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Hapless Bills Fan

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Posts posted by Hapless Bills Fan

  1. this game is too obvious. I'm sure everyone here knows what's going to happen: we're going to score the touchdown, then miss the 2 point conversion. Final score - Pats 38 Bills 36.


    hope I'm wrong???





    You may be wrong in the wrong way, if you know what I mean :(


    I'd be relatively happy with a respectable 2 point loss vs. 45 to 36 which is looking all too likely

  2. Can our defense make it an easier for Brady/ Are we allergic to Blitzing or putting pressure on Brady?


    The only time he has been down was when he slid on his own. This is pathetic


    I'm proud of our guys on O for hanging, but the D needs to step it up

    It's like watching a clinic when Brady is out there

  3. That may be true (tho we are far from the only 0-2 team at this point)

    It wont be all Fitzpatrick's doing if so


    This hadn't fully sunk in on me:

    Ten (10) starting quarterbacks are already out after Week 2. 1/3 of the league!

    Seven for performance reasons.






    Y'know, with all the talk about how B'lo as a team just reeks, and this many teams thin on QB, it actually wouldn't surprise me

    if someone out there was willing to take a flyer on Edwards, figuring Bills are just such a mess no one could succeed there.

  4. This discussion has been in play for a while, good bad, not elite, elite, one trick pony, yada yada... Well an excerpt from the link gives a perspective that makes it clear:


    "He's a really good receiver," Hixon said. "He has outstanding hands, and he has a knack for whatever it might be on the deep ball. He's a great deep-ball runner. We're trying to get that done in our offense. He does a good job running underneath routes also. But when I first got here and watched him on film, it was obvious he had a special talent on the deep ball."


    It might be obvious to some, many even, but to hear it from an NFL coach whom I paraphrase to say that Lee is average on short and intermediate routes and the deep ball is THE aspect where he is elite. <....>


    Irrespectively, to Me Hixon's feedback is expert testimony to the fact that either Buf gets a great deep ball passer (like JP was except, you know, that can do the other things too) or look to strike a deal with a team that thinks they have the arm on the roster that puts Lee in the pro bowl. All vendetta’s aside, get the complimentary pieces to make it work, or get an asset from someone else who will.


    Interesting quotes. I'm not sure what constitutes a "final verdict" vs 1 guy's opinion?


    It does seem worth noting that "outstanding hands" and "good job running underneath routes" don't seem to equate to "can't contribute to the Bills unless we get a great deep ball passer".

  5. Wow it is already Week #3 where has the time gone? After hearing rumors about the availabity of Kevin Kolb and fans saying we should have traded for Ron Mexico (aka Mike Vick), I thought I would weigh in on the situation (and not the one from Jersey Shore) ... we NEED to draft our own with what will likely be a top 3 - 5 pick next April.


    The recent stories on Andrew Luck and comparisons to times when John Elway was gracing the Stanford campus, has me convinced he should be our choice if, 1) we are lucky to have a chance at him, and 2) he decides to turn pro (which is very much in doubt considering he is a redshirt sophomore). Perhaps, we will have to turn our sights on Ryan Mallett or someone else who emerges this fall. Either way, we must proceed with patience and a better plan to develop him. This changes coaches, coordinators, personnel, etc. has to stop or we might as well bring back Bruce Mathison ... I am not saying that JP or Trent would have become a franchise QB with more patience and better stability, but it sure would not have hurt our chances.


    You have to remember, Kelly didn't arrive him from college. He served an apprenticeship in the USFL (a pretty decent league) for three years. Even then, he needed patience and grooming to get to be the FRANCHISE. The eventual QB that is chosen needs time and may need to sit for awhile and learn. Look at the way that Aaron Rodgers has turned out. He had time to practice, learn, study, put weight on his frame ... and now the Packers are reaping the benefits. I know that new QBs (and the almight $$$) demand that they play. But perhaps, patience is a better route to take to get that elusive Franchise QB.


    A few weeks ago I did some research on superbowl QB from the last 15 years. It was interesting to me that while some QB, especially top draft picks like the Mannings, found success right away -- many many others, esp. later draft picks, took 4-5y years and sometimes a different situation to develop. Some undeniable HOF QB were drafted high but regarded as busts by their original team (Young at Tampa Bay is perhaps the clearest example; Favre with Glanville and the Falcons would be another), and spent several years as backups before blowing the league away.


