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Everything posted by mrags

  1. Bitcoin? Hell, I’m holding 59m Shiba right now.
  2. I believe they said it will make all levels feel closer. I’d expect a taller more impressive looking stadium. Like Met Life with multiple levels stacked on top of one another.
  3. I won’t get into specifics here. I know how much all of those guys are loved around here. Kelly and Reeds exploits of the 90s are in record tho to back up my opinions. I’ve got serious terrible stories about both from other people I know and trust though, as well as my own personal contacts with them. ive met countless Bills in my lifetime. There was a time where I would go to any autograph signing or public meet and greet as possible. Have countless autographed material to show for it. And these 3 take the cake for me for the 3 biggest POS I’ve ever met that were famous sports players.
  4. Brian Moorman Jim Kelly Andre Reed all absolute @$$holes. I wouldn’t piss on them if they were on fire.
  5. I fixed IT. Yeah sorry. Not happening. I’m not gonna send you a pic of me so you can pleasure yourself to emo pics. It’s not my fault you’re a sick freak
  6. So sad. So true. should have been downtown where IT could do some good. Instead the 3 bars in OP and Tim Hortons on the corner of Southwestern and Abbott will reap all the benefits.
  7. And….. our RBs suck. BOOOOOOOM!!!!! Breece Hall thread
  8. This is exactly the thing that Mike Schoop would do. Just to hear people talking about him. Anything to stroke his….. ego. smooth move Mike, but I’m on to you.
  9. It’s TBD for either day. I don’t remember there being a sat night game. But more on the idea of a 4pm sat game I’d think. But that game can be flexed to any time slot in either day I believe. If it’s for the division, I fully expect it to be a Sunday 8pm game. Im just not sure it’ll be for the division. I don’t think Miami is nearly as good as their record or the hype they are getting. I’d guess they hit some reality soon.
  10. I would guess if Miami is still within a game or 2 of us, that game will be flexed to a night game. It’ll likely be for the division at that point. All assuming that neither team chokes throughout the year.
  11. It’s TBD on date and time
  12. Easy answer is our RBs absolutely suck. They have no vision, no elite speed, no special abilities that separate them from JAGs. When we get an actual good RB we will excel.
  13. They just seem to be so strong and so deep at the spot now. I could see them playing with 4 or 5 CBs along with 1 Safety in certain situations.
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