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Posts posted by Leonidas

  1. http://football.realgm.com/src_wiretap_arc..._buffalo_bills/


    QB: A lot of the disappointment of 2009 centered on Trent Edwards’ failure to develop into a franchise QB. Rather than seek out an upgrade via trade or in the draft, the Bills enter camp with a three-headed monster of Edwards, Ryan Fitzpatrick, and Brian Brohm.


    Early reports indicate Brohm has the upper hand, though that is more a reflection on how little Fitzpatrick and Edwards have performed than anything Brohm has done. Brohm is a 2008 2nd round pick of the Packers who quickly washed out of Green Bay, and he looked pedestrian in limited duty last year. But he has the best touch and most upside of the group, and showed off a quicker release during OTAs. I held him in high regard during that draft, and the anticipated offense here in Buffalo is similar to what he ran at Louisville.


    Fitzpatrick and Edwards put up eerily similar lackluster numbers while juggling the starting job last year. The team clearly responded better to Fitzpatrick, a workaholic who buzzes with enthusiasm and is more likely to produce something dramatic. Bills insiders maintain that Edwards must win the starting job or else he’s not going to make the team, and the latter sure seems the most likely outcome. His lack of arm strength and failure to show any sort of leadership or passion are not going to change in Buffalo.


    Ideally, all three QBs on the roster are backups on good teams and this position must be addressed next offseason, barring an unexpected breakout from Brohm. But Coach Chan Gailey has found NFL success in the past by tailoring his offense to what his limited QBs do well (see: Quincy Carter and Tyler Thigpen, whom is available via trade). As long as the turnovers are kept to a minimum and whoever wins the gig can complete 60% of the passes, not to mention stay poised and upright behind a seriously deficient OL, the Bills have enough explosiveness at RB to stay competitive.


    Read more: http://football.realgm.com/src_wiretap_arc.../#ixzz0tyJ8W2Ew


    Great find, interesting read. Thanks for posting.

  2. Exactly! You get it.


    Yeah, you get it Thoner...because you agree with him. :rolleyes:


    I would love to see Troy and Brohm duke it out for the starting job. Unfortunately this would mean that Ralph and the front office would actually have to admit that Trent was a mistake. Instead they keep giving him opportunity after opportunity to fail.


    Yeah, I'm sure Ralph's willing to let the franchise crumble rather than let a third rounder go down in flames. Your logic is flawless.

  3. Todd Collins may have been rushed into the starting role a year or two earlier than the Bills would have liked. He did well, as a "game manager" while backing up Jim Kelly in 1995 and 1996. His game was very limited. He wasn't particularly mobile, he had good, not great, arm strength...he had some tools to develop, but, I think the coaches, Marv included, concluded that he was not a starting caliber NFL QB. He had a pretty nice career as a backup, but the fact that he hung around for so long, without ever competing for another starting position, is telling. You have to trust that his coaches over the years were aware of his limitations. Not a knock on the guy...he just was not the kind of QB you could build a team around.


    A team that is committed to rebuilding through the draft does not sign 40 year old retread QBs.



  4. What would he have to "give up"? Troy Smith was a 3rd round pick and is "currently a backup". Another poster said this in a completely unrelated thread but fans are always so concerned what we would need to give up in the way off draft picks and consider them to be more valuable than gold...UNTIL THEY SEE THE GUY WE USE THE PICK ON. For the lottery mentality crowd they think that our 3rd round pick could be the next super star to set the league on fire and is too valuable to give up.


    How we should really look at it is is the player we are getting worth what we would potentially get in the draft. I would be ecstatic if we could get a guy of that quality with the NFL experience in the 3rd round in the 2011 draft. That is just one scenario.


    How about THIS scenario!?!?!?!?!




    Did anyone notice that Ed Reed by his own admission is at 35% and is likely to begin the season on the PUP list? Let's also not forget that Ed Reed has a bunch of miles on him and he is very injury prone. Donte Whitner might be a perfect answer for the Ravens at safety to fill in for Reed in the short term and eventually replace him. How is that for a win win scenario? Well...that is...unless you are in love with Donte Whitner and the stellar level of play he has exhibited on this team. Maybe the Ravens and their defense could get him playing like the 1st round pick he is.


    Troy Smith was a fifth round pick, not a third rounder. And why on earth would you give up a third rounder for a guy who is about to be cut?? And where is this "quality NFL experience"?? He has two career starts.


