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Warren Zevon

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Everything posted by Warren Zevon

  1. Yes you do - how do you get here then? You are about defending your racism - just admit it tough guy.
  2. He repeated verbatim Headley's racist rhetoric and incited racial violence with those words.
  3. From the clown yelling #FLYNNDICATED!
  4. Does it matter? He repeated verbatim Headley's racist rhetoric and incited racial violence with those words.
  5. You already know why. Why was the reporter arrested on the spot for a non-violent act?
  6. Why was the black reporter arrested right away for a non-violent "crime"?
  7. A CNN reporter was arrested this morning for... reporting. Live and on camera. The cops are still free.
  8. Turns out Kap was right (but we all knew that). Trump and his propaganda machine echoing renowned racist Walter Headley - when the looting starts, the shooting starts What a sad day to be an American. We deserve a leader who respects the rights of all citizens.
  9. Happy birthday! I doubt you will need to be reminded but don't forget the ice cream.
  10. Grilled a pork tenderloin last night stuffed with goat cheese, sun-dried tomato, and capers. Not bad.
  11. True - we would be buried under them if we made a topic for every Tweet.
  12. Shut up and LEAD the country. Over 100k dead from Covid 19 Riots all over the country BUT WHAT ABOUT RUSSIA! Is there anyone more Karen than Donald trump?
  13. Facts don't change when someone else is in charge. What Trump said was not factual - period. As far as Mark Zuckerberg, he changed his tune today. He's on your side.
  14. You're a sad and angry man. I hope your family doesn't see this side of you.
  15. Jack should end Twitter until the election is over all together. Kind of like Brand Names. Sorry, just felt like retiring - time to close up shop.
  16. Been on here for two years longer than you and have 29,000 less posts. Must be a sunny day.
  17. If DR curb-stomped me and I died he would arrested on the spot before a medical examiner ruled on the manner of death.
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