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Posts posted by Leonidas

  1. I think brohm jumped to #2 and they want to give trent a fresh start, but come gameday, he will show the new coaches why he finished last yr on the bench. This will be brohms team by week 1.


    Just my opinion


    So you're speculating on tangible depth chart movements based on nothing more than what you want to happen? Okay, just checking.

  2. Apparently Brohm said that Trent is (currently) the starter and he and Fitz will rotate as backups.


    That reminds me of 2004 when Joe Lieberman was running for president and came in fifth in the NH primary are gave a speech where he claimed to be ecstatic about being "just where we want - tied for third!" If Brohm's making the comment, it sounds like it's damage control. If he can't at least leapfrog Fitzy on this pathetic depth chart his career really is just about over. He undoubtedly realizes this.

  3. I think brohm jumped to #2 and they want to give trent a fresh start, but come gameday, he will show the new coaches why he finished last yr on the bench. This will be brohms team by week 1.


    I know this is total conjecture/horseshit, but I have to ask the question: "...based on?"


    The short, or the long throws? Anyone attempting a long throw protected by BUF's rookie/injured OL last season, waiting for a receiver to motor down

    field, was split seconds away from being splattered. That would rattle my throws.


    Come on. The line was bad, but Fitzy didn't even complete 56% of his passes. That's abysmal.

  4. Just dome the Ralph, and up grade it a bit more. I know then the Bills won't have the so called weather advantages but it could be a multi-use facility this way.

    Niagara Falls doesn't have the roads to get to it. how about adding a decent network of roads to Ralph instead. This idea should keep debt down and make it more attractive to new owners. Erie county gets its fed money for good will and hopefully it sparks some growth.

    Let's wait 15 more years and see where the economy and NYS are in terms of taxes and economic health before we build a real new home.


    That's actually the worst idea I've ever heard. There is no greater experience than watching a game at the Ralph in the snow.

  5. How about a gov't that spends 6.7 billion/month on a "war" in Afghanistan?


    While we may have a rapidly deteriorating health-care system, are fighting two dead end wars that cost around $12,000,000,000 per month, an escalating unemployment rate, and declining median wage to go with the disappearing middle class...please don't ever let it be said that any country has smoother roads..errr will have smother road when/if they ever get done working on all of them...at the same time. "Putting America to Work," only counted if you were in road construction.


    I don't disagree with any of that. But that doesn't mean we should have a new stadium. Unless you're implying of course that the reasons you stated are ones which we should be alerting our public officials about, in which case, I agree with you.

  6. If you are a Bills fan , regardless of your present address, write or e-mail your representatives in congress, write your President. Tell them the Bills need a new stadium in western N.Y.


    Come on , why not. The old War Memorial stadium was built as part of the "new deal" WPA projects of Roosevelt in 1937.

    Our current President should be proud to mirror the economic recovery act plans of such a progressive leader.


    Scary thought.....the Bills stadium in OP is now older than the old War memorial "Rockpile" was when the Bills left it in 1973.......


    WTF? The Ralph is a great place to watch a game. Terrible idea. I'm sick of all these people clamoring for new stadiums everywhere. Bigger doesn't necessarily mean better.

  7. Maybe someone smarter than I on the subject can answer this.....


    Why doesnt Ralph just sell the team to his children for $1. Then, whenever he does pass, he wont pay any taxes because he wont be the owner of the team. This is no different than a child buying an elderly parents home for $1 then allowing the parent to live there until they pass. Why is this not an option?


    The difference between the $1.00 paid and the fair market value of the Bills would be considered a gift to the children - When Ralph dies, that "gift" becomes part of the taxable estate - subject to tax.


