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Posts posted by downunderbill

  1. I don't think the Bills necessarily need Schwartz back, Rex needs to suck up his pride and look at what's worked in the past. Dont good coaches (e.g. the morally corrupt coach that shall not be named) scheme to the talent they have and not force a scheme.


    Same could be said for the offense, let TT play the way he feels comfortable and not force him to stay in the pocket. He needs to much time and the OL can't give it to him. Rather have him move from the pressure and throw or tuck and run if he needs to and good things will happen.

  2. 34-14 Bills. 8 penalties. The Bills bounce back as they did after the patriots game.

    I'm not sure, but there's something about her...



    ...and if they're feeling her there may be some suspensions involved.

    I hear she had a thing with Brett Favre, who unsurprisingly, should never have between allowed to act. Ever.

  3. I'm a little nervous. As much as I think the Bills can and will win it, I can remember the many times I've ended up disappointed. I know it's only the second game of a long season but this is probably the one game in the Bills schedule that I just really want a good win.

    Maybe it's just that after so long I want confirmation that this year IS different and I can just imagine the Brady feeling all smug if they pull it off.

  4. I live in Australia and the NFL has been popular here for years. I have followed the Bills since I first saw a game at 12 years old and I'm 37 now. Mostly bandwagon fans in oz though, most people you speak to are patriots, sea hawks and now 49ers fans. Then again I started as a bandwagon fan as well. The first game I ever watched was the Bills vs the Giants in that infamous Superbowl. I remember the Bills players looking on in despair at that last kick and thinking I hope they win it next year. Like to think after 25 years I've shaken the bandwagon thing though.

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