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Posts posted by Leonidas

  1. No. It has been fairly well documented all you have to do to stop the Wildcat is blitz everyone. Until someone like Pat White can become a legitimate throwing threat while running the Wildcat it will not be a staple of anyone's offense. If defenses were concerned about the pass they would shift a LB to cover the real QB lined up wide and leave the corners defending the WR's. As it is now the corners stay wide with the QB so the LB's can stay close to the line knowing it will be a run. Blitz the OLB's and SS and you stop the Wildcat. End of story.


    Not entirely true. Ronnie Brown can legitimately throw the ball (hence why when he went down and Rickey Williams gave us that gift on Thanksgiving last year). Plus, blitz eight guys every time and I guarantee you give up a big play, even with Fred Jackson throwing the ball. IIRC, the Ravens were successful stopping the wildcat in it's infancy because their LB's were disciplined in their gap assignments. I seem to remember Ray Lewis making a lot of tackles in both games.

  2. A few points that haven't been raised:


    If you (major, and by implication, PDaDdy) argue that Chan can "get more out of Troy Smith," then you probably have to concede that Chan is also qualified to evaluate Troy Smith. If Chan is not willing to give anything up for Troy Smith in a trade, then that says it all as far as how Chan feels about Smith.


    Secondly we're being a bit murky about the circumstances surrounding (hypothetically) bringing in Troy Smith.


    Obviously if he's released, then what harm is there in bringing him in for a tryout?


    BUT, for those who want to trade for Smith, what round draft pick are you willing to give up for him?


    Finally, to answer the question, "what do we have to lose?" we have a lot to lose.


    The Bills, between minicamps and OTAs have had 23 days of workouts. On some of those days, they've practiced twice. In between those practices they've been in meetings, evaluating videos of practice, working out together, and many of the players have undoubtedly been studying the playbook.


    Now some of you want to bring in a guy who may or may not be better than what we have, so that person can take snaps away from the guys who've been working their asses off for two months?


    According to what we know, the offense has already been installed. According to Coach Gailey, training camp will consist of review and development of the foundation already laid in OTAs and minicamps.


    I wouldn't be opposed to bringing in Troy Smith (after he's cut) and giving him a tryout. If he shows promise, sign him and jettison one of the other guys.


    But trading for Smith and letting him compete for the opening day job after he's missed more than half the offseason is a lose-lose situation for all the quarterbacks. There are only so many snaps to go around. Most of those snaps have already been invested.


    Sorry, there's no room for this sort of rational thought here. Either you hate-hate-hate Edwards and he's a kitty who can't throw it deep and you want to package Lynch-second day draft pick-Whitner for Troy Smith...and of course, Gaither, or Brian Brohm's utter lack of productivity in the pros is irrelevant since you heard his name in college once or twice and he will undoubtedly lead us to the promised land. No in-betweens.

  3. Look...I'm not saying Brunell is anything great...Yes he's old and over-the-hill...This just in right? But I still think Brunell can go out and post a 67.7 QB...


    No, he couldn't. Mark Brunell has no business being in this league. He hasn't put up a 67.7 QB rating in four years. He's horrible.



    And there is no debate between Fitz and Jackson...Jackson's not much, but he's still better than Fitz...The numbers don't lie...


    Sure there is. TJack has had a FAR superior supporting cast than Fitz had in Buff or Cincy. I'd take TJack over Fitz, but not by much. Fitz is by far the smarter QB and neither are accurate, but TJack can make more plays.


    This Fitz backing, however small a movement, has me cracking up...Some Folks around here have been deprived of decent Football so long they would not know it if it smacked them upside the head and called their Mother nasty names...It's too funny...Still, if Fitz is around in 2010 I hope he suddenly gets a lot better...I'd love to be wrong if he stays in Buffalo...But I think he's the odd man out...B-)


    Well, no argument there...

  4. I don't know.


    Why is somebody else's 3rd stringer now somehow our starter?