    Also selling Bills does not help - Ralph would get 800 million+ and would have to put that money somewhere - where that would be taxed at time of his death


    That's not the issue. The issue, if I'm not mistaken, is the lifetime gift tax exemption. This year the exemption is $1M, so Thoner, if you give your children a $500,000 and you file the gift with the IRS, both parties are exempt from paying taxes on it. If you give your children a $900M football franchise, they are exempt from paying taxes on the first $1M, but are responsible for paying taxes on the rest. The issue is different, however, if Ralph dies this year (which I certainly don't want to happen), since this year they repealed the inheritance tax, and as a result, his children would pay nothing in taxes. However, since my understanding is that they do not want to run the franchise, they would sell it and be crushed by federal and state sales taxes as a result.

  8. I am optimistic for the direction the team is going to be taking under Nix and Gailey but like any other realist I am deeply concerned about the LT and QB position. Our plan at LT is apparently to try to hit the lottery and turn another UDFA or 7th round pick into a probowl LT. Good luck with that. Really, good luck with that. I hope somebody steps up.


    QB is even more or a gamble. I get that they want to give the guys they have a chance in a real system with real coaching but the cupboard looks pretty bare. Even if 1 of the three candidates can step up mentally I am not overly impressed with any of them physically. Brohm is probably the best thing we have from a physical perspective and might have the best of a group of mediocre arms.


    That being said I just can't agree with Nix/Gailey about not bringing another to guy to compete at the QB position. I think we really screwed the pooch on Jason Campbell as he has already in an even worse situation in Washington outperformed the motley crue we have. Troy Smith is another guy that could come in to compete. What is the worst that could happen? He PROVES that he is better than the fodder we have. How could that be a bad thing? His team mates and seem to think that he is more than just a back up.




    This was my favorite part. Proving he's better than our current QB's is the "worst that could happen," eh? Terrific.


    Assuming that you know that this change would not be for the better without giving it a try is dumb AND arrogant.


    That's just the thing: you can't know ANYTHING for a fact here. Troy Smith might turn out to be the next Johnny Unitas. The odds are seriously against that happening, but nobody knows for sure. All signs, however, point to it being a bad move, especially for the type of compensation you were suggesting.


    That is news to me. Can you provide a link to those comments? :rolleyes: Nice try...thanks for your input.



  9. Why would a team show interest in a QB that wasn't available when their are other options that are? I'm not saying that Troy Smith is Steve Young sitting behind Joe Montana hear. LOL. And yes I did mistype the original post which you pounced on immediately, soo..."You're back...Super". I have corrected it for clarity. Troy Smith wasn't a real possibility until the Ravens recently signed Marc Bulger.


    Yet Troy Smith was making waves long before Bulger was signed, and was speculated to be available before the draft. He even changed agents in March to get it done. Yet there was little-to-no interest in him, as there continues to be.


    Ah...that sounds like the admission of defeat without admitting defeat. If I don't agree with your point I don't understand basic logic right? I borrowed that one from your personal arsenal. I tell people they get it if they agree with me. Right? That's how you basically introduced yourself to this thread right?


    After unsuccessfully trying to put words in my mouth or imply something other than what I actually said and unsuccessfully pulling it off you resort to the usual personal insults which I am obviously not above either. :rolleyes: I have never claimed to not be arrogant on here which isn't a lovable trait. I have only claimed to be correct. Hopefully you won't need counseling or lose sleep due to my arrogance. Arrogant or not ...you have said nothing what so ever to prove me wrong.


    No, that was me trying to wind down this **** show without calling you a !@#$ing moron. Too late, I guess. You obviously think highly of yourself, you think your sly, and you think you can simply reverse what others pickup about you, but it doesn't work. Nothing you're saying is making any sense, and yet you continue...


    It's impossible to "prove" that Troy Smith isn't worth trading for. It would also be impossible for you to realize it if it happened.

  10. You're back. Super.


    Perhaps again I wasn't clear. Teams in need of a QB as of July 21st? That is the question I posed relevant to what WE can do now. Troy Smith was a real possibility until Marc Bulger was just signed a couple weeks ago.


    Yes, and my point was that all these teams needed a QB and not one even showed any substantial interest in Smith.