    People might take you more seriously if you knew what you were talking about. They also might take you more seriously if you didn't spell your name with rOtAtInG CaPs.

  5. All of this because he criticized Trent? Wow Trent fans are very thin skinned.


    No one will attend my funeral then either because I think Trent is god awful....we have a right to be an objective fan, and not drink the koolaid.


    Not at all. Read his other posts and you will understand.


    I'm not a Trent Edwards fan. I'm a Buffalo Bills fan, true and true. If he gives us the best chance to win then I want him in the game. He's shown glimpses, albeit few and far between lately. My guess is that he starts the season, and we'll know pretty quickly what we've got. I still see us taking a quarterback early in next year's draft barring an entirely unexpected breakout from one of our QB's.

  6. Give it up. The Edwards lovers can't see the difference that everyone else in the world sees. Trentina is not Brees, Montana or any other half way good starting QB in NFL history. he is a guy that never should have been taken the 3rd round and NEVER should have been allowed to start an NFL game.


    Even if he crashes, just like Hobag, RJ, JP blah blah blah, 5 years from now edwards lovers will still be pining for him and whining that he never had a shot, needed a better line, running game, coaching, training, WR's, TE's, Weather, jock strap etc and he would have won us 5 straight superbowls.


    You give it up. You offer nothing to this board of any value, and we're all dumber for reading your responses. You offer nothing resembling a coherent argument, just blind hatred of a player on the team you're supposedly a fan of. If you're anything in real life like you are here, if you dropped dead tomorrow I'm not sure anyone would attend your funeral.


    It's an honest comparison to make, and the OP wasn't making the leap to say Edwards would follow the path Brees took, just making the same comment so many have made that some QB's don't flourish until year four. FWIW, Eli didn't hit 60% completion until year five, and prior to winning the super bowl at the end of his fourth season there was talk of him being a bust in the middle of the season.


    Generally I'm against anyone being banned. It's a forum for people to speak their minds, and barring severely egregious repeated comments I don't think anyone should be prohibited from participating. But you need to go. You are King Douchebag.

  7. GB usually has QB's pegged.


    Ingle Martin, Craig Nall, Kyle Wachholtz, Jay Barker, Ty Detmer, Anthony Dilweg, and Jeff Graham all say hi. Green Bay may have hit with a fair number of QB's over the years, but they've missed just as many as they've hit with. FWIW, Matt Flynn doesn't look all that good right now either. Plus, since Holmgren left in 1998 they really haven't hit on any except for Rodgers.


    Green Bay's ability to draft/sign quality QB's speaks for itself, Aaron Rodgers is one of the best up and coming QB's in the NFL.


    I'm not saying since they released Brohm he's not up to par with their idea of what makes a good QB , actually just the opposite. If we had to pick a QB up off the practice squad from another team, Green Bay would probably be one of the better organizations to obtain a QB from because their ability to evaluate QB's has been proven in the NFL.


    Contrary to what some folks think, Green Bay did not want to give up Brian Brohm.


    Please, they knew what they were doing by placing a highly-touted QB on the practice squad. It was a matter of time before he got plucked on reputation alone.


    I'm all for rooting for whomever gets the nod, but this Brohm 'fever' is bordering on pathetic.

  8. exactly! this is the kind of owner you want. he makes it happen whatever it takes. not the dbags we got in this town.


    WTF are you talking about? The average ticket price for the Yankees is $72.97 versus a national average of $26.74. That's not the kind of owner I want.

  9. What i said is that IMO, Brohm has the ability to be a very good QB, he has the physical tools and now, with renewed confidence and being comfortable with the system, he is the odds on favorite to win the starting job.


    Do i think we have a better chance to win with Brohm over trent, ABSOLUTELY

    do i think brohm will make the pro bowl? No, but he has the ability to


    what does brohm bring to the table that trent doesnt? a better arm and the willingness to stretch the field, thats for sure.


    this is all my opinion, which I am certainly entitled to have, is it a guarentee, no of course not, but i WILL TAKE BETS.


    This is all a little too pro-Brohm for me, especially considering his failures in the league to date. It's not like he's been injured an unable to play thus far; he's been unable to get on the field because of performance issues. He says he has confidence now...so we take him at his word that all of a sudden his confidence is fully renewed? Slow down. He's been an absolute mess in the pre-season games and the single regular season game he's played in (and don't give me that crap about pre-season being meaningless - it's more meaningful than college since at least in pre-season he's playing against NFL talent and not in some gimmicky spread offense against the lowly Big East).


