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Posts posted by PushthePile

  1. Need a visual? Just say the word...

    Nah, if you've seen one tramp stamp, you've seen them all.


    In all seriousness, what makes you an ex-jamhead? I know you mentioned the political agenda of the band but was there a specific event that started the downfall? Just curious Boomer, you obviously were a diehard at one point. I don't know much about PJ other than the radio hits.

  2. Nice first post in this thread there 'bro'. Where exactly are YOU discussing music? You aren't, and you're simply going after me for being pissed off at these guys. Nice. Check out my screen name sometime and look up my original one: boomerjamhead.


    Eddie Vedder is as divisive as they come. He prefers it that way, and because of it he can kiss my ass. Where did I say he was 'wrong'? You made that up, and I applaud you for your creativity.


    I can "out-Pearl-Jam" anyone on this board. Let's go ahead and talk some music there 'bro'.


    The Britney Spears reference is hilarious. I don't have a tatt of her lame ass on my back, but I do have a big ass PJ tatt.

    You had him on the run, until you referenced the Pearl Jam tramp stamp.

  3. I like the Brown pick alot myself. I don't know if he will be great but I think he has the potential to be. I'm assuming he is a fairly raw product but according to most sources I've seen, has all the tools. I also like what little I've seen of his personality. Levi seems relaxed in interviews and confident. Let's hope it translates!


    Nix and Gailey have been questioned numerous times about not selecting a QB early. They both usually respond with an answer that involves the three QBs on the roster from last year and I have no real problem with that. I'm glad they didn't take a QB early, I was in the camp that felt this wasn't a good year for an early QB (at least after Bradford). With all that being said, I'd like to see them give a little more support to the QB they did pick.

  4. People who sugar coat every move the organization does, refuses to question any decision the organization makes, and chooses to ignore reality when reality proves the decision/move wrong.


    • These people continued to believe ( and some may still do) Jauron was a good/great coach
    • Getting rid of Jason Peters and replacing him with a slow footed adequate RT or an second year project player was a great idea
    • Running the no huddle offense would "help" the Bills young inexperienced OL despite people like Jim Kelly and Peyton Manning saying you needed an experienced OL to run the No Huddle
    • Believing that Trent Edwards was capable of calling his own plays because he would not be bogged down by the inept coaching staff, failing to realize of course, the only coaching Trent had at the NFL level was by the same inept coaching staff
    • Believe picking a project player at the 11th overall spot is/was a good/great idea despite needing immediate help at various positions
    • Believing a single player (TO) was the cure to all offensive woes
    • Believing marketing played no part in acquiring TO (the marketing was just a "bonus")
    • In general, cannot tolerate any "negative" post regarding the team (negative being a broad definition, but basically anything they disagree with)


    Do any of those sound like you?




    There it is again. The "negative" people need to be restricted.

    I agree with some of your points but hindsight is 20/20. The Bills are guilty of mistakes and misfortune, we all get it.


    The negative posts aren't what annoy people so much. It's the constant rehashing of mistakes made by prior FOs and mindless assumptions that this team will never do anything right.


    The mark of an intelligent critic is someone who has opinions on both sides of the fence. It's hard to take anyone's opinion serious if they are all one way or the other.


    If I had to choose, I'd take the rose colored glasses fan. At least this brand of fan is bringing up fresh points and new thoughts. The eternal negative fan is usually boring and painfully repetitive. It's bad enough that the Bills haven't been a winner in quite some time but having to listen to all of the know it all whiners, makes the experience twice as bad.


    Actually, this type of person is a pain in the ass in all aspects of life. They look for any platform to complain, belittle, prop self up, and remove hope.

  5. Just for the record, Two Bills Drive hasn't linked my stories regularly for months. And I haven't shared a link to one of my own since Marhsawn Lynch's plea bargain last year.


    ESPN is able to track where traffic comes from. This site increased my traffic by an average of about 150 clicks a month. My total traffic is anywhere from 1.5 million to 3 million clicks a month, depending on the time of year.

    You should get a new screen name and enjoy the freedom anonymity.

  6. Tim Graham gets alot of praise here and he deserves it. I think most of us really enjoyed his insight and willingness to answer questions as best he could. With that being said, I don't think Leonidas did anything wrong. This is a message board and strong opinions should be welcomed. Leonidas made some relevant points and to my knowledge never directly disrespected Tim.


    It's kind of funny to see the reaction from some of the posters here, considering much worse occurs on a regular basis. IMO, Tim could have just as easily said he wasn't interested in debating about ESPN and left it at that. Like I said before, the overwhelmingly majority of us have shown our appreciation repeatedly.


    If he wasn't enjoying his time here anymore, that's cool. His contributions have already been above and beyond. I can't blame Leonidas for what happened though.

