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Posts posted by Leonidas

  1. D. Nelson, Easley, Huggins injured so far. Their wr corps was iffy going in.


    I'd like to see them offer up a low round pick, get somebody in camp now to get the player needed practice with the quarterbacks.


    Please. Two undrafteds and a 4th round rookie get hurt and we're in trouble at the position? Evans is established, Johnson is young, hungry, and talented (and appears to be establishing himself as the #2), Roscoe can certainly play the slot. Are you telling me that between Hardy and the rest of the crackerjacks we have at the position we can't fill out the roster at WR? Let Evans, Johnson, and Roscoe get the majority of the PT and let Hardy compete. We've got far more holes to fill than WR2, not even counting QB and LT. Have you looked at our defense? Or our pass rush specifically??

  2. Watching the game on DVR right now. Moats does look really bad, honestly. First game, maybe, but not goo. Same for Woods and Reggie Corner. Aaron Maybin also looks completely outmatched (shocker, I know). I didn't know our defense was this bad. Maybe it'll come together when our starters are in there...I dunno. This doesn't look good. We still don't have a pass rush and Greg Ellis seems far too slow to play LB, and yet again we're taking stupid penalties. Sorry, this post is all over the place, I know.

  3. I wondered when you would crawl out form under your rock. As usual you judge a post by the messenger not the message. Let it go buddy. Still sore from the last verbal beat down you got? LOL.


    Building through the draft when you resign your star players and supplement them with quality free agents IS a great way to build a team. Continually restocking the same positions over and over because you don't want to pay market value for the talent you developed and bringing in lower budget free agents that you over pay IS NOT!!


    You should take a minute to read what someone has to say instead of skimming and assuming you disagree because the most important thing to you is the name of the poster.


    You mean the "verbal beatdown" in that last thread where you exposed yourself as an idiot and were called as much by other posters? Oh yeah, still sore as hell from that one.


    I have to give you credit. Your arguments are all over the map yet you have no qualms arguing your points - no matter how wrong, illogical, or insane they may be - to the nth degree. You say "Building through the draft when you resign your star players and supplement them with quality free agents IS a great way to build a team" which, by all accounts, is not what the OP is saying at all. In fact, that statement I think we all agree with. But it directly contradicts (no surprise there, considering your history here) what the OP is trying to say.


    And I'm not sure I should even address this, but "judge a post by the messenger?" I've never confronted CT on one of his posts before, so that doesn't really apply. But generally you are on the wrong side of an issue (or at a minimum the wrong side of logic), so it's a pretty fair assessment to say that if you agree, maybe one should re-examine their point of view.



    Modrak must go. How many drafts will we have to go through before this is done? With the exception of E. Wood, last years draft is not looking any better.


    That's where you lost me. Aside from Maybin, I think we had a great draft last year. Wood, Levitre, Byrd, and Nelson were all great picks IMO. The problem is, we needed to hit on Maybin and we missed. Big.


    The Patriots have drafted horribly over the past few years.


    a) That's not true, although people here love to say it. The 2007, outside of Meriweather, was a horrible draft for them. 2008 treated them pretty well with Jerod Mayo, two potential starting CB's, and special teams star Matt Slater in the 7th. 2009 they got a starting LT at the end of the second round along with some potential ballers like Pat Chung, Darius Butler, and Ron Brace. They even got firebug Julian Edelman in the 7th.

    b) I think you proved yourself wrong. The Patriots haven't had those amazing drafts like 2005 when they hit on Logan Mankins, Ellis Hobbs, Nick Kazcur, James Sanders, and Matt Cassell in the 7th, but they have also been on the decline not winning a Super Bowl in six years. Coincidence?

  4. And you, as usual, contribute nothing other than your sour, abrasive, rotting personality...


    Wah wahhhh. Doesn't change the fact that you come off as not just bitter in this post, but moronic for thinking you can build a an NFL franchise purely through free agency. Let me know how that works out. You still haven't refuted any of the posters I mentioned and you haven't named one successful franchise that's done it poorly. Would you like me to show you how wrong you are or have the aforementioned posters handed you your ass enough for one day??

