Edwards or Vincent Jackson or Sidney Rice etc. I think you go for someone who is going to be a positive locker room guy. With that being said who do you think would be the best fit? IMO I like any one of these: Lots of options for vets this year though...


    Brian Finneran (ATL)

    Donte' Stallworth (BAL)

    TJ Houshmandzadeh (BAL)

    Mike Sims-Walker (JAC)

    Kevin Curtis (MIA)

    Hank Baskett (MIN)

    Greg Lewis (MIN)

    Lance Moore (NO)

    Johnnie Lee Higgins (OAK)

    Mark Clayton (STL)

    Maurice Stovall (TB)



    I like the idea in theory, but I don't see anyone in this group that I would take, unless they are cheap and we can ship Evans off for something good in return. Unlikely.

  21. In the sideline and premium club sections at RWS they do the same thing. We get our ticket scanned anytime we enter and leave, to keep the riff raff out. Since security already scans tickets at the gate to get in the stadium, they could easily scan people out if they wanted to go to the lots to smoke.



    They could, but that would ruin their Orwellian goal of forcing you to quit. If you want to quit (and you should) that is your personal decision.


    I don't see how this stops you from inhaling cigarette smoke. People lit up in the stands all the time, even though it was banned. This will just make more people do it. These people use the most addictive substance on Earth, and they already flaunt the rules in great number. This just makes that guy who had the courtesy to actually go to the designated area smoke in the stands or bathroom.


    The most ironic part, is that you will probably inhale more smoke after this rule than before.



    A very good point. This is a counterproductive rule.


    Got to agree with you Bill. Like I said I am not a smoker but smokers never bothered me in the stadium. They put it outside the concourse pretty much away from everything else. Sure you had 1 or 2 aholes smoking in the seats or outside the designated smoking area but guess what, when you get 70,000 people at one place your going to have that happen. My guess is it will still happen even with the new rules in place.


    The lots opened at 8am last year for the poster that thought they opened at 9.



    As other people have said, this will turn the bathrooms into smoking rooms. There is no way to enforce this. They could barley enforce the smoking area when only a few people were smoking in the seats. This will cause many problems for the Bills security staff, and actually increase the amount of 2nd hand smoke people are exposed to.

  22. I quit cold turkey last July, it was brutal but well worth it. I find that I enjoy sporting events much more when I am not rushing to the designated area to huff down a quick smoke. The only problem I have with open air stadiums banning it outright is that they can have a smoking area that does not interfere with non-smokers.


    I completely agree. I have never smoked, but if you want to smoke I'm all for your right to do it so long as I’m not inhaling the second hand smoke. In a stadium like the Ralph, I have never had a problem with the designated smoking areas. This is more about people trying to force others to quit or adopt their habits (like Prohibition) than anything to do with second-hand smoke health concerns. Shame on the Bills.

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