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Posts posted by PushthePile

  1. Do you have a daughter?


    Suppose yes, would raise her to wear a necklace brandishing DTF? And even (as PTP stipulates) she's wearing it ironically, would you raise her to boast about its meaning to a professional athlete than follow him around to bars all night?


    You honestly think this girl is 100% innocent an BR is 100% guilty?

    This DTF necklace is a reference to the movie "Superbad", it is not proof of being a slut or a floozie. The 28 year old professional athlete should have told the 19 and 20 year old girls to beat it when they told him their age. Instead, he bought them drinks and made a point to seperate one of them away from her friends. The underage girl was obviously intoxicated but Ben was sober enough to realize he needed to keep the friends away.

  2. wearing a DTF necklace in a club, basically it means she is a slut. That said, I'll take the officer's statement on this as the most reliable thing. That said, she may have had sex with him, but I don't think that it was rape if any sex did happen. The big thing would be if she got a rape kit that night, and his DNA matched up and there was signs of sexual assault then yes i could believe the allegations at that point.

    Dude you and the Big Cat must live sheltered girl free lives! If you go out anywhere that caters to young people, you will find this sort of thing. NEWSFLASH: college girls are immature and will do alot of overtly sexual things to gain attention. Bachlorette parties and Mardis Gras chicks would really suprise you and the Big Cat.

  3. DTF = college joke? Sounds like a lame ass backpedal to me.


    Ben's two years older than me. Do you or I have much experience with free tail? Like dropped off at your door step, with a ribbon tied to it tail? No. Don't hate the player. Hate the game. Simple.


    EDIT: and yes, I have been around those types, in fact I mentioned that in my post.

    I gotta call horse **** on this one Big Cat. I can't understand for the life of me how a guy as experienced as you, wouldn't understand that sorority girls often do immature sexual things in nature to gain attention and cheap laughs.


    BR most certainly can get more tail than you or I but that has nothing to do with this specific instance. Save your "don't hate the player, hate the game" crap, it's an incredibly immature way of looking at this.


    Someone my age, shouldn't be buying drinks for a known minor and cordoning off an area from her friends with a line bodyguards. Who knows if it's out right rape but it is certainly scum baggery at a high level and his actions were deplorable.


    Have you ever been anywhere near a 20 year old sorority girl that has been drinking with friends? The whole DTF necklace thing was a stupid college joke that the girl got for her birthday from another sorority girl. What the hell does your math tell you? Personally, I'm almost the same age as Ben and I'd see an immature kid, not a target.

  5. They haven't even got past #1 yet


    they have a retired 70 year old scout working part time from his home in Tennessee now allegedly making the football decisions


    and he has yet to beef up the scouting dept to more than the 6 scouts they have been relying on .


    but not to worry, Modrak still runs college scouting on a part time basis from his home in Florida


    but they bring in a pro scout from Pittsburgh to replace Guy- so the rapist QB could be on his way to Buffalo -

    Bills fans will rejoice as they will have another criminal thug to keep Lynch company

    Your committment towards nonsense and negativity makes you one of the weakest posters on the board. The complete lack of responses you get, should be a good indication of how interesting people find your schtick. Nothing wrong with being skeptical but you might get more enjoyment from this site if you back off the boring potshots. BillsVet is completely disgusted with the Bills but often gets involved in good interaction.

  6. Marv Levy, Dick Jauron, and Mr. Smithers left this team in a tremendous hole. None of them were qualified to be in their former positions, and this roster demonstrates that.


    In talking about the on-field product, every Bills fans should recall what's happening off the field. When people talk about rebuilding, one might assume there will be enough time to do it. Not so with the Bills, who will need 3 full seasons for a complete rebuild, assuming they have the HC and they find the players. That's where my demand for success now comes from. No one can say what's going to happen after 2012, whereas there are probably 29 teams (excluding JAC and MIN) that are certain to be in their current market in 3 seasons. Rebuilding would be somewhat acceptable if it weren't for this situation Buffalo finds itself in.

    This perspective makes some sense, BillsVet. I can't give you an answer on what happens to the team over the next 5 years. I get more enjoyment as a fan, if I envision the Bills staying in Buffalo for the longterm. Whether that happens or not, you could make an argument that the actions of the team support both possibilities.


    If you believe the team is staying in Buffalo, it's a full blown rebuild. The Nix plan makes sense if this is the case.


    If you believe the team is leaving Buffalo, it's called not committing heavy resources towards a product that will be sold soon.


    Personally, i think they are sticking around long enough for a traditional rebuild.

  7. i.e. Bargain Basement...seriously...NO ONE has heard of these guys.

    The majority of the posters here know who Dwan Edwards and Andra Davis are. If you haven't heard those names before then I'm guessing only a couple of the FAs available would have satisfied you.