    But you imply Smith is no longer a possibility now that Bulger was signed which doesn't make any sense. No surprise there, of course.


    I put know holes in anything. It was you and Bills freak who are lacking in reading comprehension and TRIED TO READ TO MUCH INTO IT. Please don't try to twist what I clearly stated so that you have something to rail against. Nice try again buddy but your wrong. People that passed the 8th grade know what I wrote and don't make assumptions to give them something to argue against.


    Whatever you say dude. This isn't the first time you've failed to understand basic logic (remember the J. Peters 'debate'?). Some people here are arrogant. Some are 'mercurial,' I suppose. You've got other problems altogether.

  11. Colt Brennan, Chase Daniel, Ken Dorsey, Timmy Chang, John Beck, Eric Ainge, Kliff Kingsbury (I think he was actually in camp with us a few years ago), Chris Leak, Brad Banks, Graham Harrell, Brian Brohm (oh crap we already have him?). We could get any of these "college stars" for nothing, why would we give up anything for Troy Smith?


    Actually Colt Brennan is the one guy on that list I'd really like to have...

  12. Sure I do. Why would he pose an IF/THEN regarding something that in know way relates to what I was saying. In no way did I express or insinuate that OTAs, film study, years in the league, acclimation to the size and speed of the game were all that was necessary to be an "all pro".


    I can play this game too. "Why am I even explaining this?"


    I love how you come off as a complete moron yet get indignant about it. Classic.


    You said Smith had experience, yet when we put holes in that, you backpedaled into OTAs and mini-camp 'experience.' And while you didn't say that was "all" you needed, you used it as one of your main points to trade for the guy. Everyone here read it, and now that it's been refuted you're getting insecure. Stop.

  13. As stated before. What other team has a QB need like the Bills. I can't think of one. Every other team that comes to mind is considerably better off than the Bills and it is certainly more realistic that they can work with what they have. You could be right though. What team is in as dire a need as the Bills? I'm certainly open to suggestion.


    Teams that needed a QB as of March 1:


    Seattle (traded for C. Whitehurst)

    Cleveland (signed a beleaguered Jake Delhomme, drafted Colt McCoy)

    Baltimore (signed Marc Bulger over keeping Troy Smith as the #2)

    Pittsburgh (traded for Byron Leftwich)

    Oakland (traded for Jason Campbell)

    St. Louis (drafted Sam Bradford #1 overall)


    Am I missing any?

  14. OK clown boy this is what bills freak said:


    "None of that relates to NFL experience and success. If just being in NFL Camps and OTAs was all you needed, Gibran Hamden would be an All Pro by your standards."


    Doesn't it seem like he is insinuating the logic conclusion to my statement is that OTAs makes you an all pro? It is you who should really stop embarrassing yourself.


    P.S. I have provide a link to the definition of insinuate in case your brain is still in neutral.




    Do you know what an if/then statement is? Do you know how logic works? If OTA's and mini camps were all that mattered, then Hamdan would be an all-pro. If my aunt was a man, then she'd be my uncle. See where I'm going with this?


    Why am I even explaining this? I have things to do.

  15. Again lazy people that pay more attention to the source of the information than the information itself. Use your brain. See the validity of my statement. A good idea is a good idea whether it comes from a janitor or the CEO of the company. FORTUNATELY I am not interviewing with you so your opinion of my name amounts to absolute jack squat! Keep that brain on cruise control buddy. Why waste time thinking when you can just dismiss things so easily based on capitalization? :rolleyes:


    Keep defending an indefensible position. You look like an idiot, but rather than change it, you defend it. Well, good luck. I'm sure plenty of janitors make excellent executive decisions.


    Like I told the other poster. Engage that brain. Pull it out of neutral.


    You keep saying these things as if they actually mean something...



    There was no guarantee of success for this experience either expressed or implied. BUT...he does have it. It is valid and it is miles and miles beyond NOT HAVING IT! Another way to look at it is he is not a rookie. Does that make it easier for you to get the concept? You know. They always talk about rookies getting used to the speed of the game. The size of the players. The complexity of the schemes, etc. Do you get it now what that experience means.