    Brohm has not shown that he has a stronger arm. He has not shown he is more willing to stretch the field. He does not necessarily give us a better chance to win. You are correct that it is your opinion and of course you are entitled to it, but if that's the case you shouldn't be stating it as absolute truth.


    I think it's all irrelevant as I'm starting to strongly believe that our QB of the future is not currently on our roster.

  10. Buffalo Bills QB Brian Brohm said he believes he is ready to be the starting quarterback for the Bills, according to Michael Grant, of the Louisville Courier-Journal. "I feel like I can fully compete for this starting job. I feel like I'm ready to take charge out there. We'll see what happens. But I feel like I'm at a position where I'll be able to put my best foot forward and make a legitimate run at the starting job," Brohm said.




    Really, what would you expect him to say? "You know, I'm doing alright, but let Trent or Ryan start the season, when I'm feeling a little better I'll let you know..."


    I would not be excited AT ALL. I didn't and don't like Clausen. there weren't too many clausen supporters around here during the draft. I am personally excited about Brohm. and its not just grasping at straws. there is plenty of reason to believe BB can take that next step.


    Such as?

  11. First off Kelly always had 'It' period. Secondly, I agree after going back and really researching Brohm he was on fire going into his Sr year. A coaching change really hurt him IMHO.


    I'll say it again, we better pray its Brohm otherwise we are screwed


    You literally add no value to this board whatsoever.

  12. So let me get this straight: you were bored enough to put together a completely arbitrary and uninteresting roster for us all to read, but you ran out of time to format it so it wasn't like reading a Magic Eye?


    And you're keeping four quarterbacks, and seven WR's? Seriously? And why are Moats and Calloway listed twice?

  13. Dude, you are just being argumentive to be argumentive. Its clear as day that Brohm is clearly in the running for the #1 spot and that Chan feels like he has improved as it is well documented. The lame argument over the difference in the words "shown growth" or "made a jump" is comical that it has taken up half a page worth of posts.


    Clearly Chan is referring to Brohm and his development when he said he has made a jump, which means the same thing as he has shown growth...but go ahead, keep arguing a pointless point because clearly thats your goal here...


    Whatever you say 'dude.' I guess Chan just threw in the "we'll have to see how he progresses once we get pads on and all that" just to throw the rest of us off.


    You managed to turn "he's made a jump" to "he's has shown a lot of growth." You can say whatever you want, it's a free country, but intentionally or not, you're implying he's come a lot farther than CG's comment implied, and you're obviously basing your "he's has shown a lot of growth" comment on nothing else but CG's comments.

  14. How can one "make a jump" if they haven't "show growth"? That's nonsense. Even if everyone else declined and his standing improved, you wouldn't use the term "made a jump". You are playing a stupid semantic game here to try to win an argument. It's clear Chan thinks he has improved, which is really the point of saying he has "shown growth" or "made a jump".


    You are correct if you are saying this may mean squat. But don't deny what the HC said. He said it.


    Did I deny that Chan said it? Please point out where I did so I can remove that. Thanks.


    And you can say whatever you want, but there is a clear distinction between the two. Jamarcus "made a jump" a few weeks ago when he came into camp ready to fight for his job against Campbell and impressed...then that stopped, he sucked again, and is now in jail. No one went as far as to say he was "showing growth." "Showing growth" implies continuous improvement and expected further development. "He's made a jump" - and more importantly, "We'll have to see how he progresses once we get pads on and all that" - implies no such expectation of further improvement, but more of a cautious optimism of such. If you can't see the difference then I can't help you.

  15. Actually, in this context they are probably the very same thing. But I agree we shouldn't make too much of it. But the poster wasn't wrong to point it out.


    I guess we're going to have to agree to disagree then. If you've got proof he's "shown growth" or you've actually seen something either live or on tape then fine. If his HC says he's "made a jump" and you turn it into him "showing growth" after tooting his horn all off-season then you're probably from the Wishful Thinking tribe.

  16. Well, actually because Chan Gailey said so:





    Now admittedly it's just talk at this point. But the claim that Brohm has shown growth is based on comments by the HC.