  8. Reading this thread, some fans gave the Bills another 3 years merely because they hired a new GM and HC. It wasn't who they hired, but simply that they hired someone different than DJ and replaced Mr. Smithers with a guy who had actually worked around NFL personnel departments. Perish the thought.


    The standard in Buffalo is low, and the front office keys on this. I mean, in most markets people would demand a winner and not a rebuilding after 10 years. The Bills know they don't need to win much next year, because some fans accept mere change as sufficient.


    The front office isn't that much different either. Sure, Guy is gone, but Modrak is still the principal draft guy, along with VP of Football Jim Overdorf who most don't realize makes more decisions than he gets credit (blame) for. The point is, just making changes isn't enough. They must be the right changes, and history shows there aren't many coaches who are out of the HC job for a decade and succeed. Neither are there many 70 year old first time GM's. This wasn't a house-cleaning like many of us wanted, but a matter of rearranging some chairs.


    And then there is the roster, which lacks an quality QB, is woefully thin at OT, lacks a true NT, has no proven pass rushing OLB's, and a #2 WR. That, and their backup RB will most likely be dealt for a late round pick. The coaching staff is extremely inexperienced, and the HC (despite having a heart attack a few years ago) believes he can handle the play-calling duties. I differ with many here when I say this is not an optimal situation.

    I don't know what to tell you BillsVet. You can't just demand an immediate winner from a new staff that, as you pointed out, is inheriting a roster that is a mess. The fans who are mentioning 3 years are just being realistic given the circumstances.

  9. Push, I am not arguing the general premise of what you, and Buddy Nix are preaching, it is just that you, and he, are acting that this is the only way to build a winner...and I am arguing that the Bills have used this exact method, time and again, and, frankly, the results have not been too impressive. I am not sure what Buddy Nix has done, so far, to make everyone believe that he is going to get any different results than his predecessors did.


    As much as Tom Donohoe gets criticized around here, I think he was much closer to building a winner here, than anyone since.... and he managed to sign some quality free agents (along with some stiffs) that contributed. And the beauty was, he didn't overpay any of them...if they didin't pan out, cutting them wasn't a hardship. And the franchise image was much better than it is now...we seem to accept that Buffalo can't attract top shelf free-agents, and we blame it on Buffalo...it isn't Buffalo, it is the Bills.


    I guess I am just saying, this franchise hasn't done anything, in my view, to deserve the benefit of a doubt that so many are rubber stamping so far. The free agents signed so far are pretty underwhelming. Davis should be an upgrade, and assuming Edwards can play, he could be a good pick up...but there is nothing that jumps out that shows this is not just more of the same...when they start showing actual signs of turning things around, on the field, I will be happy to pat them on the back...until then, this all seems nauseatingly familiar...even if Buddy warned us, or laid out his blueprint...

    Buddy Nix can't be held accountable for what his predecessors did. He's here to do a job and marketing is not his department. I understand the frustration many have for the Bills right now but the last decades of futility can't dictate the direction the team moves in.


    I'm not giving my stamp of approval to the Bills yet but I do believe in what Nix has said. His general layout is not the only way to build a team but it's the best. Longterm success comes from strong drafting and player development. Just following the model most definately doesn't guarantee winning but nothing is a guarantee. So far Nix has at least done what he said and was truthful with the fans. Let's hope he executes the plan, as well as he speaks it.

  10. Other than Dick Jauron getting a pink slip, I am still not sure how so many here are blown away by what Buddy Nix and Chan Gailey have done so far. I am coming around to Gailey, because he seems like a football coach...and I like the Doug Whaley hiring, if only, that it shows some progressive thinking by the franchise...but, talent wise, this is still a pretty bad roster, and the free agents they have signed, with the possible exception of Andra Davis, are not much to get too excited about...in fact, I wouldn't be shocked if most weren't even on the opening day squad... I know it is early, we haven't even had the draft yet, but I guess I am sort of envious of those who can still convince themselves, with no results, that the Bills are heading in the right direction... we now have our third consecutive rooke GM, an experienced, but underwhelming new head coach, and we are adding a bunch of stiffs from other rosters (and some that weren't even on other rosters)... it certainly feels like deja vu all over again.


    So now, we have he draft, and have to wait three years to see how that goes...just because adding free agents doesn't always work, it is no reason the Bills should be so non-active. Every free agent, or disgruntled player on another team isn't useless....


    This is not a great team...it can use a lot more help than it is getting. If teams like Cleveland can attract free agents, and "make things happen" in the personnel department, why can't the Bills? So many like to act as though other teams are foolish for being agressive in acquiring talent, as if the Bills have tapped into some great, tried and true, formula for winning...

    What teams cleaned up in FA this offseason? You act as if the Bills just looked the other way as other teams loaded their rosters. The Bills were in no position to overpay for one of the few really good FAs. It wouldn't have made a lick of difference going into this season and takes playing time away from younger players. The best teams in the league are made up of players they drafted and developed.

