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Everything posted by bull7734

  1. We do not have hardly any "name" players, this is why we have so many "?" At , name the position, fact of the matter is we have a decent team that plays well at.times and would have won more games if not for poor game time decisions, gailey may not be the answer but he is way better hopefully this will translate into more wins
  2. Brady is the best the has seen?he is very overhyped and gets tons of media love (dont believe the hype), maybe one year in his career has he even been top five in the league, he benifits from excellent coaching and being on a great team, do i root for an injury? no that is ridiculous! i do hope he plays poorly
  3. because right now they are both ok quarterbacks, but the media is pumping sanchez to be such a great qb
  4. I have also been a die hard Bills fan since the early 80's. I served over 21 years in the military also. I am not from Buffalo. But everybody I know that have been there for any reason tell me the city is the most depressing city that they have ever been to. I am not trying to insult anybody (I try not to believe their assesment, but most people on this board has this attitude). Some of these people have been deployed to war zones! It does seem that the Bills do find new ways to disappoint their fans. I love the Bills and Iwill continue to follow them!
  5. in the comeback game don beebe went out of bounds and then caught a touchdown pass and we got away with, we get bad calls in our favor, but no doubt the nfl has its favorites and they ensure those teams get every benifit , a lower team has to beat them and many more poor calls
  6. I think we have a chance at this game. However the odds are stacked against us. Do you really think they need to resort to such tactics? Maybe against someelse. Right now I think everyone is underestimating us. Justifiably so.
  7. I clicked on this topic becasue I thought it was a joke, pretty funny. It turns out that some idiots actually believe this crap, not funny at all. Both sides can be argued back and forth all day and both have some valid points. However based on all the facts in this situation let the man play a year or two before thinking of holding out, be it right or wrong.
  8. Denver is much worse than Raiders. And the two teams that traded next years ist rounders in the second are pretty bad.
  9. Thank You!! finally somebody uses some sense, no matter how athletic and upside he has, he is far out weighed by the distractions he is i know stats are misleading and extremely hard to quantify for offensive linemen but this old article sheds a little light http://walterfootball.com/forum/showthread.php?t=7358 just keep looking you will find his name at the bottom!!
  10. sounds good in theory, but then how do you explain the balloned statistics of all the other offensive players, or are they avoiding contact also?
  11. I did not watch the pro bowl. I did see that Marshawn led all rushers with 48 yards on six carries. I do not recall this kind of statistical production from him ever. So what was the difference? Coaching? Play calling? Better blocking? or was he just more motivated? I can not think of anything else that it could possibly be. I know most of you will call it coaching/play calling. Others would blame poor line play. I do not think any one would blame Marshawn of holding back during the season and then showing out at the pro bowl. He always runs hard. Personnaly I think it is a mixture of all the above (of course!!!). Mostly though I blame the offensive line. More specifically the center position. It is hard to run when the center is being pushed back on a regular basis. I wanted Alex Mack really really bad because of this. The eleventh pick is much too high, so trade down or trade up in the second (into the first round if necessary). Fortunately we can wait and see because there is another center that is as dominant or more, Unger? I think his name is. So after we draft our first pick the second one of these guys are taking, no matter what else we have planned trade up to get the other. I hope we can wait and one will fall to us, but do not take that chance. Go get the other a dominant force at center would make our offense be much much better.
  12. good call, I just read an article that said anqon boldin may play somewhere else and I was thinking maybe we should trade our 1st round pick for him, but this is a much better option, not as good as boldin but he is very good
  13. First off it seems like every game the announcers are proclaming whatever team they happen to be watching "the Best fans". (no matter if they just proclaimed somebody else the same title the week before) Secondly, I have alot of respect for Pittsburgh, because they run their organizition the way most Bills fans think the Bills should be run. However, if a team has six world titles how hard is it really to root fot them? If a fan base is crowned most loyal, rabid or whatever else they want to place on them, shoudnt the fact that a team has not had much success be a factor? I realize I am biased, but in my mind the Bills have the most loyal/crazy/dedicated fans of any team. We suffer let downs so repeatedly that there are many jokes and some comercials making fun of us!! The fans weather terrible conditions to be disappointed time and time again. We can see what is best for our team only to watch the front office go in a different direction. Some teams are worst off in some areas and still support their teams, but as a collective group no one can compare with the dedication despite the things we have to put up with. My son has become a die hard Bills fans in recent years. He has expressed some of his disappointments to me (Whitner over Ngata, The dallas comeback on Monday night among others)(and yes I purposely did not capitolize dallas). I calmly let him know that if is a Bills fan get used to heartache, it is what we do. What other team puts ups with so much and still loves their team to death? definitely not Pittsburgh!!
  14. Who in Bills history has been our worst enemy? There have been many cannidates. My vote vote would go to Bill Parcels. I have a lot of respect for his ability as a footbal man. He has beat us in a Super Bowl and built a winning team in every team in our division. (on a personal note, I can not stand the Cowboys and of course he coached there but did not do too well, which is a good thing)
  15. I understand football is a business and sometimes you have to do what you got to do, but as a very loyal Bills fan for almost thirty years now Mr Thomas was dead to me the second he even thought abput putting on a Dolphins unifor, he could have gone anywhere else!!
  16. i had a bledsoe jersey and hated it thought i would never wear it again and after a couples of games with dallas i figured he sucked when i whore it so i gave it a try and it worked real well, too well he played like crap they benched him and brought in tono homo (i can not stand the f'in cowgirls; almost as bad as the dolphins) any way at least brought some horrible loses for the girls (or at least in my head it was the cause)
  17. normally i would agree those teams are very overrated, but that doesnt mean they dont have any good players, mack is rated the best overall linemen in the draft, not even close, it hardly ever is a center
  18. one pick shy of patrick willis, but we had nagota and chose donte instead even though dt was our biggest need, by the way he is easily top three in the league at his position
  19. I do not care who we get as long as the end of the day we have the center from cal, Mack
  20. He is not promising in my view! He has 10 years of being a back up QB in the NFL, He has 10 years of being an assistant coach in the NFL. He has been on two super bowl teams. your reasoning is very flawed, the best coaches ever where back ups or did not even play!, according to your reasoning Joe Montana should be the coach, why do you think he is not?
  21. have you people forgotten the horrible offenses we have had the past couple of years, turk is a rookie OC and has done a pretty good job, he has made some big errors, he is not the problem, the HC needs to put fire into the players everyweek and that is not happening, good guy, but we need a better HC (one with passion)
  22. right about now i will settle for almost any thing, but that is just my desperation, i like jauron nice guy but he is in over his head, what we need is somebody with a proven track record, no more picking the next best we hope so (or at least until next time)
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