    What has Troy Smith done since coming to the NFL? What, his upside is supposedly better than what we have on the roster right now?


    No, if we need to make a trade it should be for a starting caliber LT.


    I think veteran Jeff Garcia would have been an amazing signing, because despite his age and the debacle in Cleveland, he has lit it up wherever he has played. We could sign him for a 2 year deal, and draft the real QB of the future in the next draft.


    I really don't see Troy Smith doing anything to bolster our QB ranks.


    It doesn't make any sense for a rebuilding team to bring in a 40-year old QB. Troy Smith might have it, he might not. But it would be a low-risk proposition and it wouldn't preclude us from trading for an LT if that's the direction the FO wanted to go. Troy Smith wouldn't require more than a fifth at absolute most; a solid LT would require a first or second round pick most likely.

  5. My bad. I'm truly sorry about that. I'd recently been witnessing the slow buildup of Edwards support around here and I couldn't stay quiet any longer. I've always looked at Bills fans as being one of the brightest fanbase of the NFL and it's upsetting to me to see them falling back in love with Edwards just because we have a new head coach.


    I decided to present a simple question to Bills fans, and from the responses, it's clear that no one has been able to refute Edwards not having the basic skill of putting zip on the ball which every successful starting NFL quarterback must possess. I seriously think that opposing defensive coaches laugh at Edwards on film. That's how bad I think he is. I'm surprised it took them a full year to realize that he can't beat you with the mid-range to deep ball.


    Actually, you asked if any starting QB had a weaker arm than Edwards, and we presented you with about 10 options, give or take. But believe whatever you want.


    "Dude," you DO realize that you just listed these specific players is support of Trent Edwards' arm...










    Gee, thanks! Whew...I feel a whole lot better now that you told me he has a better arm than those QBs.... B-)


    You said he had the weakest arm among starting QB's in the league. I say you're delusional. You and ICE should start a fan club. You're both going to be so pissed when he's starting the season at QB...

  6. Glad to see McGahee go. He's done little for Baltimore and has even been replaced in the starting lineup. Drafting him was a huge mistake. Travis Henry was perfectly sufficient at RB and we could have filled in holes elsewhere.


    Antoine Winfield was a liability in pass coverage and not worth the money he got in Minny. Same can be said for Clements, although they were obviously very different players.


    Bledsoe was regressing at the time. I wasn't surprised to see him go, nor was I sad. He didn't want to be a backup and obviously couldn't hack it as a starter anymore.


    Leonhard isn't any good. He's good for the Jets system (and the former Ravens system), but I'm not upset at losing him. I'll take the Senator over him.


    Sam Adams, Pat Williams and London Fletcher were big mistakes that would have cost comparatively very little to keep.


    I was also upset when we didn't re-sign Mike Hollis. He was a good kicker, but Donohoe was dead-set on getting this Lindell guy from Seattle. Lindell's been good the last few seasons, but he's also missed some huge kicks (Cleveland MNF, Pitt week 17 at home) and doesn't strike me as "clutch" by any means.

  7. Well...I think you're wrong...I think if Fitz was all that Teams would have lined up to grab him as a Back-Up when they could have had him...But they did not...I think Brunell and Jackson are definitely better and anyone on that list is capable of posting a 67 QB rating regardless of their experience...Jackson's career QB rating is 10 points higher than Fitz and he's thrown more TD's than INT's...How does that blow? Especially in comparison with Fitz... :flirt:


    I understand what you're saying about Fitz being decent if all you expect is a Back-Up QB...But I think a Back-Up is one hit away, especially in Buffalo...And I want My Back-Up to be able to do better than Fitz has with Buffalo and Cincy...He's just not that good...He's a bit less than ordinary... :lol:


    The debate of Fitz vs. TJack is an honest one. I don't want either has a starter. But Fitz vs. Brunell is not even close. Brunell is absolutely finished. He's only playing at this point to stave off bankruptcy for one more year. The fact that someone will even employ him is incredible.