  11. I understand that the plan was set out for us to see. And yes the FO is going by that plan, but if a guy fits your scheme and is available in Free Agency that helps you get to your goal, Why not get him, Right? The Defense was switched to a 3-4. We don't know if Schoebel is here next year, We will likely need guys along the defensive line. How many picks do you think it will take? We have backup roles to fill, not just starting ones. On Offense, we need more than a handful of guys too. We need a O-Line, and yes you can address that in the draft, but you will need a couple O-lineman, another Receiver or two. A quality TE. The list goes on. And if you havent noticed, we need quality players. Not just guys that are here taking up space. This obviously will take a couple of years. but I'm pissed that year after year the only Pro-Bowl guy we have is our punter. Come on now. We need to build this thing faster than your estimations show. Also, moves like last year (TO) sparked the marketing side of things. Whats the plan this year? Getting Tebow? Come on, I like the guy, but will he be ready to lead this team this year or next. The jury is out. some say 3-4 years.

    The Bills did fill a few holes with FAs. They weren't splashy names but a couple good football players that fit our new schemes.

  12. You could argue that your plan was exactly the plan that Marv Levy/Russ Brandon followed in adding Dick Jauron. Was 4 years not enough time to realize that this wasn't working? Jauron got to stage 5 before he was sacked...unless you count Terrell Owens as the begining of stage 6...


    So, Pusher of the Pile, sage one...what is a reasonable amount of time for us to notice positive results in this "new" plan...

    how much more "built" does the front office have to be? Should we wait, a year for each phase of the process, laid out by you, to see results? It seems like other franchises, at least on occasion, net quicker results. Some franchises have managed to do two things in one offseason... but, I know, that is expecting too much... :thumbsup:

    The formula I posted is no revelation to even the casual fan. Buddy Nix is just one of many NFL minds that have publicly laid it out for us. It might have faltered for Marv and Company but alot of things have failed over the years.



    Your questions:


    1. What is a reasonable amount of time for us to notice positive results? Positive results should be seen in year two, IMO. A team should be a playoff contender by year 3.


    2. How much more built does the FO have to be? I think it's all set, but we all knew that.


    3. Should we wait a year for each phase of the process, laid out by you, to see results? Each phase of the process doesn't take a year but we all knew that. The process was laid out by Buddy Nix and I was just repeating it for the impatient. The process must go in order, if thats what you are asking.


    4. Some franchises manage to do two things in one offseason and at least on occasion net quicker results. I didn't know the results for the 2010 season were in already? Just because you didn't recognize the names of the players the Bills brought in this offseason doesn't mean it wasn't an effective FA period. Who were you hoping for? The team has accomplished more than two things this offseason, but we all knew that.

  13. Whoever took that video should be hung by thier balls from the back of a pickup truck and drag-ed through the streets of Dallas.

    If men can't talk like men and have a candid conversation in a bar without it ending up on the internet then I want to blow up the internet.

    If I ever meet that weaselly, sissy, rat, snitch I . . .


    Peyton Manning: Alright, I'll KILL a snitch! I'm not saying I have, I'm not saying I haven't. you know what I mean. [ shrugs ] Whatever. You kids don't know :lol:



    I completely agree. These D-bags represent the stupid mentality of people today. How cool would it have been to mix it up with Jerry Jones and get genuine interaction with him? I agree with Dean, his honesty was refreshing. It's too bad the world is full of asswipes looking to exploit everything in their path.


    Kudos to Jerry for being approachable and real. It's easy to see why so many other celebs aren't.

  14. 1. Build FO up


    2. Put together coaching staff and schemes


    3. Assess talent on team


    4. Build through the draft


    5 Play young talent in new schemes





    .....and once above is accomplished



    6.Aquire FA talent to compliment the core of your team



    The Bills haven't been able to follow the formula over the last ten years. Who cares what the Phins and Jests are doing?

  15. The Jets look stacked right now.


    1. Dominating O-line that is especially good at run blocking.


    2. NASTY defense that adds Kris Jenkins and Cromartie.


    3. Hugely talented receiving group that consists of Edwards, Cotchery, Holmes, and Keller. This group could hang with any group of receivers in the league.


    4. Head Coach that the players love and play hard for. Good coaching staff as a whole


    5. Good mix of RBs even without Thomas Jones. Shonn Greene should be the workhorse and he showed the ability to be really good last year. LT and Leon Washington are versatile compliments to his power.


    6. The team is full of leaders and guys that hold other players accountable


    7. Big game experience


    8. Draft picks still intact

    ...... IMO Sanchez only needs to progress a moderate amount and this team runs away with the division. Provided they stay somewhat healthy of course.

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