  7. You are 100 percent correct with this point Alpha. IMO, people are like cattle and their thought process follows suit.


    Meredith represents a relatively unfamiliar player, who has potential and is on a path of ascension. At least people really want to believe that. Many fans want to get on the bandwagon and say I had a feeling about that guy.


    Brian Brohm represents a very well-known player, who despite his potential has not lived up to the hype yet. It's the hype that makes fans want to get on the bandwagon and say I had a feeling that guy stunk.


    It's all about expectations and people's expectations can be based on any number of things. Alot of the time expectations are based on pure crap. Steve Johnson gets praised routinely on TSW and James Hardy gets shredded. What is the major difference between the two so far? Expectations


    Brian Brohm is an easy target for the crowds and Jamon Meredith makes for a feel good story. What they have done in the NFL up to this point is comparable.

  8. This isn't a restaurant complaint but I have to vent anyway.


    I work for myself and the majority of my work is done in residential homes. Most days when lunch time hits, I like to get away from the job for a break. If I'm by myself, I usually find a secluded parking lot and eat my lunch, read a book, make a couple phone calls, and do whatever.


    I generally pick a large parking lot like a mall or movie theatre and park in the most remote area. Sometimes I'm the only vehicle in the parking lot, especially if it's a closed business lot.


    My complaint is the jackass that needs to park right next to me and look at me while he talks on the phone. An entire empty parking lot, as far as the eye can see, and this jerk has to pick that spot. I know it sounds stupid but it drives me crazy. That 30-45 minute window is my only window of relaxation and I usually don't have a chance to step away while working.


    I despise that sweaty pig that sits there staring at me eat my lunch, in an empty parking lot. I'd say he finds me about 60 percent of the time. 500 hundred spots available and thats the one dip **** always wants.

  9. First of all, I love the way everyone out here thinks that Chan Gailey and his "genious offensive mind" will be able to mold all these holdovers from last year's number 30 ranked offense into a good offense. Tight end is not a serious need? I'll believe that when whoever ends up starting, can play three straight games as a good blocker, a good pass catcher, and figures out how not to get injured.


    Secondly, I would wager that Bill Belicheck and staff in New England gets paid "Bigger Bucks" by their owner to assemble and coach their team. I hope by the time the Pats play the Bills next year, Brady doesn't end up torching the Bills for 3 TD's to Gronkowski from the red zone, while Chan is rotating his smallish tight ends the whole game while they end up catching 3 passes for 13 yards between them.

    You are whining about our TEs ability to stay healthy, and your solution would have been Rob Gronkowski? The kid was one of the biggest injury concerns of the whole draft. The Patriots took Aaron Hernandez four picks later because of the gamble Gronkowski represents. Awesome logic Phan.


    Besides the main theme of this train wreck, is that the Bills missed "a golden chance to sell tickets". :D Yeah, because nothing sells tickets like a TE with back problems and little chance of cracking the starting lineup in his first year.

  10. So the guy wasn't open he keeps the ball and gets killed by 2 guys. You would be the first one on his ass if he released the ball and was picked off. "why would he throw that ball, the guy wasn't open", classic.


    and yes he seems to be injury prone.

    Bad QBs hold the ball and take a sack.


    Throwing the ball away, is the correct answer that escapes you and Trent.

  11. True, but I would only expect that the number of smugglers would go down just because of the decrease in demand of marijuana. Alot of the harder drugs (heroine, meth, etc.) are produced here in the US or up in Canada, which is a whole other beast in itself.

    Yeah, I just don't think that legalizing marijuana would have any positive effect on crime. I actually believe it could have a negative effect on the severity of crimes committed.


    There is alot of drug dealers who would all of sudden have their main source of income completely ripped from them. Drug dealers need to make money to, and let's face it a large percentage of them aren't going to start turning in applications. Somebody who has accepted a life of crime isn't going to give it up because pot becomes legal.


    Smoking weed itself is a stupid crime and the severity of the punishments are laughable. The government stands to make alot of money on legalization and I think the majority of citizens would support it. Including me and I don't smoke. :rolleyes:

  12. However, if marijuana were legal this whole situation could have been avoided. If there is no demand for them to smuggle marijuana, then it will stop.


    Now go ahead and flame me for this, by saying why don't we just make everything legal then we don't have to worry about anything. I'm just making a justifiable observation.

    I'm in favor of making marijuana lega,l but there is plenty of other stuff to smuggle.


    If these guys aren't smuggling marijuana they would be transporting something else. It's not like they would drop the whole criminal thing, and become honest marijuana farmers.

  13. First of all, thanks for a well thought post. I happen to strongly disagree with the bold, but both of us are here for thoughtful discussion imo.


