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Everything posted by dgwalsh

  1. For what...Ralph to die and they sell to an ownership group outside of Buffalo?
  2. Painful. JP stinks and we all know this...so we run a play that is risky for a !#$#$% player. Spread the blame around...it's really pretty easy to do with this team.
  3. Bills Vet nails it - right on actually. In truth it's through 2007 and it's up to 63 losses given our 0-5 implosion vs. teams with a 500 or better record. Bob Matthews had it in his column today, and he goes by opposition's record at that time vs. year-end. Either way, it's a pathetic stretch.
  4. Yeah Bob Matthews in Rochester's paper mentions it in passing...par for the course.
  5. Kawika Mitchell is on the record stating he doesn't care where he plays...as long as he gets paid. Trust me, while the players are disappointed, they are not even close to being as frustrated as the average fan is.
  6. You know, I may go just for the entertainment value of it all - the crowd entertainment value, that is. Your points about the boycotters is right on though...it can and will degenerate fast. Don't worry though - my guess is that most of the 'fans' are like a mob riot - lots of noise and pretty scary, but poorly organized and inept with communication and actual planning and execution. In the end they look dumb, classless, and like the laughing stocks they are. The Wall Street Journal recently had an article about the Eagles fans...ever since they opened their new stadium, the arrests are down and the behavior has been vastly improved. It was handled through having more security, more intolerance, and a modest but fair increase in the ticket prices. The article went on to mention the laggards of the NFL...you guessed it - BILLS FANS. They said the baton was passed...rightly so.
  7. Come to think of it, I will probably have a tough time selling my tickets to a Pats fan...competition will be fierce. I will join the same group who unloads tickets for Sabres/Leafs games and have the joint fill up with 40% of Leafs fans. Only in the 716 would you see this...
  8. Brilliant VJ - I could not agree with you more. My only suggestion is that I'm one of the season ticket holders so I'll excuse myself from the moron comment. That said, 2 things...first, I said I was a season ticket holder. That's done as of 2008. I live over an hour from the stadium and to drive to Buffalo to see a bunch of animals in the parking lots and sub-par product on the field...well let's just say it isn't worth it. Hey we all have a choice. Second, I am going to (legally) sell my ticket to someone...anyone...at a loss. I have a pretty good inclination that there are PLENTY of Patriots fans out there who wouldn't mind sitting in the 200s, under cover, with a game that matters on the line, pick apart the Bills on both sides of the ball. Now, that's an easy choice.
  9. Any guesses on what this record stands for?
  10. WOW - I missed the karma angle and I 100% agree with you. Why attract even more bad news and bad feelings toward a bad team and bad organization?
  11. Sad but true...It's bad enough the guy is wearing diapers.
  12. Correction - sorry to jump into this minor domestic dispute, but he did lose the civil suit in the wrongful death trial. That is a conviction in my book.
  13. Jealous is a great word. I was born and raised in WNY but lived in the NYC area from 92 through 04. Now I'm back in WNY. When I was there I got the sense of what 'class' was like in sports teams - the NY Giants oozed it. Even when they sucked, they had class and it started at the top. You KNEW they would be back. They were overachievers and got trounced a few years ago but last year showed that their commitment to winning, period, is what the organization is all about. PS my step dad and step brother are from Pittsburgh - ages 55 and 24 respectively. I am openly jealous of their successes. OH and I'm watching the Penguins rock the Sabres right now too.
  14. I hear you...if OJ cures cancer, put him back on. Until then, no wall.
  15. It probably has legs because we are talking about Bills fans...not exactly a rational bunch. Yeah, let's hang out during holiday weeks in a cold rural suburb parking lot under dreary skies freezing our !@#$'s off drinking even-colder beer. Ahhh memories.
  16. It probably has legs because we are talking about Bills fans...not exactly a rational bunch. Yeah, let's hang out during holiday weeks in a cold rural suburb parking lot under dreary skies freezing our !@#$'s off drinking even-colder beer. Ahhh memories.
  17. Thanks. I just looked it up - he only played 6 years and due to injuries he only played about 210 regular season games with the Sabres. He was great for 'the organization' but he was an Islander longer and last time I checked he didn't hoist Lord Stanley's Cup (which would have barely made his number retirement debatable...but that point is moot too).
  18. That is beautiful and I would love it. Strip him of everything that honors him. WAKE UP Bills fans. Have you no sense of dignity? Maybe if we had class and demanded top notch organizations it would be a foregone conclusion. But, then again we are talking about Buffalo...
  19. Our wall is already suspect. 12th man? Come on. That is cheesier than a Packer cheesehead. Almost as lame as LaFontaine's number being retired. He has GOT to be the shortest-tenured, still-living pro athlete ever to have his number retired by a pro franchise. But I digress...at least he didn't kill anyone. Take OJ down. Better yet, poll the people of the 716. NOT the fans who attend the games. Many of them cannot read and probably would screw up the ballot. Poll the city of Buffalo - the city OJ is still associated with, sadly - and let them decide.
  20. Now that justice has been served, will OJ FINALLY come off the wall? Please don't tell me that you can't hate the player, only the man. Disassociate the organization from the creature, now. He will not be missed and this tie should have been cut 14 years ago. Finalize it - no one will miss him.
  21. Time to wake up - this organization is a laughing stock around the country and the leadership from the top down is shameful. The players lack leadership and seem apathetic to what's going on as well. This is a downward spiral that is going to end with this team playing in another city in 2013. Jauron being fired is not the issue...it's a symptom of a fundamental breakdown of the organization as a whole. The owner is ancient and out of touch, the coaching staff is a gummed-together hodge-podge of also-rans, rookies, and rejects, and the fan base is drunk.
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