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Posts posted by downunderbill

  1. Not sure of the cap situation but are you comparing 2 EJ years to one Cassel year? If you keep Cassel over EJ, unless the bills cut him off decide not to resign him at the end of the year, he won't be playing for free next year.

    In my uneducated opinion it makes sense to pay EJ for two years because I think he is a very decent backup QB vs 2 years of a Cassel contract or a year of Cassel and a 2nd year of some other QB. I'm sure the Bills could use the money elsewhere.

  2. Interesting, how did NFL become popular down under?

    Its been quite popular for a long time, not sure when it started. The first game I ever saw was the bills and giants Superbowl when i was 12 years old and was quite taken by the big spectacle that is the superbowl. I remember vividly the bills players holding hands on the sideline waiting for that infamous kick and a bills fan I became. I think its been long enough to shake any bandwagon title.


    A few Australians have and currently play in the NFL, mainly punters because in Aussie football booming kicks are the norm. Darren Bennett was a top Aussie rules player and became the chargers punter for many years and Sav Rocca is punting in the league for the jets I think. Jesse Williams was drafted a couple of years ago but he wasn't a crossover.


    Not sure if Jaryd Haynes will be very good when he's playing against players that have played their whole lives with instinctive skills but good on him for trying. Maybe he can make a few million before they work out he sucks.

  3. What is the fascination with Ryan Mallett? Besides having a big arm, he has done nothing to speak of in the NFL - even in pre-season. The Pats thought so little of him that they drafted his replacement last year and dumped him off to Houston for (I think) a lousy 6th round pick.


    If Houston thinks he has potential to be a good starter, they'll spend good money to keep him.

    I think he has potential and don't think 3 games and some preseason games is enough to dismiss him, as much as I don't think 14 games is enough to dismiss EJ. That and no available QB's really fill me with confidence.


    The pats have been drafting/hiring and trading Brady's backups for years, Sometimes they get a good pick sometimes it's bad, but they don't seem to offer QB's a deal beyond their rookie contract. They may as Brady nears retirement but it hasn't been a priority in the past.


    Again this is just my opinion and I could be way of base.

  4. To be fair, I strongly believe this board is better without timmay - and I'm normally a huge fan of people that bring unique perspective like an actual reporter. JW gets treated far different than TG and there's a good reason


    And great finish! Congrats on the kiddo.

    I get that. And thanks.

    I'm still stunned by the responses in this thread... Ralph wasn't abused, and I didn't see anyone being an internet tough guy towards him (unless I missed it / those posts were deleted). The subject and content Ralph posted about was put under scrutiny, not Ralph himself. For those who don't know the difference, go see the Skooby threads.

    I was thinking more in general as opposed to just the RI thread. I don't post very often but read TBD on a daily basis for news and educated opinions. I have read plenty of abusive posts because of varying opinions that drive people away, I.e. a couple of media identities that no longer post here.

    Sure there are trolls and provocateurs (I remember Mr BMW), as is with every site, but completely ignoring them kind of destroys their agenda.


    Actually ignore what I'm saying, I became a dad recently and just realised I am starting to sound like it.


    If we got a "hey I don't post often and this is my first lead on some inside info thanks to some of the changes with the team.... I hear the bills are in the process of vetting RI and if things check out he will be signed in the coming week" would've played differently

    In the same line of thinking why can't people challenge it respectfully without immediately jumping to internet tough guy mode because of how a post is worded, 5000 posts or not.

  7. I'd love to get a QB but anyone worth their salt is probably not going be available for trade or in FA in this QB starved league. With the QB situation in the league I find it impossible to believe that teams are willing to part with good QB's. Hopefully there is a mid to late round gem that gets it. The Bills are due for some luck in that department.

  8. Now that's a typo. And I don't call names on the Internet, it's childish.


    Must say I'm shocked anyone from Buffalo knows the difference between to and too.... Proud of y'all

    Not many people from anywhere seem to know the difference between the words then and than anymore. Or my favourite, the phrase "I could care less", essentially saying you do care, which in the context it's used is an immediate contradiction of what is being said.

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