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Posts posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. I was pulling for Edwards but he lost me at the end of the Miami game where he had 7 opportunities (3 from the 1, and 4 from the 20) to complete a pass, get a couple first downs, and give the team a chance (however remote it was) to tie the game.


    What did he do? Throw the ball away, a couple check down and short throw attempts. 4th and 10. Throw the damn ball down the field. It gets intercepted? So what, you lose anyway. You think the players in the offensive huddle had any confidence or respect for Trent after that event?


    We know the O-line is a deficiency but I'll wager you put any NFL quarterback behind a solid line and he'll perform effectively. But the fact is the QB doesn't always get to play under ideal conditions and it's those plays under pressure and how you act and re-act that generally determine the outcome of a game.


    The bottom line, 'this dog just won't hunt'. IMO, the timing can be questioned but the move was the right move.

  2. If you are the 1st year GM of a bad team, what do you do? Do you evaluate the talent on the team with more holes than swiss cheese and try to patch them quickly, more like Levy did as GM? Or do you build your team knowing it will take a few years to develop? Personally, in a weak QB draft year, I would take a can't miss RB with your #1 as a base to build around. It would take a few years to completely build your team, but in the long term it's the best game plan for long term success.


    Right on.....


    I’m not happy with the first 3 weeks of the season, and being out of town I’m already hearing crap from fans of other teams, but I seriously doubt there was any expectation with ownership and management that this team was capable a winning record this season. And after one draft and free agency period I can’t see how that is enough to evaluate Nix’s 1 year tenure as a failure. After a decade of muddling around .500 this franchise needs to hit ‘rock bottom’ and build from there. The truth is this team needs rebuilding, not reloading.


    IMO, Buddy Nix is going to spend 3 years rebuilding this team and then hand over control to Doug Whaley. Whaley was brought into the Asst. GM position with the understanding that a succession plan is in place here.


    In the meantime, we the fans are going to suffer through this season. The 3-4 defense transition is going to be painful because most players are unfamiliar with their roles and responsibilities, have very little experience with it, and in some cases are not suited for playing the positions they’re asked to play. And along with a new DC stepping into the coordinators role for the first time, the only way to learn, is to do. Experience is the best teacher it is said.


    We know the deficiencies in the offense, upgrade to QB, O-line, somebody to step up into the #2 receiver role. Some of this is going to be fixed through experience, the rest through the next couple drafts and free agency periods.


    I understand the concern because we've been down this road too many times this decade but I also believe for the first time in a long time that we've got a GM and coach who know what they're doing....

  3. No argument here. None at all....I have just had it for this year and am going to let it all play out good or bad. The saddest part is that I have no emotion going to these games and that has NEVER happened before (regardless of how bad they have been)


    However bad it seems now (and I think it is bad) this team needed to hit rock-bottom before things could improve. All those 7-9, close to .500 seasons, were really a mirage. This team has drafted poorly (willing to give the new regime a pass on this year's class) and team derived little value out of most of the high-priced FA signings this century.


    I empathize with you about the emotional detachment after just two weeks. After what might have been the 6th sack last Sunday, I muttered something to the effect 'you've got to be kidding me, what kind of block was that', then went outside and proceeded to clean the bugs and road crap off the bumper of my car That's my rock-bottom - I'd rather clean dead bugs than watch the Bills.


    IMO - this team is a 3 year project. Year 1 - bottom out. Year 2 - pick up starter-worthy QB and fortify the lines, offense and defense. Year 3 - tactical draft, FA pick ups to fill in the missing pieces and then compete for the division and playoffs.

  4. We'll see some marginal improvement in the offense with Fitzpatrick at QB. From past performance he has a couple things on Edwards right now. For starters, better recognition of the play and defenses along a willingness to throw downfield into coverage vs. always looking to the check-down. Another plus, the intelligence to know his offensive line sucks vs. playing like the QB actually has enough time to throw on most plays.


    Is Fitz the answer here? No, but the real question isn't who's the QB, it's when does this team get NFL caliber OT's.