  5. Reminds me a Jevon Snead. He shouldnt come out this year.


    I've read that before. How are they similar? Wasn't Snead supposed to be a first round pick and tanked his last season and went undrafted?


    Are you aware that the Bills haven't had a quality OL unit since the Polian era? Are you aware that the Bills haven't established another franchise qb since the Kelly era? If that doesn't qualify as one of the dumbest front office's then I don't know what does? If you are not convinced about the caliber of performance of the front office then look at its drafting record and W/L over the past decade.


    Don't you think that once LT is addressed (presumably in next year's draft, hopefully high) we'll have a pretty solid OL? The interior is solid, and you have to think ONE of those guys we signed/drafted will become a serviceable RT.

  6. looking at the QBs for next yr, I dont consider Locker or Luck. All indications are that Luck will return to stanford, and Locker, IMO, has way too much leverage having already signed a MLB contract. IMO, locker is most likely to "elway" the bills if we were to draft him.

    With that said, Mallett is basically a bledsoe clone, and if you thought clausen was cocky, you wont like Mallett.


    I'm looking at Ponder, the kid from texas A&M, Nathan Enderel from Idaho, and Ricki Stanzi from Iowa


    I hear Mallett is a Derek Anderson-clone. Blech.


    Heard good things about Ponder, but never heard much of those other guys. Certainly wouldn't seem like first round material...especially where we're going to pick.


    You think he'd leave all the guaranteed money on the table that comes with being a high pick in the NFL draft? He was a 10th-round selection in the MLB draft; the No. 1 overall choice, Bryce Harper, "only" got $10 million total, so obviously Locker doesn't stand to make that much with his initial contract with the Angels. Financially, he'd be much better off joining the Bills than the Angels.


    Perhaps. Let's see what happens with the CBA first. Could be comparable to MLB in terms of a rookie scale. But I suppose his $300,000 contract with the Angels can't compare to a top-3 contract in the NFL, irrespective of the new CBA.

  7. I'm sorry, but this is a really stupid thread. You build through the draft and supplement through free agency. Your points are all conjecture while TheBandit27, SJBF, and Thurman#1 bring up legitimate counterpoints that shoot down your notion of building through free agency (ask Daniel Snyder how that's been working). When PDaddy is your only ally, you should know you're in trouble.

  8. Since it seems pretty likely a) we don't have our franchise QB on our roster at the moment and b) we should have a pretty high draft pick, can anybody who regularly watches college football shed some light on the top QB prospects for next year?



    #1 Jake Locker, QB, Washington - Scouting Report

    Height: 6-3. Weight: 223.

    Projected 40 Time: 4.59.

    Projected Round (2011): Top 5 Pick.

    3/29/10: Jake Locker took a huge risk going back to school. If he gets hurt or if scouts notice something wrong on film, his stock could drop dramatically. For now, he's the No. 1 quarterback prospect in the 2011 class. Perhaps he should follow Sam Bradford's example and take the entire 2010 season off.


    With no help around him, Locker threw for 2,800 yards, 21 touchdowns and 11 interceptions in 2009.


    10/2/09: From Matt's 2010 NFL Draft Stock page: I have watched three quarters of film so far on the USC-Washington matchup. Locker has average arm strength, but he has great mechanics and has some upside with his athleticism. A few times he was inconsistent. I was impressed with Locker because of his poise under pressure and accuracy. He missed the slot receiver once who was wide open for a touchdown on a skinny post. Instead of going through his progression reads he just zoned in on his tight end.


    Early in the first quarter on 3rd-and-6, the flaker ran a hitch route and had five yards of separation. Locker hesitated and didn't make a throw. He has time to correct this, and I think he has some talent, but he doesn't have elite talent like Mark Sanchez or Matthew Stafford. Locker will likely stay for his senior year, and he does have first-round potential down the road.




    #2 Andrew Luck**, QB, Stanford

    Height: 6-4. Weight: 235.

    Projected 40 Time: 4.80.

    Projected Round (2011): Top 5 Pick.