    Oddly enough, the positions you listed are almost idenntical to the 2010 Bills needs. The only difference I have with this list is that you specified LT. Imo RT is also a huge need whereas it appears that our RT will be an elderly Raider castoff, if in fact he survives training camp.


    If Spiller is half as good as many portray, certainly the possibility of a trade down offer did exist. Also, it is hard for me to believe that at the positions listed, there wouldn't be a player who will turn out to be FAR more productive than Whitner, who is after all a small and marginably productive safety.


    Whitner was a product of a senile, inept GM and a proven loser coach. Imo Spiller was selected as a result of a meddling, profit driven businessman who wants to sell jerseys and put "fannies in the seats.". I want to be wrong with this assessment, but it is just so clear that I truly am surprised that it isn't a common opinion.

    If the Bills were motivated by ticket sales, they would have drafted a QB. This argument especially lost steam when the Bills passed on Jimmy Clausen twice.

  14. No, I wouldn't say... Spiller won't make the Bills a better pass blocking team, which is what they desperately need to improve, more specifically the QB's blind side needs to be upgraded.


    Fred Jackson is an elusive runner and was able to shed blocks and make defenders miss, his ability to make yardage after the initial hit is what allowed him to become the starter and do so well. His 1000 yard+ season is more of a tribute to his abilities then the Bills O line IMO.

    My take on drafting Spiller is that they killed two birds with one stone,they needed a WR opposite Lee Evans and they got a RB that can play in the slot, play outside, line up at TB-RB-HB in that they got another great RB in the Fred Jackson mold, only faster 4.33



    Footballfocus breaks down individual play and footballoutsiders breaks down the teams play, as a team the Bills O line looked better running the ball then passing because of the play of Fred Jackson.

    The NFL has become a passing league and the Bills need to pass block better to compete in the AFC East.

    1. Spiller out of the backfield or in the slot can punish a defense and hurt an aggressive blitz. His talents need to be accounted for and indirectly that threat will hurt the opponents ability to attack.


    2. In the past you have said that no QB could perform behind this o-line, which was kind of foolish but many of your points tend to be exaggerations. Now, your new analysis is that any success had in the running game is a tribute to Jackson and not the o-line?


    QB gets sacked = o-line is so bad, no QB could produce

    RB gains yards = o-line is so bad, but RB's supreme effort overcame it


    Gotta watch those agenda based observations, Rabbit. :rolleyes:


    3. The NFL is more of passing league than ever before but there are still many ways to win this league. Pass protection is obviously a major question mark going into this season but I'm optimistic about the zone-blocking scheme. The new approach might fit our players better and let's face it, this is going to be running team. Until a competent NFL QB (maybe Brohm or Brown?) is added to the roster we should be a running team.

  15. Couldn't disagree with you more. The same personnel in a different offense will not give them more talent but certainly can yield a very different product. A different scheme can definitely change results and in some instances hide the fact that we don't have as much talent as you'd prefer. That's why some coaches are better than others.

    Nice post Kenny. It's all about getting the most out of your talent and putting them in a position to be successful.

  16. Okay, ill bite....

    Drew threw for 3,284 yards his first year as starter...doing the math...16 games...205 yards per game

    Trent threw for 2,699 yards his first year as starter...doing the math...14 games...193 yards per game


    I dont think the 12 yards per game will dictate this comparison being invalid


    Look, Edwards may not be drew brees, but he needs another shot at becoming our QB for the long term. thankfully, thanks to the current front office, he will get another chance

    Drew Brees had 27 TDs and 7 interceptions in his third year starting.


    Trent Edwards has a total of 24 TDs and 25 interceptions combined over his three years of being a starter.


    It's not happening.

  17. Productive? Mmmmmm. I personally doubt it.


    More productive than our guys? Gotta agree with that.

    I guess it's all on your definition of production. Aaron Rodgers played behind a very poor line last year and managed to have a fantastic season. The Bills line wasn't much worse than that, if at all.


    You aren't going to convince me that Aaron Rodgers and Phillip Rivers wouldn't have gotten the ball to TO, Evans, Reed, and Nelson. Despite the o-line problems, the opportunity to make plays were there every Sunday.

  18. there is no QB that could have a productive season behind our OL. i mean maybe a QB that can run around and make plays....a QB with legs.....but a pure pocket passing QB would and will get killed behind our line. I feel bad for our QB this year.....

    :rolleyes: Good to see this myth is still alive and well. Yes, the o-line was terrible at times but don't underestimate the ability of a great QB. It often seems like the best QBs have all day to throw but if you watch closely it's often the QBs ability to go through his reads, sidestep pressure, anticipate receivers routes, and execute a well timed throw. What do the best QBs do when an o-line is getting whipped? Throw the ball away!


    No QB would have broken records behind our o-line but many would have been productive.

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