  5. A few thoughts from yesterday's game....


    2. Our OL is almost as awful as Edwards. I don't need to go into much detail on Cornell Green....he is by far the worst player on that line. Jamon Meridith, who I know doesn't start, but has played a decent amount these first two games, is a close second. However, Eric Wood is of more concern, given our expectations of him due to his high draft status. I thought he looked outclassed yesterday. Hopefully, it's because he's still trying to work his way back from his injury from a year ago. I know a lot of people on this board love the guy and think he is or is going to become a stud for years to come, but I thought he struggled pre-injury last year and has struggled this year. Lastly, I actually thought Demetrius Bell did decent out there. There were a few times when he made some mental mistakes and didn't pick up the blitz well, but physically, he held his own out there. I don't remember a play when Bell was one on one that he got beat and I watched him very closely out there because I was curious to see how he would do. I know I may take some heat for this, but I thought Bell played the best out of our OL yesterday.


    Agree with most with the exception of Bell. I won't argue about him playing the best of anyone on the O-Line but that's more of an indictment of the other members of the line than it is praise for Bell. On Packers sack #6 he engaged Matthews at the line of scrimmage and just got caught flatfooted with no arm extension as Clay Jr. just pushed him aside, took one step outside, and then jumped on the back of our QB. All in about 3 seconds of elapsed time. I've seen more contact on a first date good night kiss than on that play. This team simply has no NFL caliber OT's on the roster.


    On another subject, next years draft, on Saturday I watched a the Arkansas and Washington games to see two of the 'hot' QB prospects. On that day, IMO, neither of them look dominant or for that matter terribly impressive.

  6. The other angle to consider is what the player is looking for. I break it out into 2 types of FA's (there might be others or subsets but to summarize):


    1) Younger players, up and comers, at the end of their rookie deals looking for a big payday.

    2) The seasoned veteran who's been displaced by a younger, cheaper alternative on his original team or has simply reached the time to move on for whatever reason.


    These players are looking for different things. In the 1st case, money. In the later, a chance to hook up with a contender to win a title before shuffling off into retirement a few years down the road.


    I think the record shows the Bills are willing to spend money, and have signed some big dollar contracts with FA's. Unfortunately the record also shows that money was not spent wisely as the performance of most of these players leads you to conclude the Bills overpaid. The other reasons for not attracting the #1 type FA are probably among those cited in the tread most of which seem pretty valid.


    The Bills as of the past ten years could not attract the #2 player. There might be 5 or 6 teams around the league that would attract this type of FA. Until the time when they turn it around and string together 3 or 4 winning seasons along with playoff appearances don't expect a lot of veteran FA to consider coming to the Bills. Putting yourself in their situation, you've got 2 or 3 years in the tank so are you going to spend it 'rebuilding' in Buffalo or take a chance at the SuperBowl right now with a contender? Easy choice.

  7. They called me for tix...


    I received two mailing from the Jets concerning season tickets. Uh, sorry dudes, I'm a Bills fan. A buddy of mine at work has Jets season tickets and was moved from the upper tier 50 yard line to the upper tier 5 yard line in the new stadium. After some time and seeing the viewing angle, he broke down and paid a $4K PSL per seat to move to the lower tier. And the team even had a financing plan to loan you the money for the PSL at a 'fan friendly' interest rate. Nice of them, right?


    All these unsold lower tier seats are going to hurt the teams home field advantage. In general, the corporate seat buyers at the bottom are not the ardent, hard-core fans. Gonna be a lot of noise generated from the 'real' fans in the upper tier but silence from the lower levels. And empty seats don't make noise for the defense on 3rd and long. That's good for us......

  8. This is one of the worst-thought out articles I've read. He puts Buffalo on the list, but ignores Detroit, St. Louis, Cleveland --- C'mon. I'm surprised this idiot doesn't work for ESPN. Other posters are right on -- it's all about what players-that-I've heard of signed with who this year for him. Forget about the bloated contracts or past-their prime abilities (LT).


    A team that has cronic problems with scoring (that in 2009 had 12 games with 20 or less points) drafts a player #1 with the potential to take it to the house each and every time he touches the ball is guilty of making a luxury pick? Sure there are other areas of need too but a luxury? The term is overused and inappropriate....