    3/29/10: A redshirt sophomore in 2009, Andrew Luck will be eligible for the 2011 NFL Draft. He was very impressive as a first-year starter, compiling 2,575 yards, 13 touchdowns and four picks on an 8.9 YPA and a 56.3 completion percentage.


    #3 Ryan Mallett*, QB, Arkansas - Scouting Report

    Height: 6-7. Weight: 238.

    Projected 40 Time: 5.05.

    Projected Round (2011): Top 15 Pick.

    3/29/10: At 6-7 with a massive arm, Ryan Mallett looks like a franchise quarterback. His 2009 numbers (3,624 yards, 30 TDs, 7 INTs, 9.0 YPA) will tell you that as well. He's a bit raw and needs to work on decision-making, but he could easily leapfrog Jake Locker on this list next year.


    11/7/09: As a redshirt sophomore, there's a good chance Ryan Mallett declares because of a possible rookie payscale in 2011. He has enormous upside, but is very raw and unpolished. Think Joe Flacco without the playing experience.


    7/24/08: Interesting that Ryan Mallett goes from one scumbag (Rich Rodriguez) to another (Bobby Petrino). As a redshirt freshman, Mallett threw seven touchdowns and five picks, but maintained a meager completion percentage of 43.3 in relief of Chad Henne. Mallett has tons of potential to be an effective pocket passer, but he has absolutely no mobility.


    #4 Christian Ponder, QB, Florida State

    Height: 6-3. Weight: 220.

    Projected 40 Time: 4.72.

    Projected Round (2011): Top 25 Pick.

    3/29/10: Christian Ponder finished the year with 2,718 yards, 14 touchdowns and seven interceptions on a YPA of 8.2 and impressive 68.8 completion percentage.


    11/7/09: A slightly better version of Tony Pike; his arm strength isn't very good, but he's a smart and accurate quarterback.


    #5 Terrelle Pryor*, QB, Ohio State

    Height: 6-6. Weight: 235.

    Projected 40 Time: 4.42.

    Projected Round (2011): 1-2.

    3/29/10: Battling inconsistency issues, Terrelle Pryor threw for 2,087 yards, 18 touchdowns and 11 interceptions, but suffered a decline in completion percentage (56.5) and YPA (7.1). He struggled as a sophomore, but the upside is there.


    8/5/09: As a true freshman, Terrelle Pryor threw for 1,311 yards, 12 touchdowns and four picks, maintaining a completion percentage of 60.2 and a YPA of 7.9. Pryor has played a decent amount under center in an offense that runs pro-style routes.

  9. He kinda drifted away.


    IRRC, he said he was ok with a back-up role, so he got batted around in the press and by the fans.


    Honestly, can you blame him? Making a few million each year holding a clipboard in sunny San Diego, California while preserving your body for life after football?? Sign me up.

  10. Bravo camels toe and exactly why Brohm fans need to have some patients, Brian Brohm is coming along nicely, but the O-line is a work in progress.


    Captain Check down/Glove wearing Mary has the quickest release mechanism in the NFL and by most accounts his brains have already been scrambled.


    So let TE take on the woes and growing pains of the new offense,


    Brian Brohm's time will probably come soon enough...


    Here we go again.


    First, there are very few Brohm 'fans.' Most of the lemmings are just people desperate for good QB play and sick of what we have seen so far. Brohm has shown *nothing* in the NFL to warrant any fans. Second, again, you say he's "coming along nicely" as if that statement has any merit and you've been watching him progress through his first few years in the league or even his last eight months with the team. Since neither are true I can only assume you've been taking the Chan Gailey soundbites like so many others and stretching them out further than they were meant for.


    Brett Favre recent enough for you?


    Brett Favre didn't flame out in Atlanta. It's not like GB demanded a 2nd round pick for Brohm; we got him for the league minimum (or close to it) giving up nothing in compensation. Apples and oranges.


    Speaking of 'talking out of one's ass'...


    The Green Bay Packers signed 2008 second-round pick QB Brian Brohm to their practice squad on Sunday.


