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Warren Zevon

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Everything posted by Warren Zevon

  1. I have the same argument as Magox yet you rail at me because I am a liberal. You are a partisan clown.
  2. You asked me what Trump can do. I'm not trying to make the argument (though I believe it) you are painting me into making.
  3. Note - I did not say that. I think if Trump could give an honest admission that racism is still a problem in America and offer compassion for victims of race related crimes, it would be a step to ratchet down the protests, thus diffusing removing the excuse for idiots to loot.
  4. I think if Trump could give an honest admission that racism is still a problem in America and offer compassion for victims of race related crimes, it would be a step to ratchet down the protests, thus diffusing removing the excuse for idiots to loot.
  5. Address the nation with honesty and compassion
  6. The fact that you see these as the only two options says a lot about your partisanship. There is an insane amount of "in between" between those options where the right answer exists. Part of being a president is being criticized. It's time for Trump deal with whatever the consequences are and lead the country. He's a draft dodging coward who is also dodges his duty as president.
  7. Trump tweets and tweets while the country burns and encourages authorities to shoot civilians. Best president ever
  8. I know you're old, senile, and might be unsure of some of the technical terms below, but... 1. Right click link 2. Open in incognito window 3. Read WaPo
  9. There's evidence from the previous pages of your racist rhetoric. Sorry, nj tuff lol classic
  10. Careful - he'll libel you in his next post.
  11. No - just holding him responsible for racist rhetoric. Sure seems to trigger a lot of you Nah - might start a thread to post all the racist BS to call the racists out, though. Sorry to spoil but you'll be featured in that thread.
  12. Touche - you're definitely not reading his Tweets.
  13. This is incorrect. There is published evidence that does support that theory. Below is an example from last year from Rutger's University. https://www.pnas.org/content/116/34/16793 Here is the abstract. We use data on police-involved deaths to estimate how the risk of being killed by police use of force in the United States varies across social groups. We estimate the lifetime and age-specific risks of being killed by police by race and sex. We also provide estimates of the proportion of all deaths accounted for by police use of force. We find that African American men and women, American Indian/Alaska Native men and women, and Latino men face higher lifetime risk of being killed by police than do their white peers. We find that Latina women and Asian/Pacific Islander men and women face lower risk of being killed by police than do their white peers. Risk is highest for black men, who (at current levels of risk) face about a 1 in 1,000 chance of being killed by police over the life course. The average lifetime odds of being killed by police are about 1 in 2,000 for men and about 1 in 33,000 for women. Risk peaks between the ages of 20 y and 35 y for all groups. For young men of color, police use of force is among the leading causes of death. He's lying or a moron. Or both.
  14. Don't worry DR is on the case. He'll have a thesis by noon PST.
  15. Good idea - let's pretend the riots are sprouting out of thin air
  16. Good point - time for Trump to (as NJ Tuff would say) shut the fvck up.
  17. Keep defending your boy Trump until your dying day - almost as heroic as your hero, Ronald Reagan. It's okay to say what Trump said was wrong.
  18. Or this one, right? These THUGS are dishonoring the memory of George Floyd, and I won’t let that happen. Just spoke to Governor Tim Walz and told him that the Military is with him all the way. Any difficulty and we will assume control but, when the looting starts, the shooting starts.
  19. Of course - he's the current president and he repeated a historical racist verbatim. If bringing that up triggers you (Obviously it does - you're screaming about Obama), you're a racist
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