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Everything posted by Magox

  1. Man sometimes you are reaaaal slow. It's quite obvious to anyone who has the capacity to rationalize that the Planned Parenthood deal was a bargaining chip that they knew that they would never get, so at the end they "conceded" that demand in order to get the cuts they hoped for. There is no doubt about it, Boehner was the big political winner out of this deal, he corraled his caucus and got the left to give up more than what they had hoped for.
  2. You mimic everything you hear. Really
  3. So how did you want him to respond to that question? Did you want him to evade the question? What I said was that he doesnt impose his views upon everyone. He's not what you think he is. Umm yeah.. ROmney would make a much better president than the one who is in there now. You do know that we laugh at you right? kinda like this HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
  4. Interesting, and just in the past week the Saudis have signaled that they "need" $100 a barrel crude to pay for their budgetary needs. I found that comment to be a bit wierd considering that they had been the lone sane voice from OPEC over the past decade calling on for lower prices. Possibly this storty has something to do with their newfound desire of $100 a barrel oil. Coincidence?
  5. I've listened to probably at least 50 interviews of him speaking and not ONCE did I ever hear him say anything that showed a will on his part to impose any sort of Christian values upon anyone. Sorry, you got it wrong here. For all you people who are not familiar with Thune, disregard what Peace said, because that is not the case. If anything, Gingrich has imposed his Christian values much much more so than Thune.
  6. I disagree with your view of Thune. The guy speaks really well, doesn't push his "christian values" upon anyone, isn't a divisive person whatsoever and is very charismatic in a personal get to know ya sort of way.. Lets not forget who took out Daschle up there in the Dakota's. The only downfall that I see of him is that he did vote for TARP, and that is a strike against him, but he is a very appealing candidate and if he decides to run, I am certain that he will be in the hunt for the nomination. He's the sort of person that once the public begins to get to know him, they'll like him. And I also disagree with your view of Christie only being popular in the NorthEast. I'm pretty sure that he's liked by just about everyone from the conservative corner. He'd be the strongest candidate of them all.. Of course, Once Marco Rubio decides to run, which won't be this election, he'll top them all.
  7. I agree with you completely, I dont care how bad the economy is Obama's base is so strong that he would take out Palin or Gingrich. If John Thune could win the nomination I honestly believe he'd be the strongest candidate out of them all... Palin, Bachman or Gingrich lose. No doubt about it Pawlenty, Romney, Daniels stand anywhere from an ok to decent chance at winning. Thune or Chris Christie wins hands down.
  8. Don't forget, the bet was contingent off of a Romney Primary victory. Just wanted to clarify again
  9. I dont think so, I am sensing that there isn't the fervor we saw in 2010 and the country is beginning to shift a little bit more back to the middle, which bodes well for a Mitt Romney if he can get past the primaries.
  10. They don't even have to make substantial cuts in SS. The "Roadmap" plan he had earlier basically talked about increasing the age to receive benefits by one year like in the year 2060 or something like that. Whatever it was it wasnt "draconian" or "extreme" (Schumer), thats the talking points they use to sucker in the mindless drones (Dave NOrfolk, Pbills) so that they can parrot it right back to whoever they can. At the end of the day they will agree on a cut of the corporate tax code while broadening the tax base (look it up Peace) and close many of the loopholes and cut out some of the idiotic subsidies. But the Medicare plan won't make it, so unfortunately it will take a strong president who will have the will to make the big boy decisions and do something about the entitlements and Obviously Obama isn't the man to do the job or else he would of already been out ahead of this... Which is why Paul Ryan should be getting a lot of credit for at least proposing something that does address Medicare and Medicaid. In which he is by most rational serious thinking people.
  11. Not buying it, I didn't even need to read the link because I'm sure I know more about it than the person who wrote the article. Steve Rattner would like to have us all believe that whatever you probably just linked would of happened. The reality is that it would of went to the Bankruptcy courts, in which ours is regarded by most to be the best and most fair in the world, and the Bondholders would of gotten the best deal out of it, in which they should because they are well.... The bondholders. That's how the system is set up, bondholders are the lifeline of expansion, but at the time the W.H bullied and stiff-armed these evil bondholders, the president still had plenty of political capital and they caved.
  12. I'm serious, I honestly don't believe you have ever brought an original thought into our discussions in PPP ever. Those poor abused athletes, yup they need union represenatives to make sure that they get "fairly" compensated.
  13. Gawd you're an idiot! How does it create private sector jobs?? really? did you just ask that question? By lowering the corporate tax code ya meat puppet. ANd two, the only ones calling it draconians cuts that will allow those "old people to suffer" are the one's spinning the crap and the mindless meat puppets who hang on everyword that they say.
  14. Ok, so you didn't understand what you read. Got it! Thats all you had to say
  15. you still don't understand what's in it.
  16. Well, I wouldnt say they are doing well now, but I believe they will be.
  17. We'll see if leadership follows him, I would imagine that they are or else he wouldnt of presented it in his budget. If leadership follows through, then this will be THE major battle heading into the 2012 elections. The Dems will demagogue the conservatives as the party of the uncompassionate who dont care about peoples healthcare and bla bla bla, and of course that will win over the votes of mindless meat puppets and the Repubs will paint the libs as the party of the drunken spending sailors. We'll see who presents the best argument over the bext year and a half.
  18. Again, you're missing the fact that he is addressing the entitlements. No one does this, but he did.
  19. Of course there are alot of factors. But lowering the corporate tax rate is one tool to lure businesses into your country.. Singapore is now quickly becoming the financial capital in the world, everyone wants to set up shop there oh and btw, Ireland is a very appealing place for businesses to operate from and yes they have been attracting lots of corporations to do business there. There financial meltdown they had has absolutely nothing to do with their corporate tax code. Ireland has a bright future.
  20. Spending cuts in Defense should be there as well, but touching the entitlements for politicians from both sides of the aisle is usually a big no no. So the fact that he's addressing this issue in a meaningful way speaks volumes about his character. This role that Ryan is in is perfect for him at this stage of his career. He's actually now one of the most powerful men in this country. And it's not "grossly lowering taxes" Go back and reread it Peace. Here's a hint for ya, one word Broadening ok, now go and figure it out.
  21. I would have to rate him the most serious politician when it comes to tackling the national debt. He has the balls to have that grown up conversation regarding the third rail of politics. Unfortunately there are the goofballs such as Van Hollen who within minutes came out and said something along the lines of "Paul Ryan's budget plan would dismantle Medicare and leave hundreds of thousands of elderly people without healthcare" I'm serious, thats what he said. These guys are a joke, I fully expect this to be the major debate going into the 2012 elections. We'll see who is serious about tackling the long-term budget woes this country faces over the next couple years. At least we know that Paul Ryan is, now we'll find out if those who call themselves "conservatives" are real conservatives. In regards to the libs, we know where they stand.
  22. One word comes most to mind when I heard this naivete'
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