    A league source said one of the reasons why Brohm passed through waivers unclaimed was because he carried a partial base salary guarantee on his contract.




    BTW, one of the reasons Brohm was placed on waivers/practice squad to begin with is that, for some strange reason, the Packers decided to go with only 2 QBs and carry 6 RBs that season. Clearly, the Packers wanted Brohm - they guaranteed part of his contract and then tried to match the Bills offer - and gambled big time trying to hide him on their practice squad because Rogers and Flynn had the #1 and #2 spots locked up.


    By almost every scouting report, Brohm - who was a Heisman candidate and projected as the #1 overall pick by at least one scouting report in 2007 before opting to remain in college - is clearly the most promising QB prospect currently on the Bills roster. Ferchrissakes, let's see what the kid still has before writing him off just because GB's front office screwed up.


    Give me a break, Senator. Talk about reaching. They "screwed up"? As if Ted Thompson can't sleep anymore because of the one he let get away. They "clearly wanted him"...as the #3 QB behind 7th rounder Flynn. Stop attaching false hopes to him due to a three year old college scouting report.


    But kudos to Brohm for eschewing Green Bay's filthy lucre, and instead recognizing the opportunity that existed in Buffalo among the wretched refuse that is Trent Edwards and Ryan Fitzpatrick.


    ...and yet this amazing talent can't get to the top of the wretched refuse pile. What does that say about him?


    I think you are a bust if you have had a chance to play and have stunk up the joint. You aren't really a bust if you are drafted onto a team with other good/great players at the position and don't get a chance to play. They obviously weren't looking for Brohm to be the starting QB right away when they drafted him.


    Sometimes you have to consider context.


    Consider context all you want, but it's not like Kurt Warner being unable to get in front of Favre, Hasselbeck, and Detmer in Green Bay. Aside from Rodgers, Brohm's competition has been Matt Flynn, Fitz, and Edwards; hardly HoF caliber QB's. He's not a bust yet, but he's certainly on his way, and if he can't climb to the top of the scrapheap this year his career is pretty close to being over.

  11. Well I had the afternoon off and I took the opportunity to go to camp today. The weather was beautiful and it was nice to relax on the hill and watch how Chan runs his camp. I was impressed. As reported the players spent a lot of time working on fundamentals.


    Linemen were pounding the sleds. Running backs were running through netting, around pylons, and working on a drill that had them cut between to pylons as two coaches filled the hole. The QB's were working on trying to hit a fade in the corner of the end zone (tossing the ball from snap into a barrel in the corner of the endzone). The defensive linemen were practicing a sacking drill where the lined up on the line and spun around to hit a tackling dummy at the snap. Watching Maybin try this was shocking, he is why to small to be paid the money he is getting.


    Chan watched the kick-off drills closely. I saw McGee drop one and Roscoe and Spiller caught one. I couldn't see much more from where I was sitting.


    It looked like the defense did better than the offense in the goal line drills. In 11 on 11's we run well and struggled with passing. Chad Jackson had a lot of nice catches. I would put him on a fantasy team. Joique Bell ran well. David Nelson went down holding his leg.


    Trent is our best QB.

    Spiller is the real deal.

    Wood was practicing.

    Levi Brown isn't ready to play.

    We will run the ball well this year.


    I really liked the way that camp was run. I don't know if this team has the talent (oline and Qb's) to succeed this year but I believe in what the staff is doing and I think this team will get better and better.


    Thanks for the report. To be honest though, you lost a little credibility with this comment. I hate fantasy football more than Osama, but even if Chad Jackson makes the squad - an iffy prospect - he has no business on any fantasy rosters.

  12. I was just watching sportscenter before the monday night football pregame show started and mike ditka, keyshawn johnson, cris carter, and tom jackson just completely mocked the bills. They were talking about how the giants are in a much tougher division than the jets are. I dont remember the exact words so im going from what i remember... Ditka goes "the giants have to face the redskins, eagles, and cowboys and all the jets have to deal with is the patriots and maybe the dolphins, and then ditka goes "forget about buffalo, they never win in buffalo" and someone else said "yeah they dont have to ever worry about the bills." And the whole crew just started dying, laughing hysterical saying "hah the bills, hah." I wanted to jump threw the screen and beat them all. I hope to god we shock the world and then ill send in a nice letter to that crew and then see what they have to say.


