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Posts posted by PushthePile

  1. so the only reason i dont like him is that it's popular to not like him. but liking him is all personal preference?


    i wasnt arguing with you as to his success or popularity, just saying that the analogy is wrong.


    he's more like the Buffalo Bills of comedy, in that he offers no real substance, but his fans keep coming back for more even though theyre getting a subpar product. :doh:


    people can like him all they want, that's fine. to each their own. all we're saying in this thread is that, for all his success, there are better comedians who dont have the notoriety they deserve. i dont hate Dane Cook in any way, and not even close to the way i hate Carlos Mencia. just commenting that his stand-up routine has gotten incredibly weak as he has become more popular. it happens to bands too.

    I don't know if this is true for you but it is certainly true for many. I'm not really into Dane Cook either but I'm not going to say he offers no real substance because I'm only luke warm on his humor. Obviously he makes ridiculous amount of people laugh, his success speaks for itself.


    I agree Carlos Mencia is a hack. :thumbsup:

  2. no way, the Blue Devils win Championships and prove they are the best. The Yankees win Championships and prove they are the best. Dane Cook has made a fortune out of being mediocre at best. Good for him and all, but when it comes to actual comedy, his routine has gotten really weak. He had some funny bits back in the day, but seems to have convinced himself that he can say ANYTHING and have it be funny, as long as he says it a certain way.


    and there are PLENTY of other funny comedians that aren't "the all-time greatest" but are at least original and creative enough to write real jokes.

    This is a matter of opinion. It is no different than saying Duke gets every call and the Yankees buy every championship. The truth is that Dane Cook is tremendously popular and successful, and with that comes all the folks that need to discredit him and his fans.


    Comedy is such a personal preference thing. No sense in trying to explain to everyone what they should find funny.

  3. How can you really not get that? Do you honestly think that the Steelers traded Holmes behind closed doors? 30 other teams had an opportunity to offer something higher than a 5th round pick. That tells you something right there about Holmes.

    My apologies, I jumped the gun and didn't have all the facts. Your point makes perfect sense now. :unsure::D

  4. He used to be in. Now it's in to hate on him. Who cares.

    I agree with this. Dane Cook is not the best or worst comedian out there but it's definately cool to crush him. Everyone knows the type of cool guy I'm talking about. One of my friends just layed into Cook last week and later admitted he has only seen his movies. Again, I'm no big fan of Dane Cook but he is the Duke Blue Devils of comedy.



    ..... and can we stop comparing every performer to the all-time greatest of their craft? Every comedian isn't Richard Prior in his prime.

  5. Dogs usually enjoy any strong odor whether it's ass or a decaying animal. They haven't been programmed to distinguish what is a pleasant smell and what is a bad smell.


    What if you were raised in a world where you were taught ass was a fantastic scent and freshly cut grass was a horrific odor?


    .... that's my uneducated opinion. Any scholars out there, feel free to correct me. :flirt:

  6. I like both teams so either one is okay with me.



    The bandwagon of hatred for Duke has become more annoying than their over exposure and obnoxious coverage.



    This is also not a case of David v.s. Goliath. The promotion of anything such is just hype IMO. Butler isn't getting their just do and deserves to be recognized as an elite team but that doesn't make for a compelling story I guess.

  7. We need, among other things, OT and DT - usually picking at 9 would get you an elite prospect at one of those positions (maybe second best off the board). Not this year, most mocks have something like this ahead of us:



    McCoy (DT)






    How unlucky are we that potentially 6 of the top 8 teams in front of us are drafting at our greatest need? I looked back over the last decade of NFL drafts and only one year, 2002 comes close to that many at OT/DT being taken off the board (at 5). Reminds me of the year that we desperately needed a RB, and just 2-3 spots in front of us the Vikings take AP. We get Marshawn. :lol:


    I would love to know if there has ever been an NFL draft that 6-7 of the top ten picks were OT/DT

    Every year it feels like the Bills are always one or two picks away from difference makers.


    IMO the draft has six elite prospects. Suh, McCoy, and Berry are the best bets on defense. Bradford, Okung, and Spiller are the best bets on offense.


    It looks like Spiller is the only one who could fall to us and obviously not our top need. If the Bills subscribe to take the best player available, he gets picked.

  8. “What do this got to do with me playing football? Even if I did forget my cleats, what do that have to do with me playing football? I don’t think it has anything to do with me playing football.”


    I guess he doesn't see the absurdity of his statement there. Also, IIRC he's the guy who wasn't allowed to have his pro day at his alma mater. There is a problem Dez, and the more you deny it or don't see it the worse it is for you. JMO


    He even defends his decision to work out with Adam “Pacman” Jones, who was suspended for the entire 2007 season after a series of off-the-field incidents.


    “Why down talk the man? The man did everything right. He’s working out. He’s doing good. What happened in the past was the past. That’s just like anybody else. If they did something wrong, they would be looking for a second chance.”


    With all of the questions surrounding him he still goes and trains with Pacman. Not very smart at all. He should be distancing himself from guys like that. Not embracing them. JMO

    Great points. Does anyone know why he didn't hold his pro day at his college? How does a guy with character concerns going into the draft, associate himself openly with Pacman Jones?


    I would certainly hesitate in handing this kid millions of dollars and asking him to make good choices.

  9. Wrongosaurus. We QB fanciers are aware that getting a QB at #9 won't produce a terrific team this year. It will take time to build a team around him. We are also aware that picking an LT at #9 ALSO WON'T produce a terrific team this year, that in fact, we're most likely going to be fairly crappy this year.


    We just know that it is a lot harder to find a franchise QB than a franchise player at any other position.



    In addition to that,


    Mediocre QB with Great O-line = mixed results and varied effectiveness


    Great QB with mediocre O-line = almost always in contention

  10. Just stripped some horrible wallpaper form a few rooms in my house and I have to pick some paint colors. I am the farthest thing from a home decorator and live by myself. Any ideas or resources that can help me pick some nice color combos? I am resigned to the fact that Camo might hurt the resale value and isn't that trendy.

    Sherwin Williams staffs interior designers that will come out to your home and assist you with color schemes. It's a free service if you use SW products.

  11. You can file a grievance, but if they don't want to hire you they won't hire you. I applied and did all of the testing to be a police officer for 9 years, and couldn't get hired on. They kept telling me that I didn't have enough "life's experience". Then finally 9 years later an agency told me they wouldn't hire me because I applied to too many different agencies. I threw in the towel after that.


    Now, keep in mind I am not a veteran, but I volunteered a lot of time with my local sheriff's office when I was younger.


    IMO, it's politics. You probably didn't fit the exact criteria of what they wanted then. Try again. From what I have been told it is all about the timing. If you time it right then you will get hired on. Sounds more like luck to me. In any event, good luck and I hope you get hired on.

    Thanks Kevin, I'm definately going to keep trying. I completely agree with you on the politics end of it though.

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