  9. The Jets biggest weakness is their arrogance. They were 2-4 in division games last year. They won nothing last year. And the meter goes back to 0-0 every season. Its no sure thing that any of their offseason acquisitions are going to pan out anymore than it is for the Bills. They picked up two head cases at CB and WR. The fact that their old teams were willing to take very little for these 'stars' speaks loudly. Nobody seems to be listening to that message right now. Wait until they start screwing up under the NY media spotlight. And their free agent acquisitions while good players are past their prime.


    Looking at the Bills, the #1 problem they had against the Jets, and Dolphins, was stopping the run. They surrendered a staggering 1,004 yards rushing in those 4 games and by way of turnovers won 2 of them. Stopping the run and acquiring players for the 3-4 was the Bills priority in the draft. How good a job Buddy & Co. did won't be clear until they hit the field and start playing.


    I work with several long-time Jets season ticket holders and I find it interesting that while they are looking forward to the season they do not share the blind optimism about their team that some have expressed here. Perhaps through experience, they are cautious about expections similar to what most Bills fans have become.


    That all said, the Jets roster still looks superior to the Bills at this point in the offseason and a split looks good right now.

  10. Maybin's only 22, the same age as most of this year's rookie class. He's got some growing up to do physically, emotionally, and intellectually if he's going to succeed. Will he do it? We'll get a pretty good idea this year. Did he make any impact last year? No, we can all agree on that.


    In the meantime, I'm willing to cut the guy some slack. Him becoming an impact player on defense will help this team and in the end we'd all would like to see that happen. The 3-4 can create a lot of uncertainty and confusion for the offensive blocking schemes if employed correctly. That might play to his strengths and minimize his weaknesses (being engulfed by larger OT) displayed when coming off the line from the DE position.


    IMO, labeliing him a bust is premature because he didn't play enough nor was he utilized very well last season by the previous coaching staff.

  11. Keep Drinking the Kool Aid. Ok Let's break it down. Clausen right now, is a better QB than Edwards, Fitz, Brohm and Levi Brown. You could have taken him in the second. Bruce Campbell was one of the top performers at the combine. He finished near the top of every category. check NFL.com for the results. Not saying that that is a main determining factor, but The kid is one hell of a lineman. At the spot when he got picked, that was a huge value. We could have traded up to get him and not lose out on much at all. He went in the fourth round ( We could have taken him in the third and had huge value) Alex Carrington is a project at DE. Why get a guy that will be your second string DE instead of getting your starting LT. Makes no sense. We took a chance on Marcus Easley. He did not play much in college. There is not much tape on him. I do like the calloway pick, but he looks to be a guard going forward. Spiller will be good for us, but I feel bad for the guy. He will not be running behind a good line and stuck in a three RB system. I just don't think The Bills logically fill positions of need. They can spin it any way they want. There is a reason why they are in the basement. Not filling positions of need with good players. bottom line. They Think D-Bell is the answer. Not one other team in the league would go that rout. Last year we get Maybin. What a crap pick that was, and he holds out the whole summer because the guy before him does not sign his contract. Terrible management. plain and simple.


    Got to disagree about Campbell. He is not ready to start at LT in the NFL. His 'measurables' at the combine were exceptional but his blocking skills are marginal and his techincal is bad. Someday he might be a good NFL tackle but at the moment he is a project pick.


    On the NFL network this morning, Lombardi and Casserly were discussing which of the 4 top QB's would see action this season. Their opinion was only Bradford was prepared to assume the starting QB position.


    That all said I would have prefered the Bills selected Charles Brown in the 2nd to address the OT situation. He went to the Saints with their pick late in round 2.

  12. who are the number one "franchise" qb's of recent memory? Favre and Brady weren't even a first ROUND

    pick. Brees wasn't a first ROUND pick. Rothlisberger was selected eleventh overall. Sure there are the Mannings nd the Rivers, but then again there are also the Ryan Leafs, jamarcus Russells and all. Even Sanchez and Ryan weren't the number one overall picks.


    I think getting a franchise qb has nothing to do with going 0-16 and getting the number one pick. It has to do with recognizing talent and getting your guy. There was a show on NFL station the other day where Bill Walsh pointed out that he targeted Joe Montana and picked him in like the fourth round (I'm not sure of the round).