    Jesus Christ, get over it. This attitude is breeding a massive inferiority complex. The only way to stop the talk is to put together a solid football program. Until then, sit back and accept that, as much as you might not like it, they're right.

  13. The Broncos murdered the Bears on that Cutler trade. 2 firsts and Orton is a QB that actually wins games.


    Too bad the wunderkind McDaniels wasted the #12 overall pick on a RB.


    Don't forget too, years before Denver murdered Washington getting C. Bailey AND a second-round pick for Clinton Portis.

  14. So, what you are saying is that Colt has done nothing as well in the NFL.


    Yes, and yet my comment that he's "done more than Brohm" remains true. Funny how that works.


    I mean you are propping up 2 of his PRESEASON games where he faced 3rd and 4th stringers as somehow an indication that he has accomplished more in the NFL. Also, that was 2008 and his 2009 preseason not nearly as productive.


    I wasn't propping them up, I was showing you his only NFL experience when you asked how he had done more in this league than Brohm. I didn't say he was accomplished, just more accomplished than Brohm, who has shown literally nothing in this league in preseason and the regular season.


    I dont have anything against Colt at all, just find it funny how you hate Brohm yet support Colt (who is about to be cut by his second team) all because he had 2 games where he did well in PRESEASON against a bunch of players who are largely not playing in the NFL now or so buried on the depth chart that they never see the field. And you bash Flynn while ignoring the fact that, regardless of your opinnion of him, GB likes him a lot. Then prop up Todd Collins who wasnt even an average QB in this league to validate Colt not beating him out.


    I don't hate Brohm, I just find the lemmings funny when they attach themselves to him after performing so badly given the chances and he can't seem to climb on top of the pile of **** we currently have at QB. And I bash Flynn because the reports I've heard about him (sorry, I don't watch GB preseason games to scout him) are that he has performed poorly and GB would be in serious trouble with him at the helm, so as much as "GB likes him," if Brohm had performed there - and check his stats, he didn't - he'd be the #2 there. He was certainly given the opportunity to.


    And Todd Collins has proven himself to be a very solid backup in this league, with his current team no less. Are you really trying to argue otherwise? Were you alive in 2008?


    Im not saying Brohm is this or that...not even saying he will be better than Colt or vice versa by the time their careers are done. I have no idea if Brohm will do well or not, I just want to see him on the field before I decide he is this or that.


    Then watch a game for Christ sake. I wouldn't have made the suggestion if I hadn't. Sure, preseason doesn't mean as much as the regular season, but at least it's against professional talent in a professional system; it means a hell of a lot more than college (and is sure as **** more relevant than his "projected draft status" Mel Kiper).


    I just find it puzzling how you bash repeatedly on Brohm because he was cut in GB yet dont hold that against Colt who was also cut by the team that drafted him (and looks to be about to be cut again). McNabb is no spring chicken either and they will need a QB of the future in 2 to 3 years, so if they beleived Colt could be that guy they would not have cut him.


    Find it puzzling all you want. I've watched them both play and only one has impressed me at this level in any respect. Not saying Colt is the savior, but saying he'd be worth a low-risk gamble. He's not a "flavor of the week," or "some scrub off the street," but a guy who came in his rookie year and threw three TD's in the preseason with no picks. That alone doesn't mean anything, but if you watch him, you know he's got the confidence and he's got the arm. Can you say that for any of our four QB's?

  15. Please describe to me how he has shown much more than Brohm? Brohm was going to be a top 5 pick, maybe even the #1 pick his Jr. year...Colt was never at any point considered a first round pick. Brohm had a much higher draft grade coming out of college. Neither has done anything nor had the chance to do anythin in the NFL during their 2 year run in the NFL. Both have been cut by the teams that drafted them. Brohm is competing for a starting spot in the NFL while Brennan is tyring to catch on as a 3rd string QB somewhere.


