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Posts posted by papazoid

  1. According to Schefter, Cowher is clearly not coming to Buffalo.


    “I wouldn’t have reported what I did unless I felt entirely comfortable with it,” Schefter told me. “Too many reliable people have told me that, as much respect as Bill Cowher has for Ralph Wilson, it’s not the right opportunity at the right time.”


    Schefter told me t it wasn’t matter of finances either.


    “Money would not have been the issue,” Schefter said. “Buffalo was willing to step up, from everything I’ve been told, just as they were willing to step up for Mike Shanahan. When people accept life-changing jobs, it’s usually a gut feeling, and the sense I’ve gotten is that it didn’t feel like the right job at the right time for Cowher.”


    “But whatever it is, he will not be the Bills coach next season — that I’m confident in.”


    Schefter said that because of his tweet Sunday he’s seen plenty of hostility among Bills fans.


    “A number of Bills fans have sent me negative tweets, asking what I have against the city,” Schefter said. “Absolutely nothing. I really like Buffalo and have enjoyed every one of my many visits there.”


    “I’m just doing my job. And my job has allowed me to gather information that says Cowher is not going to be coaching the Bills.”


    He also was told me the Bills have tried to land Cowher more than once since initially showing interest.


    “I honestly think the Bills made multiple efforts to try to convince Cowher to come to Buffalo,” Schefter said. “It just didn’t work out. Kudos to them for trying — they did the right thing.”


    Finally, I asked if he thought there was a chance talks could pick up in the next few days, and if Cowher to Buffalo was truly “dead”?


    He said, “As Drew Rosenhaus would say, Next question.”


    Are you sure?


    “Correct. Confirmed. Comfortable.”




  2. No way around it. He is the main, singular reason no one wants to work here. He promised change. So he hires from within a guy who has never been a GM. Why? Because he 'knows him'. Well the rest of the NFL world doesn't give a **** about Ralphies comfort level with his GM. Hold outside interviews with guys who are available and some that are up and comers and yes that can include Nix. But nope, Ralph can't do that.


    Next, Any HC worth a damn is going to want personnel say. Do you not think assistants and former HC's not take note of the absolute failures we have had in Free agency and the Draft? They have to be looking at the moves made, not made and said WTF???? But hey, you want a guy to come in here and be strapped with that mess? Not happening.


    But there is no way in hell Ralph Wilson is going to give that much power over, it just isn't going to happen. 'But ICE...Tom Donahoe....' !@#$ed up. Bottom line he !@#$ed up. But at the same time rumor around the league was Tom got calls several times a day from Ralph wondering what was going on. We all know Ralph can't keep his damn hands out of things and just let someone else run the show.


    So here is what is going to happen, We are going to hire the one guy who is so hard up for a HC job he doesn't care if he fails, he just wants to be in the roll because we have seen most anyone worth a damn wont touch this job. We will have crap 'up and coming' coordinators and still have the same morons doing our scouting, free agency, drafting for us that we have for damn near a decade now.


    So I will say it, until Ralph dies (*)is team isn't going to be any better than it is now. (*) I say dies since he has said he will keep it till he dies and absolutely will not sell no matter what.


    Oh and this 'But then they will move' BS is pure BS. We get a new owner who is willing to clean house, give up the power that needs to be given up to a quality HC and GM, gets some real studs in here and this team will sell out every single week even with an increase in ticket sales. That = the team goes NO WHERE.


    The best thing would be hoping for a new owner sooner than later.





    None of this changes unless Ralph is out of the picture.


    Why is everyone so Ga Ga over Grimm?


    Any bets on Tennessee getting a better HC than us?


    Grimm tells us why the Bills gig isn't that good.


    I guess it could be worse...


    Why doesnt a good HC want to come here?

  3. I'd say that 90 percent of Headcoaches and GM's leave there team because they were fired? Is there a pattern there?


    good point......look, i'm a glass is half full guy....but where there is smoke there is fire.....


    any coach who comes here, big name or up and coming, has one big hurdle to get over right away....


    you are NOT gonna win right away, this is still a "rebuilding" mode job......


    that carries with it HUGE RISK.......you may not make it til the 3rd or 4th year......


    cause the easiest way to provide "hope" is to replace a coach......


    you may NOT get another chance to head coach for a long time.

  4. “It’s always flattering when you’re considered for it,” Grimm said of the Bills’ interest, “but you’ve got to wait and see what it all contains and pertains to and how it’s run—but that’s all down the road.”



    that says it all right there. Ralph has a bad rap and so does this front office. I would immagine we aren't getting anyone worth a damn if Ralph keeps butting his nose in and clowns like Modrak and Guy are kept around with their crappy track records.


