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Everything posted by DukeyBomb

  1. Does anybody remember the little quick back named Shaud Williams? I know you do. I thought I would share with everybody where he is right now and how I found him. http://www.ufl-football.com/omaha-nighthawks/player-roster/williams-shaud The address above is pretty self explanatory if you do not feel like clicking on it to read it. Now currently living in Omaha, NE I decided to take a look at Omaha's still new UFL team the Omaha Nighthawks webpage for the heck of it. You will be shocked to see how many recognizable players are on the squad and It's good to know I can still root for some Buffalo Bills down here. I think I am going to get a Shaud Williams Jersey lol. So I hope it's kind of cool to hear about him. Enjoy.
  2. I LOVE how every little piece get's blown up. I bet there will be very little trading on draft day. But it could be that it only takes 1 team to start the domino affect.
  3. To answer this NO. I hated Marshawn and honestly wanted a new back. I can honestly say I wanted Spiller and was very excited. I know it may shock you. I wouldn't be too upset if we picked Green though. When the season our season was over he was to be quite honest the guy I was first rooting for for the Bills to select. I have since changed my mind.
  4. I want to laugh but don't want to insult. Was that a serious question? Because I doubt it to tell you the truth. He can't be that DUMB to think we should spend a top 3 pick on a position that we actually have some depth at.
  5. Adam, if you need challenged. There is probably a work ethic issue. If you NEED to be challenged privately, that is probably a personal problem. This game isn't a "behind the scenes" type of game anymore. If you can't take what coaches, personnel, other players, media or other fans say about you, then you are a weak individual. So fans need to know who is progressing and who isn't. That's good coaching. Especially when you can do it in a manner of not throwing that player completely under the bus. It's not like he's belittling these players. So relax on the fans don't know about coaching comments old school.
  6. I seriously LOVE how Gailey hands out criticism liberally amongst each and every player when deserved. He doesn't hold back and is a no non sense coach that demands attention to detail. And if not you are pretty much of the team if you don't make the cut. Instead of all of these false hopes and dreams like Maybin and Whitner. Love him. Night and day from Jauron, and yeah, I know a lot of you feel the same way and probably think my words are obvious and do not need mentioning. But you wouldn't BELIEVE how many of my dumb friends I still have in Buffalo (moved) that think Gailey and Nix are just a bunch of dumb hicks that don't know what they are doing and that think they are just going to get fired in 2-3 years with out making the play offs. I'm sick of it. I am over joyed with Gailey and Nix. Really couldn't be happier. But on to Evans. You are right. Gailey is on to him. Evans is a 1 trick pony. Run really fast and get by the defender and hope Fitz can get you the ball. THAT'S IT!!! I would like to see him gone for a 3rd to tell you the truth. Of course I would want something higher in value, but let's be realistic here.
  7. He is quickly going from one of my favorite players to one of the most disliked players. Sad to see someone with SOOOooo much potential not use it like I think he can.
  8. ok. so who's the guys in charge of coverage? Poz? He was horrible this year.
  9. Does anybody have some good live streaming sites I could use? I am trying to use Myp2p.eu but some of those say my computer needs to download the right program to run it and I can find what I need. Hook me up please!
  10. I'm going again this Sunday, I went in 08. It was sick. I lost a tooth. Seen a bills fan destroy a 60 year old chiefs fan who had a red cape on and broke his collar bone. He was an idiot. (The Bills Fan) Saw a security guy with the name Lynch got a picture with him. Cuz we're idiots. Seen Fast Freddy's twin brother got pictures with him. I got thrown out for almost fighting a chiefs fan but the chiefs fans vouched for me stating to the police there that he started it. So I got back in. I tailgated with Kenny "Pinto Ron" Johnson. Took the Bowling ball shots with him. Hung out with him and about 40 other fans at one of the hotel bars. that was crazy. Me and my friends got the whole bar doing the shout song. I have all of these things on video lol. We also seen Arthur Bryant bbq on tv and ended up going there. That was some of the best BBQ ever. Great amazing time. Fans are generous as they are from the midwest. I switched jersey's with a fan and made him wear the Bills jersey but he said he would only do it if I wore his Johnson jersey... so i got a picture of that. I made out with the #1 Bills fan who is actually in the HALL OF FAME in Canton, Ohio with my best friend Matt haha. ate some food that made me feel like home like some wings and texas red hots. all in all... best time i had outside of Buffalo.
  11. Where is the best place to look up all of these Cut guys. I wouldn't mind looking at all positions cut.
  12. Cornelius Ingram would be a nice pick up imo.
  13. Ok. So I read it. I agree with everything you said. But again. I still stand by that I did not have to read it. I thought this article would have been 95 percent of what you said :0) and I totally agree.
  14. I have not and won't need to read anything in this article. The only thing I want to say is I TOTALLY AGREE WITH THE HEADLINE.
  15. I don't get it. Aren't we logically a better team this year? Our injured players will all be back. We don't have any issues at Running Back with anybody suspended. Every team that switched to the 3-4 last year improved in defense. Even the Chiefs. In general younger players will be better guys like Hardy, McKelvin, Maybin, Johnson, Wood, Levitre, Meredith, Bell and so on... So it doesn't make sense to place this team dead last. We had these issues last year. I mean if we can win 6 games with the same problems, why couldn't we win the same or more with an even better team around those QB's who ever starts (please be Brhom). They really don't know football I'm telling ya. No primadonna reciever to take up all of the energy. No slicing your OC and LT before the season. Have they heard of continuity and know how important it is? We literally went through the worst possible scenerio last year with a lot of things... I can't see how we could even come close to those down falls. This team will be 7-9 or better. Book it.
  16. No. Not really. Most of the pessimists b*** just to b***. Using no common sense and following what other pessimists say. Not using their own brains. Not saying some have valid points but Hearing negative crap ALL THE TIME gets old. Real old, fast. I mean seriously, stop nit pickin. There will ALWAYS be things to wory about and have questions about. And there is also the inverse when things are looking up that go south. So why don't the pessimists stop b***ing and just sit back, relax, have a beer or 15 and enjoy the Buffalo Bills. I almost stopped coming to the forums because of the negative things. But I felt the good fight needed to be fought and I needed to come back and stick up for this team. Join the good guys and get excited! Its ALWAYS exciting to see another year. GO BILLS!!!!
  17. - Don't count out Batten or the undrafted rookie from Auburn. - agreed. - agreed. - agreed. - hang held is own. He's a top 20 starting center in this league. - I think Bills fans are so use to mediocre coaching they dont know what good coaching is anymore. - top 3 if they stay healthy. Top 2 if McKelvin is shut down. Top if all of the above and we generate a good pass rush consistently. As for depth in the interior? Don't sleep on Kyle Calloway.
  18. Well he did say how athletic he was but Gailey didn't come out and say he's the projected starter. This whole "high on bell" thing is coming just from the fans.
  19. Yeah. And guess who supported Levy? Everybody.
  20. In reply to an earlier post.... How can anyone get sick of someone else being optimistic?? People get sick of negative crap not positive hope. I don't think the guys that are voicing negative things are being "realists" but are rather only fairweather fans. Sick of the fairweather fans" b***ing.
  21. I wonder if the Hatians thought it was cool.
  22. yeah great idea guys. lets get rid of whitner that knows the secondary better than anybody on the team.
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