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Everything posted by GR8PRKN

  1. Yeah the Toronto Bills doenst not flow.....
  2. Link I am sure we all know how the Bills are the Bills, but here ya go.... The Bills nickname was suggested as part of a fan contest in 1947 to rename Buffalo’s All-America Football Conference team, which was originally known as the Bisons.
  3. I don's see it. They Like Bell and have stuck by him all year, draft preseason and now......
  4. i was thinking that as well. All you heard last year was how TO mentoring JH and it did not show this summer...
  5. I hope it stays at six weeks. I beleive he needs a tough lesson taught to him. RG should have said it is six weeks and if your a perfect citizen and do all the rehab and show your on the right track it will not be bumped to 8 weeks.
  6. I think after listening to Chans presser this am he sticks Low on the chart but he makes it and it up to him to move up.....
  7. I think it is hard to evaluate him when he was running for his life back there. The line did him no favors, C Edwards A- B+ Fitz B-
  8. Mellman? Any ideas or are we sol for the rest of the game?
  9. Ellison was the LB covering the Patriots TE last year when he scored 2 touchdowns to win on MNF.....
  10. I hated him ... Do you remeber the Love Fest the had for him when he returned from the steroid induced stroke (IMO) against the Bills, that was a painful night for Bills fans
  11. Cox is up there.. Pretty Boy Brady and the Hoodie are probably higher now..... F the Pats
  12. Exactly, I not sure I have seen it but are we not going to run some 4-3 sets as well?
  13. The Rodgers Stadium looks new.... The Ralph is paid for, and Tax dollars are spent to upgrade it yearly. We have dicussed this severeal times, this is one of the reasons the bills are able to compete in a small market. I would love a new stadium but I don't see it happening for a while even if we get a owner that keeps the team here in WNY.
  14. Im not sure it is that, There are a lot of people on thoose teams now that will not be on the 53 man roster, I would not be surprised if guys like Moats and Ellis and Nelson are some of our big special teamers... I know they have been dreadful to watch but theese are not fuly assemled teams that we will see against the Phins
  15. Gotta give Nelson the Nod, I dont think J Hardy will be long in buffalo
  16. Do you think they will move him over to the RT or will he be the swing? I guessing swing untill one side falls apart..
  17. Not to mention they put the percetages up on the screen for you to see the odd of winning.....
  18. My buddy and I both said Thurman.. On the scrren play last night...
  19. Yeah Buttler leaving the game really left a huge hole....
  20. I doubt it.. I dont think he will see the feild much on D for this team but I see him sticking with the final 53...
  21. Am I right to assume that this is how you watch all games and tv? So you dont need direct tv? If so we need to talk!
  22. I was surprised how poor he played last night. I thought he would have the rust knocked off by now. Lets hope he does by Week 1. Honestly we dont have a lot waiting in the wings to replace him
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