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Everything posted by DukeyBomb

  1. Just got bought mine! Be here on Friday!
  2. All of you Kelsay bashers are morons. Just because he doesn't get the sack, doesn't mean he doesn't get the job of "getting pressure on the qb" done. He's consistantly one of the best at getting pressure. He's one of the best on our team at stopping the run. And I think he has THE BEST character on this team next to Poz and Wilson. Proof why his team mates make him captain all the time. I can't say enough good things about him wish we had more players on the team like him. If he made 2 mill a year you guys would consistantly talk about how underrated he is so shut up. And please somebody get all antsy in your pantsy and bash what I said... Get some knowledge you babies.
  3. Well don't get me wrong, I agree with you on Fowler. I was just trying to show that, that's not always the case in the NFL.
  4. Talk about Debbie Downers. Don't have a convorsation with any of you guys about something your confident in.
  5. Any given year a player can show flashes of brilliance and/or reach their potential. Saying that the longer your in the league with out reaching said potential, your chances decrease dramatically. I think any player can tank and any player can succeed. It was just a bad guess for the Bills to try their luck with Fowler... I guess.
  6. i'm getting night hawk seasons lol. CHAMPIONSHIP! hopefully this puts some more football excitement in to this town instead of just big red nation... jesus it can get anoying.
  7. That's a general statement of knowledge. He also said that he would draft guys and expect them to start right away. In other words, he obviously did NOT see somebody that could come in and start. AND are you really going to argue with Nix, that he didn't have "higher grades" on all of our draft picks? I'd tend to look at the roster and think, not only are we better for the future. We are better for the NOW with all the competition everywhere. Competition we did NOT have the past years with Jauron. Atleast not on this level. I would not be worried at ALL if one of our defensive guys went down with an injury. I can say the same thing for most of the offense as well. You can't hamper the whole team to reach for a need though. I can see if you were GM though this team would be spinning the tires as well. Edit: I also must add this. Did he not start with "a" line? It starts with the line and your upset for him doing it on the wrong side of the ball.
  8. Seriously all I have to say is I'm so happy and proud to see some of you stand up to this ^ kind of CRAPPY negative attitude. The attitude needs to change, I'm sick of the pessimists out there that do nothing but WHINE with ignorant comments. It does get old after awhile when your whining just whine about something. Atleast have a reason. Rob Johnson starting over Flutie was a reason. Keeping Dick Jauron for a fourth year was a reason. Getting a GM that actually knows what he is doing is not. Getting a Coach that knows how to run an offense and teach is not.
  9. Oh yeah. Sounds like your on to something here with the whole age argument genius. ? Who was Levy before he was with the Bills? I'll answer that for you. Nobody
  10. Don't worry you will. And you will be right there behind me pretending you knew it all along. I'm not going to be a wait and see fan. I'm a bills fan. I'm excited every year to watch them period.
  11. I completely agree with you. Though maybe the day won't be remembered. I do believe Nix and Gailey are the right choice to get this team to the promised land. Even ahead of Shanahan. I hope all of the pessimistic Bills fans out there will open their eyes and see where this team is heading and stop whining. Everyone should be happy Jauron and that garbage staff is gone and we have a new sense of dedication to the team and attitude. I'm loving every bit of what the Bills have been doing lately. Couldn't be more excited.
  12. My buddy in Buffalo is selling Real American AUTHENTIC REEBOK ones for 60 bucks a pop. Check out JerseykingUSA.com Email him at jerseykingusa@verizon.net. His name is Don. If you could let him know Andy sent ya.
  13. i don't care what he wants... he's lucky he get's to play football PERIOD. He needs to shut up, grow a pair and start proving he's worth the 12th overall pick.
  14. I bet you wouldn't have wrote this article if we drafted one with one of our top two picks. They all have to start off with no experience some time. Wang isn't much of a drop off from the players drafted in rounds 3 and 4. Everyone quit whining about the line. It's anoying.
  15. Isn't going to happen. So let's just say Stroud Henderson and Dwan Edwards start.... Where is that going to leave Troup, Carrington, Williams, S. Johnson, and McCargo? Henderson is old now. Forget about it.
  16. Same here, born in Omaha. I got his autograph on my Husker hat at a open training camp.
  17. They would have cut him then when they cut Reed. He's staying on the roster unless we trade him.
  18. Would you say, Schobel was somebody who puts consistant pressure on the qb?
  19. I can see Kelsay being a Banta-Cain type player. Anybody see that or just me?
  20. there is still a 100% chance that he has a chance to reach his potential. In other words. Don't make it seem like it's a forgone conclusion he is leaving or not going to contribute and be solid.
  21. That's the type of comeback that get's you "forum cred." lol
  22. If I could hit some kind of like button for your post bro, I would hit it until I get carpo tunnel.
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