    When we get a coach and gm that know talent, they'll get the qb we need. Hopefully the crew in there now know what they are doing. Time will tell.


    Few quarterbacks that are #1 overall draft choices win Superbowls with the team that draft them. In recent history you've got Aikman in '93, '94, '96, and and Manning in '07. Elway was drafted by Baltimore, Eli Manning by San Diego. Warner was a free agent, Montana a 3rd round choice, Steve Young was drafted by Tampa, Farve a 2nd round choice by Atlanta, Brady, we know the story there.


    The lesson is there's no tried and true scientific method to find a franchise quarterback. Its a lot of work and more times than not a lot of luck too and taking one early in the 1st round in no sure thing.

  13. With the added size and strength to our front seven I believe we'll have a MUCH better season this year...I completely agree that we are not nearly in as bad a shape than the national media thinks or many of our fans think...people saying I drink the cool-aid too much but like you said a few plays and a stout run defense and we were 11-5 last season...


    Our new run defense is Edwards, Troup, Stroud as down linemen...those three weigh almost as much as our four linemen last season...then you add in our two MLB's both hundred tackle LB's...on the edges there's too much speculation to know who's going to start...but whether it is Kelsay, Maybin....Batten, Kelsay,....Maybin, Batten...Shobel comes back...or they bump Mitchell back outside and start Davis and Poz inside...we will have a ten times better run defense...and our pass defense will be great as well...it was good last season with turnovers even though our pass rush was weak...with our new scheme I am SURE we'll put more pressure on the QB's and our secondary will reap the benefits...we have ball hawking safeties now and I truly believe our defense will perform so much better this season...but even if it don't...go back to our offense...



    Our OC last season threw it 40 times a game and ran it 20 times...played to our weaknesses...knowing good an hell well we couldn't keep our QB upright, we should have been pounding the rock...especially considering we averaged 4.4 ypc which is actually top fivish in the league...Gailey is much more seasoned and adding spiller I am guessing we are going to run it 40-50 times per game and throw it 15-20 times...playing to our strengths...at 4.4 ypc you're looking at 200 yards rushing...THAT keeps offenses OFF the field...and that's saying Spiller doesn't average more than 4.4 ypc...which in looking at him I believe he's such a break away back that our production will be ridiculous in the running game...when your running game is THAT effective...the passing game has recievers running wide open much more often...not to mention Trent's passing game is VERY strong with underneath routes that will be wide open because of more run blitzing...with Spiller out of the backfield, our passing attack can be fairly dangerous...


    I just see this really being a better season...I've already stated I beleive we go 11-5 this season and are back in the playoffs for the first time in a decade...I'm excited for the first time since we brought in Drew Bledsoe :0) hehehehe


    The defense couldn't get off the field on 3rd down but some of the fault was the result of offensive ineptitude.


    Last year's defense was 24th in third down conversions, 40.4%. And tied with SF for most 3rd down attempts allowed, 240. The defense was 32nd in rushing 1st downs surrendered, 134. This validates the focus on addressing upgrades to the front 7 on D.

  14. this is exactly why the experts grade the teams, so no one bothers grading the experts. it's their last shot at saving face before we all move on and everyone forgets how wrong they were.


    this is basically what happens:


    draft expert: "here is what I think about these players!"


    *reality happens*


    draft expert: "here is how i grade reality against my expert opinion!"


    That's exactly it. The draft experts don't get graded, second guessed, or fired. Because their picks never have to be proven out on the field on Sunday's. Only the 32 teams making the actual picks are subject to criticism and have to back up their work with results.

  15. thats the trade i am thinking too. makes a lot of sense. id like to see it happen and see spiller START


    Perhaps some 2-back sets with Jackson and Spiller? Break huddle 2nd and 6, and Spiller motions off as the slot receiver. Defense in basic 3-4-4 or 4-3-4. Who's gonna cover him? LB, haha, safety, good luck. Runs 7 yard crossing pattern, catches ball, off to the house!!


    Still let's get some line help 2nd, 3rd rounds.....

