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dwight in philly

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Posts posted by dwight in philly

  1. 13 minutes ago, K-9 said:

    No, I don’t mean that at all. Covid was a broad subject whereas this is an NFL specific matter as it relates to the classification of plaintiffs seeking compensation based solely on their race. Covid does not discriminate based on race. In this case, the NFL clearly did. 

    Except when it comes to paying damages to certain players, apparently. 

    OK.. After all, this is an opinion site ...

  2. 23 minutes ago, Victory Formation said:

    I like how you say drafting is an inexact science. It’s cool to have opinions, but boy o boy some of these draft gurus are so full of themselves it’s so annoying. I don’t mean to exalt myself because really, I’ve missed on some picks as well, I mean horribly at times but there’s 2 players I felt really strongly about over the years: Josh Allen and Carlos Basham. At times I felt like certain posters here wanted to tar and feather me for liking these guys. I don’t know, the draft should be fun.

    I agree, and have to admit , dont watch  much of the actual draft  because of the "gurus " rambling .and , am like the OP, an old timer, draft has become too theatrical .. just like pre game shows..

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  3. 2 minutes ago, Reed83HOF said:

    To go to schools through high school and colleges (even private) you have to shoow MMR vaccination proof...


    This is the same thing, even though Measles Mumps and Rhubella want politicized by an orange moron

     "orange moron" i have gotten suspended twice within the past 5 months for offering opinions that essentially agreed with the ":orange moron" as you so "brilliantly " refer to him as.. Do you do stand up per chance? 

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  4. 1 minute ago, chknwing334 said:

    But your opinion is completely wrong. You claimed it was a violation, I’m interested in hearing why you came to that conclusion. Nobody is disclosing your private medical info. You would be voluntarily offering information if you choose to go to a game. 

    Why should i have to disclose anything about my medical info??? to go to a game? i realize i DONT have to go.. Who has the cred to make the call regarding the requirement ?? Mark Poloncarcz? (hope i spelled his name right) 

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