    So, I ask again and sincerly, please explain how you can say Colt has "shown more in his career" than Brohm?


    I find it puzzling that you are on the Colt band wagon and then bash Brohm when they have had almost the same career thus far in the NFL except Brohm had a much higher draft grade, has more potential, played against much higher competition in college, played in a pro system in college vs Colt playing in the run and shoot, is currently competing for a starting job where Colt cant even catch on as a 3rd stringer, and has been working in our new system all off season.


    From Wiki:


    Brennan appeared in his first NFL exhibition game in the 2008 Hall of Fame Game against the Indianapolis Colts on August 3. He was impressive in his debut completing 9-of-10 passes for 123 yards and 2 touchdowns for a 157.5 passer rating in the Redskins' victory.[20] His success continued two weeks later against the New York Jets when he completed 4-of-5 passes for 79 yards and scored the game winning touchdown on a 33-yard pass to Jason Goode.[21]


    Brennan led all 2008 NFL rookies in touchdown passes, passing yards and quarterback rating through the preseason .[22] He finished the 2008 preseason with a strong performance, going 36-for-53, for 411 yards and three touchdowns and with no interceptions. For the preseason, Brennan's completion percentage was 67.9% and his quarterback rating was 109.9. He also carried the ball twice for 11 yards.


    From NFL.com:


    2008 Preseason Games Passing Rushing Fumbles


    WK Game Date Opp Result G GS Comp Att Pct Yds Avg TD Int Sck SckY Rate Att Yds Avg TD FUM Lost


    0 08/03 IND W 30-16 1 0 9 10 90.0 123 12.3 2 0 1 1 157.5 -- -- -- -- -- --

    1 08/09 BUF W 17-14 1 0 4 8 50.0 37 4.6 0 0 1 9 63.0 -- -- -- -- -- --

    2 08/16 @ NYJ W 13-10 1 0 4 5 80.0 79 15.8 1 0 2 15 158.3 -- -- -- -- -- --

    3 08/23 @ CAR L 3-47 1 0 6 12 50.0 53 4.4 0 0 0 0 62.2 -- -- -- -- -- --

    4 08/28 JAC L 3-24 1 0 13 18 72.2 119 6.6 0 0 4 21 89.8 2 11 5.5 0 1 0

    TOTAL 5 0 36 53 67.9 411 7.8 3 0 8 46 109.9 2 11 5.5 0 1 0


    2009 Preseason Games Passing Rushing Fumbles


    WK Game Date Opp Result G GS Comp Att Pct Yds Avg TD Int Sck SckY Rate Att Yds Avg TD FUM Lost


    1 08/13 @ BAL L 0-23 1 0 4 12 33.3 43 3.6 0 1 3 11 10.1 3 13 4.3 0 -- --

    2 08/22 PIT W 17-13 1 0 3 5 60.0 42 8.4 0 1 0 0 47.5 2 -2 -1.0 0 -- --

    3 08/28 NE L 24-27 1 0 6 12 50.0 81 6.8 1 1 4 22 64.9 1 2 2.0 0 -- --

    4 09/03 @ JAC L 17-24 1 0 10 14 71.4 83 5.9 0 0 0 0 86.3 -- -- -- -- -- --

    TOTAL 4 0 23 43 53.5 249 5.8 1 3 7 33 49.5 6 13 2.2 0 0 0



    Brohm, from NFL.com:

    2009 Preseason Games Passing Rushing Fumbles


    WK Game Date Opp Result G GS Comp Att Pct Yds Avg TD Int Sck SckY Rate Att Yds Avg TD FUM Lost


