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Everything posted by envirojeff

  1. There's a good possibility that I may be headed to Pensacola for use in relief efforts. I'm a government employee and volunteered assistance. I'll keep you posted. Jeff
  2. I've noticed that this is your responce to every post Jeff
  3. I was suprized to! I thought he played well. I'll be watching him in MN Jeff
  4. I hate to be negative but, this is the 4th preseason game! Everyone knows the system, do some research? this procedure has been gone over time and time again! Jeff
  5. Just got word that some gas stations will if my area of FLA as early as tonight. Jeff
  6. Thanks! I had it but it wont play and I need a fresh copy. Jeff
  7. All coaches are given the same script - Reporter "Coach, how do you think your team did in the first half?" Coach "Well, we didn't play good O/D/ST (circle one..or any combo) in the first half. We need to make adjustments and play better in the second half." Reporter "Thanks for the time coach, good luck." Blah...blah...blah I agree with you, waste of time! Jeff
  8. Just go ahead and drink the grape kool-aid! PLEASE Jeff
  9. OK, you got me Webster! I just hope that D. McNabb can get into the HOF because he does a great job with those Chunky Soup adds Jeff
  10. Please remove this carpetbagger from the SW. Jeff
  11. AHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I just saw a ghost!!!!!!!!! Jeff
  12. We should all understand that he's loving every minute of this! He's finally getting the attention that he so dearly longed for! Jeff
  13. I wonder if, in the end, he sucome to a bad case of - tainted meat in the can - ?? Jeff
  14. I've been around long enough to remember when he was just a tenderloin.... Jeff Good riddens
  15. I agree with you, we never get any run! This shouldn't be a suprize to anyone who's been a Bills fan for a few years! I really don't read anyone. Those who write good about the Bills are mostly homers and those that trash the Bills are mostly everyone else. I do my own research from many different sources. Jeff
  16. Buftex, what a ridiculous post. Of course they will pick him out of a crowd, he's constantly on TV hocking something!! Your making my point Jeff
  17. I really like the "No Huddle" show. I got flamed hard for posting, after the first week, that I liked it. Somethings better that nothing. Jeff
  18. No, but the Texans scare the crap out of me!!! Jeff
  19. IMO i have always thought that the hall is for players and coaches to a MUCH lesser degree. There are a handfull of coaches that belong in there that are icons, Madden IMO is far from an icon. Jeff And whoever said that the NFL films founders should be in is crazy!
  20. 80 -20 Bills, but I did order the Centre Ice package Jeff
  21. GIVE ME A BREAK!! If it wasn't for his Jabba-the-Hut ass all over the TV running his yap about everything from foot powder to hardware, he wouldn't get a second look. Jeff
  22. Well this one should be somewhat weeker than anything thus far. I wonder if we can send this to Cincy around midnight, let Suckin...Oh, sorry Stuckin... deal with it! Jeff
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