  8. This is the reason I started this thread. To flush out guys like you who are so beyond help, that are so delusional, that they actually are convinced the realists are the ones who are delusional. In the three pages of this thread I have yet to see a starting QB who Trent Edwards has a better arm than, and I'm the one incapable of dealing with reality? NFL defensive coordinators do cartwheels when it's Trent Edwards week. They laugh at him when they watch film. You've watched Trent play football for the Bills in 30 games and you STILL have faith in him?





    I don't live in Buffalo. I don't listen to sports radio. I don't even own a Bills jersey (although Byrd may be the first guy in a long time worthy enough of plunking down $100 plus for his jersey).


    At least we are figuring out who the realist Bills fans are, and who the delusional Bills fans are.


    You're embarrassing yourself, dude. Not to mention, several people have delivered on your challenge, citing Pennington, A. Smith and Delhomme as having potentially weaker arms (not that this can be proven concretely, but that's what makes it so easy for you I suppose). I would also submit that Sage Rosenfels - were Favre to retire and Childress to realize how back TJack is - would qualify, as would Colt McCoy in Cleveland should he start, as well as either Derek Anderson or Matt Leinart in Arizona. Matt Hasslebeck in Seattle certainly can't throw it any further than Edwards at this point in his career, and should Tebow start in Denver my money would be on Edwards' arm. If dark horse candidate Charlie Batch wins the job in Pitt that's a no-brainer, and since Leftwich can't get out of his own way to release the ball the point is moot with him as well. I've never seen Vince Young throw it all that long, and with his shot-put type motion I wouldn't be surprised if Edwards could throw it further. Edwards certainly has a stronger arm now than Kerry Collins did last year or would this year, and the same goes for Jeff Garcia this year (if he were to catch on), last year, or the year before.


    Besides, Rubes is right. Does this need to be brought up every day??

  9. I think the fact they cheated really sums up the Billichick years for me. If you've ever had the displeasure of listening to Teddy "Brewski", they are ALL the perfect match for that area of the country. Smug, pompus asses throughout that region!


    Actually, Tedy Bruschi is a pretty good analyst, all things considered. Hated him in the uniform, but to hate him now is irrational.


    Hate them. Hate all Boston sports teams. My day is infinitely improved when I hear a Boston team lost that day. Especially the Pats*.


    At least you don't live here in peasant central. *sigh*


    Hah...you got it easy... my girlfriend is a Pats* fan.


    So was mine. I dumped the B word.

  10. Every year I pick a player who is an unknown or underdog, someone who rises above expectations and takes it to the next level. I started out with Jabari Greer a few years back whom despite my original expectations went on to do very well in the NFL, last year it was TE, Jonathan Stupar. This year I'm back to the CB position and with a young fella that is not an underdog or an unknown but was the Buffalo Bills first round draft pick, drafted 11th overall in the 2008 NFL Draft, Leodis Mckelvin.


    On September 14, 2009, in the opening game of Monday Night Football, McKelvin caught a kickoff in his own endzone with Buffalo up 24-19 over the New England Patriots and 2:06 left in the game. He chose to return it instead of downing it and fumbled it around the 30 yard line. It was his second fumble of the game. New England drove from the 31 yard line for what turned out to be the winning touchdown.


    Most Bills fans know what followed, but in case some of you missed it Mckelvins home was vandalized, obscenities sprayed onto his lawn with a message, telling him to take a knee. The forgiving person that Mckelvin is, when the teenage vandals were caught Leodis refused to press charges.


    The fans on the other hand have not been so forgiving and Loedis Mckelvin despite developing into what in my opinion is a pro bowl caliber CB in the makings is still disliked by some Bills fans because of the costly blunder.


    Folks its time to forgive and forget,


    The one thing that DJ did right was put together one of the best groups of CB's in the NFL. With the likes of the ever so dangerous Terrence McGee and the emergence of Jairus "the Bird man" Byrd, putting the ball in the air against the Bills defense is like throwing into the teeth of a pack of hungry wolves.