    1 08/15 CLE W 17-0 1 0 3 10 30.0 18 1.8 0 2 1 3 0.0 2 -2 -1.0 0 -- --

    2 08/22 BUF W 31-21 1 0 12 19 63.2 83 4.4 0 1 0 0 51.0 2 4 2.0 0 -- --

    3 08/28 @ ARI W 44-37 1 0 4 5 80.0 45 9.0 0 0 2 18 104.2 1 -1 -1.0 0 -- --

    4 09/03 @ TEN L 13-27 1 0 20 28 71.4 154 5.5 0 0 2 8 84.5 1 5 5.0 0 -- --

    TOTAL 4 0 39 62 62.9 300 4.8 0 3 5 29 54.5 6 6 1.0 0 0 0


    2008 Preseason Games Passing Rushing Fumbles


    WK Game Date Opp Result G GS Comp Att Pct Yds Avg TD Int Sck SckY Rate Att Yds Avg TD FUM Lost


    1 08/11 CIN L 17-20 1 0 8 17 47.1 70 4.1 0 1 0 0 33.9 -- -- -- -- -- --

    2 08/16 @ SF L 6-34 1 0 4 9 44.4 33 3.7 0 0 0 0 54.4 2 1 0.5 0 1 1

    3 08/22 @ DEN W 27-24 1 0 0 4 0.0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 39.6 -- -- -- -- -- --

    4 08/28 TEN L 21-23 1 0 7 12 58.3 52 4.3 0 0 4 33 68.8 1 0 0.0 0 3 1

    TOTAL 4 0 19 42 45.2 155 3.7 0 1 4 33 45.2 3 1 0.3 0 4 2


    16 12/27 @ ATL L 3-31 1 1 17 29 58.6 146 5.0 0 2 2 8 43.2 -- -- -- -- -- --



    Each has played in nine games (all but one in the preseason). Through nine games, Brohm has, you guessed it, zero touchdowns to go along with six picks. Brennan has four TD's with only three picks. If you can't see the difference there, then I can't help you. If you actually watched any of the games these two have played, you'd notice the difference as well. Also, Brennan was unable to beat out Jason Campbell and Todd Collins (a solid veteran), and had no chance at unseating future HoF'er McNabb especially after getting hurt; Brohm got beat out by Matt Flynn (who, contrary to popular opinion around here, really isn't very good), and can't climb our pathetic depth chart.


    Please also tell me, oh great one, what the hell the player's pre-draft status several years ago has to do with their abilities now.

  16. As far as I'm concerned, all these guys (Edwards, Fitz, Brohm, Brennan, QB X that will/might get cut from team Y, etc) are all the same. I understand the sentiment behind wanting to bring guys in since the fan base isn't satisfied with our current group, but none of these other Flavors of the Week are going to do THAT MUCH better than the guys we have with a team that has a new coach, new offense, new defense and concerns at the LT position. Nix and Co are building this thing through the draft. If (when) our current group of QBs fail, we'll draft someone. The quick fix solution might win us an extra game or two/three but, really, does it matter if we go 4-12 or 7-9? No. Lets do this thing right instead of rushing arond looking for a band-aid.


    Colt Brennan is 25 and is two years removed from the draft. He's somebody I liked coming out of college and liked even more when he dominated in the HoF game (albeit against backups). He's shown more in his career than Brian Brohm and is still very young. How is he a "flavor of the week"? This isn't a patch until we can draft, this is someone I would pursue as a long-term answer at the position.

  17. What is truly puzzling is why Washington got rid of Brennan for Beck? Is the injury to his hip that bad, or diminished his ability to play?


    I'd rather scout the Arena League for a QB before taking Beck.


    I don't know, but I do know that they had interest for some time in obtaining Beck. I'd prefer Brennan to groom as a starter since McNabb only has a few good years left and Collins certainly isn't the future. I wouldn't trust Beck with my high school team.

  18. Okay whatever. Let's just buy a plane ticket for every QB cut from camp.




    Now come on. When was the last time I advocated bringing in a cast-off QB? I've liked Brennan since his HoF game debut vs. Indy. Give me some credit. I might be a sonofabitch but I'm not one of the lemmings.


    Brennan was a monster at Hawaii, putting up insane numbers. He comes in, plays well in sparse preseason duties (faring much better than Brian Brohm, I might add), fights through hip surgery, and becomes the odd man out with McNabb/Collins/Beck in Washington.


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