    ANY new HC coming into THIS Situation is gonna want say over personnel. The Bills brass just better get ready to hand it over.


    Does it ever occur to some of you that most of these candidates are thinking...I BETTER PROTECT THE JOB I ALREADY HAVE by not interviewing for a new one, until my current team is out of the playoffs. Most of these candidates have interviewed for a Head Coaching position numerous times before......they know how much time is involved to prepare for and conduct the interview process.


    i read grimms quote and it says to me....i'm flattered, i need to know the details, i'm busy now, i'll get to that after i'm done with my current responsibilities. no where do i see a slight directed towards ralph or the bills.

  5. Brian may not give Bills a chance




    Last Updated: 6:59 AM, January 13, 2010


    Posted: 2:19 AM, January 13, 2010




    It was unclear as of yesterday if Jets offensive coordinator Brian Schottenheimer was going to interview with the Bills this week for their vacant head coaching position.


    According to two NFL sources, there's some question if Schottenheimer will interview with the Bills at all, despite the fact that Buffalo has asked the Jets for permission to speak to him.


    "I wouldn't be surprised if he says, 'Thanks, but no thanks,' " to the Bills, one source told The Post yesterday.


    Schottenheimer, who has interviewed with the Dolphins, Ravens and Jets for head-coaching jobs, said last week he was happier than he's ever been at a job working under Rex Ryan. He was unavailable for comment yesterday but is scheduled to speak today.




    The Bills are allowed, by NFL rule, to speak to Schottenheimer this week, but if they don't they likely would have to wait until after the Jets' season.


    One player hoping Schottenheimer stays is Mark Sanchez, calling him "instrumental" in his development.


    "He's taught me so much about playing in this league," Sanchez said. "I think these last couple of weeks we've really started to grow together and this offense has really started working, so we've found a little bit of a formula. It's been a great relationship all year.


    "It's difficult to think about [schottenheimer leaving], but I try not to. You kind of block it out and keep playing and we'll cross that bridge when we need to."



  6. Ralph is NOT a detriment to the bills. first and foremost, if it wasn't for Ralph's principles this franchise would have been moved to another city along time ago. Ralph has voted against every single NFL vote to relocate a franchise.


    fast forward to a 90 year old Ralph, who practically on his own, was the only voice of reason arguing against the most recent labor agreement with the players. he said it was a bad deal. Now ALL the other owners realize he was right. is that the mind of a senile old man?


    i blame the lack of success of the past ten years on the loss of quality talent evaluators......Bill Polian, John Butler, A J Smith , Bob Ferguson and Buddy Nix. Replaced by Tom Donahue and then apparently, much recent influence by Dick Jauron. The loss of Polian was HUGE and is the single greatest factor that contributed to these last ten years. i do find fault with ralph for much of that (i don't care what he called his daughter).


    i feel ralph is as committed as ever to bringing a super bowl to the fans. 31 teams every year say thats alot easier said than done. Buddy Nix is a great first step towards that goal. it's about getting talent.


    Ralph's not perfect, but we are and have been fortunate to have him as the owner of our beloved bills.

  7. jim kelly said on the channel 7 , 5pm news that....decision is up to RW & RB...but says he respects Cowher....bill cowhers a big name...a motivator and teacher...he understands what is going on.......super bowl excperience not important


    never said anything about kelly talking to cowher today





    bills have asked and received permission to intereview Brian Schottenheimer.



    russ grimm expected to deny interview request

  8. "First of all, we don't know if Modrak and Guy are returing (Guy's contract is up in May). Also, Guy brought in Walker and Dockery because that's who the team wanted. And Guy certainly didn't make the Bills give those guys those huge contracts. The drafts were as much an organizational call as they were Modrak's. It should be noted though that he wanted Brian Cushing over Aaron Maybin."



    if this is true......then Modrak did his job.....and as it turns out, did it well as Cushing is AP's defensive rookie of the year.


    jauron is an idiot.

  9. ATTENTION all you chicken little the sky is falling fans :


    Rivera DID NOT turn the bills down, he is WAITING til S.D. season is over !!



    Rivera will wait to interview

    January 10, 2010 3:27 PM | 1 Comment

    The San Diego Union-Tribune: Ron Rivera won't be interviewing until the Chargers' season ends or they have a week off before the Super Bowl.


    "I'm committed to helping the Chargers win the Super Bowl," the team's defensive coordinator said yesterday.


    Rivera declined to comment further on his prospects with the Buffalo Bills and Seattle Seahawks, but sources have confirmed both teams asked permission to speak with Rivera but that it was Rivera who declined the opportunity to interview with either.



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