    Leodis Mckelvin is gearing up for a breakout season in my opinion as he prepares himself to help a young and talented Buffalo Bills Football team make some serious noise in the AFC East.


    I Billieve...


    Does a moderately impressive #11 overall pick in his third season really constitute an "unknown" or an "underdog?" Kudos to at least talking about someone other than the usual suspects.


    You guys still don't get it. It was the right decision to bring it out. Very good chance the run back gets you past the two minute warning and then it is three kneel downs and game over. He holds onto the ball and DJ probably still has a job. Well maybe not with AVP as OC. Hopefully Leodis, Byrd, Lil Donte, Wilson, Florence, McGee and Corner get enough pass rush from the front seven to show off their skills.



  11. I considered Sproles to be a MJD clone, mini bowling ball type.


    Chan Gailey got his "waterbug" he was talking about pre-draft and apparently thinks that type of player can help the Bills more then others. He reminds me of a Reggie Bush type with more speed, a playmaker.


    I only hope that with the current O line players the "waterbug" doesn't get smushed / swatted trying to get outta the backfield. <_<


    At just about the same height, MJD outweighs Sproles by 25+ lbs., and their running styles are completely different. And Reggie Bush ran a 4.33 at his pro day while Spiller ran a 4.37 at the Combine, so I'm not sure how Spiller has more speed. Solid post, otherwise.

  12. HAHAHAHA!!!!!


    Wow, Leonidas. When the whole Tim Graham thing was going on, I said some nice things about you and some not-so-nice things about you.


    I said that you were definitely not lacking in brains. And I said I always thought your posts were interesting. But I also said I thought you should apologize. And that you were flawed (we all are).


    Anyways, I'm glad you're back in the saddle. The place wasn't the same without you.


    Yes, but everything you said was accurate, for better or worse. You even called me 'mercurial,' so after looking up the word myself, I asked my friends if they knew what it meant. Their responses varied:


    - It means you drive a Mercury, like [our friend]'s old mini-van

    - adjective: Likely to cause heavy-metal poisoning...

    - mer·cu·ri·al

    /mərˈkyʊəriəl/ Show Spelled[mer-kyoor-ee-uhl]


    1. changeable; volatile; fickle; flighty; erratic: a mercurial nature.... See More

    2. animated; lively; sprightly; quick-witted.

    3. pertaining to, containing, or caused by the metal mercury.

    4. (initial capital letter) of or pertaining to the god Mercury.

    5. (initial capital letter) of or pertaining to the planet Mercury.

    I'm going to go with #4... being a deity sounds fun!


    Either way, I'm glad I could help.

  13. Am I allowed to post yet?


    Honestly, I think it's because Jahvid Best is one hard hit away from getting Steve Young'ed. With all the concerns over concussions over the last year, and the off-the-field work of former players bringing post-concussion syndrome to light, Best represents a very real possibility of being not long for the game. It's not like he had one, remember, he's had a few, and they're being taken more seriously these days then even just a couple of years ago.


    When compared to McCluster, I would take a different approach. I never watched McCluster in college, but at Roscoe Parrish-size I can't imagine him running between the tackles. Not in the pros. If they really wanted another Chris Johnson, they needed someone to do that, and I think McCluster fits more of a Darren Sproles mold. Ask SD how that worked last year.


    I'm not sure why people are jumping on you. It's a cogent, coherent, well thought out question. Not even a criticism. It'll be interesting to see how Best does in Detroit and McCluster does in KC. I would think Best would certainly be more of a workhorse than McCluster but I guess that's why they play the games.

  14. and yet, many of those people you mention had something more to offer for being inclusive. and i can't see Thomas More going to the gallows because he failed to apologize for attacking someone in a Buffalo Bills internet post. Galileo, really?