    Sorry I really am being a jerk but I thought that it was obvious what benefit this experience was. It;s my fault perhaps for not being clear about what that experience meant.


    Keep telling yourself that Troy has the experience because of OTA's and mini-camps. I'm sure that'll sell the Bills faithful on sending a third round pick for him. Seattle thought so highly of Smith that rather than send a sixth rounder for him they sent a second and third for a guy who's never thrown an NFL pass.

  16. That is just dumb. Being in the NFL taking part in all those NFL activities doesn't give you NFL experience? Please just stop talking. On top of that you make ridiculous wild speculation that Hamden would be an all pro. Just give it up buddy. Experience is no guarantee. Just like your ability to type is no guarantee of intelligence.


    Sorry "buddy," but he's right. You brought up the point about Troy's experience, we just reminded you that he had none. Fitzpatrick has been in the league since 2005, so technically he's got way more experience.


    His comment about Hamdan being an all-pro was in reference to your comment about OTA's, not that Gibran Hamdan would have actually been an all-pro. You should really stop embarrassing yourself...

  17. Sadly at this late stage of the game I don't know one to exist. That would have been a great question to ask me before the draft and all of the quality free agents dried up though :rolleyes:


    I would have liked to have brought in Campbell, especially knowing all along he was available for a fourth rounder. But they didn't. Now what? Troy Smith has proven nothing in this league, and "all the quality free agents" you mention...who are these? Marc Bulger? Please. There's a dearth of available talent at the position, sorry.


    What other QB needy teams are there that are anywhere near as bad off as Buffalo. This is a solution for Buffalo not for other teams. The Raiders are the only other team I could think of and they did the smart thing and got Campbell. Also this speaks to the point I made to Leonidas. How long did Al Davis try to prove himself right giving Russell every opportunity to succeed and losing a head coach in the process? The owners are arrogant successful bastards. They think they are always right until it becomes incredibly painfully obvious that they are wrong.


    Please. You're comparing Russell/Davis to Edwards/Wilson? Seriously?? Russell was a #1 overall pick, and he was Al's pick. Al fired Kiffin instead of firing Russell. I promise you not only did Wilson not know who Edwards was when they drafted him, but that he was likely asleep when they did so. Apples and oranges. !@#$ it, apples and Volkswagens. Completely different situations.

  18. Ah yes, rotating caps automatically invalidate my opinion. OR...you could use your brain and see the merit of my statement. Lazy small minded people focus on insignificant things like that instead of engaging their brains and actually thinking.


    Go into an interview with a baseball cap on backwards, jeans, and a dirty t-shirt and tell me how important a first impression is. No matter how relevant your argument was - and fortunately, it wasn't - it would have suffered from a lack of credibility. Love it or hate it, it's the truth.


    Any-who...You are correct. Troy Smith was a 5th round pick so in theory WE WOULD HAVE TO GIVE UP EVEN LESS!!!! Thanks for strengthening my point :rolleyes: If you have been living under a rock Troy Smith has been in the league going on his 4th year. NFL team. NFL training camp. NFL OTAs. NFL locker room. NFL film room and experience in the offense. NFL starts in preseason and regular season. So...ya...NFL experience.


    Start using that big brain of your Leonidas, look outside the box and see the big picture.


    P.S. Also you apparently have very little insight to the level of arrogance that people at this level posses. It would never be like any of us to never admit they are wrong ;) To be so arrogant as to think that they are always right and it is just a matter of finding the right system and coach to prove that they were right all along and Edwards is a star. You keep thinking that buddy. LOL


    Wait, so that "experience" you're talking about admittedly has little to do with actual game experience, but experience in the Ravens' OTA's and training camps? Really? That's what you're going with? If experience is what you're looking for, stay with Edwards and Fitzpatrick - they've each got more game experience than T. Smith has...by a longshot.

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