  16. Washington told you all you need to know about Clausen. He's not a viable top 10 QB prospect. If he was - they wouldn't have just traded for McArrogant (who's lifespan is probably only 2-3 more years). There are much better options to draft at #9 over a player that won't be good enough to beat out Edwards, Fitzpatrick or even Brohm next year. I want a top 10 pick to contribute in a meaningful way next year, not collect millions for nothing (ala May-Suck).


    Washington, with Shanahan and Snyder, have a win now approach. Still what does it say when you trade a vet QB to one of your division rivals? IMO, it means we're not scared of you beating us twice a year.


    The Bills have needs at other postions which I prefer they address in round 1 (e.g. OT), but I've got no gripe if they take Clausen at #9. As for being a prick I think there's a fine line between that and having confidence and projecting that confidence in your actions and words. As he matures I suspect he'll adapt and refine his demeanor. All I know about the guy is what I've seen on Saturday afternoon's and from those performances he merits a good look.


    Personal behavior aside, the only question that I care about is can the Bills win with this guy as the QB?

  17. Marshawns value is very low right now. Trading him now would be like selling your stocks at their lowest point. We all know that Lynch is capable of putting up better numbers than he did this past year. Lynch was a solid running back in 07 and 08. Let his stock rise this year and then entertain trade offers. It would be different if we knew that Lynch would never be a successful back, then we could jsut cut our losses. However, lynch's stock will rise.


    Right. You can't make progress selling at the bottom. I'd like to see what the new staff can do with the offense, and Lynch, before making a move to trade a player that has been productive, last year being the exception. Good teams don't move players unless they've already got a replacement groomed and on the roster. Moving a player and creating a new 'need' is just running in place.


    If somebody makes an offer you can't refuse then that bears consideration. But a possible 4th rounder? Pass...

  18. Trading Lynch just opens another hole in our roster that is already full of holes. Can we find somebody as good through free agency or the draft? His first 2 seasons he had 1000+ yards then he had a "eventful" offseason that got him suspended for 4 games then return to an organization that was a complete disastor. I think where a season early to make this judgement. Now we have some offensive minds instead of Alex "I call a swing pass every 4 plays" vanpelt and hopefullly a healthy revamped offensive line, and maybe a QB that can throw the Ball 20 yards? hopefully we can utilize Lynch and Jackson as a tandom. IMO RB is the one area we might be OK in why do we need to mess with that too?


    Agree. Unless you've got a replacement on the roster it makes no sense to trade Lynch for a draft choice to be used for another RB. If that approach would produce a viable replacement your trading partner should just keep their pick and choose the same guy minus the bagage.


    They need to stop degrading the roster and add talent, drop the like-for-like trade and draft mentality, stop the running in place approach to building the roster.

  19. Here in central New Jersey we've gotten about 6" so far with up to another 12" expected. They do a decent job of snow removal in my town and the surrounding areas. If you know what you're doing you can get around okay. The local drivers on the road are another story. They seem incapable of adapting their driving style to the conditions. Ice and snow are slippery? Wow. You mean I can't go 75 mph? The inevitable crashes and traffic tie-ups occur.


    Anyway, that aside, the most amazing aspect of each storm is the survivalist rush to the supermarket to stock up on supplies of bread, eggs, and milk. Its quite comical. And its just a one day event in most cases. If you didn't know about the snow storm you'd think the world was coming to an end.

  20. The game was competitive and pretty well played but not having any rooting interest, except for a couple boxes in the office pool, I wasn't really into the game.


    As somebody posted earlier too many commercial breaks. IMO, most of the commericals were relatively infantile and stupid rather than funny. Whether that's an indictment of my sense of humor or society at-large is open to debate.


    The game itself has become less of a sporting event and more of a Hollywood spectacle attended by celebrities who can afford the top-dollar ticket prices and have connections, rather than true football fans. Its the chic place to be.


    I enjoyed the games on conference championship weekend a lot more because it was just football.

  21. Lets not forget Brees is now a Saint as opposed to a Charger.

    The Chargers had 3 years to evaluate before giving up on Brees

    The Saints never drafted him.

    Maybe you should include always take the best FA QB first as well. This philosophy worked for GB this year.