    Except I'm not going to the gallows. At worst I'll be excommunicated from a Bills message board. Hardly the same thing.


    And yeah, Galileo kept on trucking even with the Church doing what they could to keep him from shattering their precious little universe.

  15. Joe McCarthy?



    Enron officials?

    The South Carolina governor who went for a "walk" to Argentina?

    Mark McGwire?

    Alfred E Neuman comes to mind, but you wouldn't want to be equated to a Mad Magazine character, would you?


    should i keep going?




    You want to make a list of people throughout history who have been obstinate and unrepentant but in the right? Slow news day?


    MLK Jr.

    Malcolm X

    Jim Crowe

    Thomas More


    John Proctor

    Lincoln Chafee

    Jacques Chirac


    The pendulum swings both ways, John.

  16. It was not for you to violate the rules and express your opinion, bro. It was a forum to ask questions, plain and simple. I know you understand this by now. You're just being obstinate and defensive at this point because it's easier and comes more naturally to you than doing the right thing.


    Sorry, but history has proven that sometimes being obstinate and defensive is doing the right thing. Bro.

  17. Again - you made a personal choice to "register a complaint" in a forum that did not, by its clearly-established rules, provide for such a procedure. As a result, the entire community here has lost the benefit of a feature that many of us liked. It was not for you to make that decision for all of us. Whether or not you think you were in the right vis-a-vis TG, you DEFINITELY owe an apology to the rest of us for ruining a good thing.


    I didn't make a decision on anything. I exercised my opinion. TG decided to pack up his things and go home. Maybe he's the one you should be angry at.

  18. Less than remorse, understanding would be nice.


    You know, so far I've been trying to explain to you why you're a !@#$ing idiot nicely and kindly, without actually calling you a !@#$ing idiot. This is because I thought that maybe you had a momentary lapse of judgement, which you would understand with the fullness of time and, while not be remorseful, maybe be a little less critical. I was wrong. You're just a !@#$ing idiot.


    Just to clarify, personal attacks on me are okay, but registering a complaint about ESPN to one of their sports writers is not? Okay, just checking.


    You are a classic narcissist. You're obviously intelligent and well-spoken. The problem is, you simply cannot conceive of a world where the well-being of the group should trump what you view as the principled stand. From your posts, I'm going to guess that you're in your mid-20s, at most, and have just read Atlas Shrugged for the first time. Or something like that. There is a saying in the law: you take your victim as you find him. It's similar to the Eggshell Plaintiff theory. If a guy has a rare bone disorder that you're not aware of, and you punch him in the face and his face completely shatters as a result, you're responsible, whether or not his rare condition was obvious or even foreseeable to you. Similarly, here, whether or not TG is oversensitive - which appears to be your main defense - is beside the point. Assume that he is. You take your Guest Contributing Sportswriter as you find him, and it's not for you to insult him and ruin his contributions to the detriment of the rest of us. This is a community. Whether or not you think you are in the right or that he's more sensitive than the average person/poster, you need to respect everyone else's interests.


    That's what you don't get bro, and I think it will be awhile, if ever, before you're properly socialized or matured such that you do begin to grasp this.


    Sorry, I don't read Ayn Rand. And the well-being of the group, eh? Okay, let's examine. I've spent the better part of the last month trying to keep people updated with "insider" information by posting relevant things from ESPN Insider that most of you don't have access to. I get nothing, no thanks, or anything. That's fine, really. But then I register a complaint to an ESPN writer who takes it totally to heart like I insulted his kid or something and packs up his things and goes home, and suddenly I'm the bad guy? Give me a !@#$ing break. No, I'm not apologizing. Certainly not at this stage.

  19. well, at least the character you represent went down with far more nobility.




    King Leonidas I? I would hope so. Outside of that ****ty comic-book-based movie, his story was fascinating.


    Keep it up though, John. You're a national sports writer engaging an anonymous member of a football-based forum in the off-season. You've come a long way from "not wanting to get into it."

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