    He's "made a jump" and "has shown growth" are decidedly different things, not to mention nothing concrete is given. I believe it's a little premature to say that Brohm is "growing." I'm hoping he does, but I'm not going to fall into the "wishful thinking" category of so many posters and claim that it's already in the works.

  17. Buffalo Bills QB Brian Brohm said he believes he is ready to be the starting quarterback for the Bills, according to Michael Grant, of the Louisville Courier-Journal. "I feel like I can fully compete for this starting job. I feel like I'm ready to take charge out there. We'll see what happens. But I feel like I'm at a position where I'll be able to put my best foot forward and make a legitimate run at the starting job," Brohm said.




    Maybe this is Alphadawg's source claiming Brohm's immense "growth." :censored:


    Here is my concern with Brohm. He had his chance to become a number two QB in Green Bay and he failed. All the reports I have read indicated he lacked or lost confidence. That alone is a huge red flag to me. As you pointed out, a QB must be a leader and a confident leader. I believe the lost of confidence issue is a huge issue with Brohm and also Edwards. I think it is more "deep rooted" and part of thier pyschological makeup. I can't remember the great QB's ever really lacking confidence... A franchise QB must proccess an almost "cocky like" attitude that oozes out confidence. First one to come to my mind is Jim Kelly. I don't think it can be taught. I think you have it or you don't. (side note that's why I like Jimmy Clausen)


    Just my two cents. Time will tell whether Brohm has the leadership qualities to become our franchise QB.




    the confidence problems he suffered with in GB were due in part to the system, and has been well documented. As he himself stated in the article, he has regained confidence and has confidence in the system the resembles what he ran at UL. this wouldnt be the first time a player, esp a chan gailey coached player (maddox), has come back from almost certain failure to find success. As we all know, only time will tell, but IMo, brohms troubles in GB came from the situation, system, and disappointment.


    not many players, esp a QB, would be stoked about dropping a whole rd (projected top 10 to top 2nd rd), then getting drafted to a team with one of the premier QBs in the league (rodgers) and a completely foreign system that doesnt complement his skills (WCO).


    Im not making excuses for him, he clearly failed to live up to his billing in GB, but I can see where it wasn't a good situation for him, which is why he spurned their matched contract and opted to come here instead.


    I can only imagine that he is even further delighted with his decision now that chan gailey is here. Our new HC has had success rehabbing so-so Qb's such as jay fiedler, tommy maddox, kordell stewart, tyler thigpin, plus has coached a few greats like Elway and Aikman.


    Bottom line is, he will have to win the job, we all know that, nothing will be handed over, but from what we have seen and heard, all signs are pointing to this being brohms team in 2010, and that's probably a good thing.


    IIRC, Brohm's top ten projection was well before the Combine and potentially before the end of the college season, which means absolutely nothing. Do I need to give you a list of players projected to go first round that got drafted on the second day, the third day (since there's been one), or not drafted at all? Besides, what a cop-out, bull **** excuse that is, as are the rest of your "explanations" for his failure. His failure is his and his alone. If he turns it around, great. But the onus is on him to do so.


    In my opinion all three QB's are finally going to get the proper coaching/ attention they need to develop and flourish properly in the NFL.


    Brohm, Edwards and Fitzpatrick under Chan Gailey will all three gain confidence/ knowledge that they will be able to carry with them into the future and myself personally, I think its a win/win/win situation.


    I like Brohm's attitude and what he brings to the table, but I still give the edge to our Captain Checkdown/Glove wearing Mary.


    Trent Edwards seems to have his confidence back and so far at least has expressed his willingness to let it all hang out,


    I'm sure Gailey realizes where Edwards is at in his career and how crucial it is for him as a QB/ Leader of his Buffalo Bills football team, that he gets back in the saddle and rides. Brian Brohm may one day be the Bills long term answer at the QB position, but give the fella a year under our new HC and a chance to learn the offense.


    Captain Checkdown/ Glove wearing Mary has taken off the Gloves and his time is now,



    I Billieve...


    What are you smoking and where can I get some??

  18. Just another jack a** reporter shooting off at the mouth because he clearly hasnt followed the Bills QB situation this offseason. The biggest indicator is that he says Brohm and Brown are looking more and more like practice squad material...that alone shows what a jack a** this guy is because if he was REALLY paying attention to the Bills battle he would know that Brohm is very much in the running for the #1 spot and has shown a lot of growth.


    Why, because he says he has? Please.

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