    The teams were already there the QB was just a missing piece of the puzzle.

    The Jets with Sanchez and the Steelers with big Ben prove your theory right as well.

    We need to get a solid QB but we also need to keep building our team in the process.

    It seems as though if you don't draft one of the top 2 QB's your rolling the dice on someone that help in the short term.

    The truth is there are several ways to find a franchise QB, trade, free agency, draft. None are 100% foolproof. The Bills have gotten QB's via all 3 methods over the past decade and have had little success. Ultimately, it boils down to your ability to identify the right guy, at the right time, in the right situation, and luck. The Bills have had none of those go their way. Is the front office with the new GM and assistant GM in a better position to judge talent than the past crew? I think so but only time will tell.


    IMO, #1 and #2 is protect the QB and stop the run. The Bills as built don't do either well. Until those problems are solved I don't see how any franchise QB, no matter how talented, can thrive. He won't have the ball, or the lead, and will be under constant pressure. Those circumstances have already ruined a couple prospective QB's, Losman and Edwards.


    Although I'd like to see Claussen or Bradford in a Bills uniform in 2010 I'm inclined to side with the idea that spending high picks on building the O-line, and 'D', is the best way to go, given the state of the team now.

  22. Of course there are potential local buyers. There always has been. But these guys didn't get rich by being stupid. I think buying the Bills in their current state (low ticket prices and lousy performance) would be one of the dumbest investments around. It has nothing to do with the area. It's about the team.


    No question profit and loss are major drivers behind business decisions. No profit = no business, so its essential for a business to be profitable to expand and grow, continue to employ people, and service their customers. But NFL football is more than an entertainment business. There's another aspect to this beyond the dollars and cents analysis.


    There is also an emotional component at play. Ego. To someone with a large ego, a high net worth, and a high opinion of themselves, running with the big dogs so to speak, winning in the NFL tranlates to boosting their personal success above that of their multi-millionaire and billionaire friends and associates.


    Do we actually believe Snyder bought the Redskins to make money or to acquire a rich man's 'toy'? I'm guessing a guy like Snyder given the choice of making a $100 million next season or losing $20 million but winning the Super Bowl will choose the later.


    I heard rumor that a member of Jim Kelly's investor group was Donald Trump. Personally, I think Trump is a shameless self-promotor. On the other hand, as a Bill's fan I'd welcome a guy like that at the top. Somebody who would make winning the highest priority.

  23. Nix, especially after taking a shot at the Raiders, reminds of an un-polished crude classless individual. He's a perfect fit for Buffalo. :unsure:


    To me, Nix is the GM version of HQ Rex Ryan. His abrasive attitude set the tone this season by turning the hapless team culture of the Jets around. Whether its something lasting time will tell.


    If and how Nix translates this street figher attitude to acquiring the necessary talent to produce wins on the field is something we'll all be watching. Winning is going to be the only measure of success that counts.

  24. Just my opinion, but if I were the Bills' GM and inclined to trade up, it would be for someone like OT Russell Okung or DT Ndamukong Suh. I would get stronger up front FIRST before I did anything. The Jets took this approach, drafting D'Brickashaw Ferguson, then Nick Mangold and adding Alan Faneca in free agency. They did not keep using high pick after high pick on skill players and leave the lines to the wolves.


    Then again, maybe there's some great second round gems to be had for the lines, after we get a QB first. Oops, we said trade up for a QB, right? There goes that 2nd rounder and, depending on the target and how far you have to move to get 'em, there may go a future high pick as well.


    Well, there's always the 4th round and beyond.


    They should trade down in the 1st round and acquire a few extra picks. This team has too many major holes for one top pick to make any significant difference. Trade down into the middle of the 1st and an OT like Bulaga would likely still be on the board and depending on the terms of a draft choice swap, maybe with an additional 2nd rounder they can look at LB and DT. Obviously, to pull off any trade you've got to find a partner.


    While I like the idea of getting a franchise QB and solving that problem after what seems like forever, going into 2010 I can't see many scenarios where that is going to tranlate into any real improvement without first upgrading the lines on both sides of the ball. Put a rookie QB behind this O-line without any upgrades at tackle and he's on IR before week 6.....

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