    I think it might be interesting to look at "bust" and "successful" 1st rounders and 1st rounders who played right away vs 1st rounders given time to learn the system on their team and develop. I suspect the results would show a correlation (overall) between 1st rounders expected to play right away and "1st round busts". Part of it is prolly ego -- riding the pine for a while gives a guy the message he'd better develop some work habits and learn manners towards his teammates if he doesn't already have them vs. filling the locker room with his ego a la Leaf. Part of it is the "jump" to the next level. Rookie QB who shine right out the gate like the Mannings, seem relatively rare and seem often to come from a football family (just my impression, haven't done the footwork to back this one up)

  6. With the anticipation of finally getting our franchise quarterback with the 2011 draft choice I began looking at the scouting reports of the top contenders IMO (Mallett, Luck, Locker, Ponder). Out of curiosity I looked back to what the experts said about Peyton Manning and Ryan Leaf at the time. (sorry no linky...just copy and paste). Lets hope Nix doesn f#@k this up!


    "Tennessee's Peyton Manning and Washington State's Ryan Leaf have a chance to change that. They will go 1-2, or 2-1, in the April 18 draft to the Colts and Chargers, two bad teams. <..>


    The bottom line: Manning may be the best-prepared quarterback to ever come into the NFL. He absorbed football through his father, Archie, and has a coach's understanding of the game. He's the safe pick with big-game experience and has a better chance to have success right away than Leaf.


    Leaf is more physically imposing with a better arm; he's unshakable in the pocket, an aggressive, confident player who may have more long-term upside than Manning. Both, though, could be starters as rookies."


    Begin sarcasm: Hey, why don't we get Ryan Leaf out of retirement? He'd be better than what we got" :End Sarcasm


    Let's see: Million dollar head, coaches understanding of the game = success

    Million dollar arm, swelled head = bust


    People who like "College Quarterback X" because he's "got a cannon for an arm" or "College Quarterback Y" because he's physically imposing, take note.

    What is his work ethic and how deep is his understanding of the game?


    Anyone else remember that Flynn (y'know, the guy who beat out Brohm as GB backup) drafted low b'cuz he spent several years in college on the bench behind...Jamarcus Russell???????

  7. With our O-Line being so bad and the rumor of trading lynch to gb for an offensive lineman, it got me thinking.


    There are players that start on our line that would be lucky to be backups on other teams. Well, what about the reverse logic? Don't you think that there are some very serviceable backups out there for strong offensive lines that would be a large improvement over what we have? I have to think there are players that are backups that we could trade a later round pick for, and see immediate improvement, as well as depth. And definitely get a better value than someone we would have drafted in those picks.


    I'm not saying I know who these people are, but just think of backups for teams like the ravens, titans, and chargers. Really strong lines.




    I had thoughts along similar lines and posted about them just after the roster cuts.

    Some of the linemen I wondered about were at least brought in by other strong teams for a look-see.

    Others were left alone, likely injury concerns.

    I'm not sure any of them really caught on, so maybe our office is looking and not seeing


    The thing is, O-line is a team position on a team sport.

    They have to know the system and they have to "gel" and work together to be effective.

    It's probably the hardest position to bring someone in mid-season and have them make an impact.


    I also agree that a contender team is not likely to trade a true quality backup.

    Quality depth is one of the hallmarks of a contender.

  8. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/09/24/sports/football/24giants.html?_r=1&ref=sports


    As if reading about the Green Bay Packers laughing at the Buffalo Bills during last week's game wasn't bad enough.


    Weekly Friday morning conference call with the Albany office (I'm in Syracuse) and my co-worker Giants fans there snickered about a NY Times article regarding Scott Norwood's SB XXV jersey being displayed by the Giants. I thought they were just joking (being a/holes) around. They weren't.


    Last paragraph.


    "There is only one non-Giants player item in the hall of fame, but it might make fans as giddy as the photo of David Tyree’s catch against his helmet in Arizona: Buffalo kicker Scott Norwood’s jersey from Super Bowl XXV."


    How the F did the Giants get a hold of Scott Norwood's jersey? And what is Bills ownership going to do about it?


    To be truthful, I think this is one where the laugh is really on the Giants and their fans.


    I mean, what does putting Scott Norwood's jersey up with their HOF say, really?


    To me, it's really a Dis on their own players. It says their players weren't good enough to really put it away and win it.

    It says they lost by a "wide right" fluke and but for that fluke, they'd be losers.


    If the Giants want to acknowledge that right up front and center, Let 'em.

  9. I need to see film, but IIRC a defender was crossing straight toward Johnson, which looked to me like the reason Johnson stopped short on his route. I also saw Parrish about five yards down and to SJ's left, more open than Stevie. I didn't see Trent hanging SJ out to dry the way Flutie used to do to his receivers, but this wasn't cut-and-dried either. Reading some of the latest articles on concussions makes me think twice about the "tough-guy" mentality that we seem to overvalue in terms of the ability to take open-field hits, too. He can and should run the pattern, and to some extent these guys are always putting their bodies on the line, but there are greater and lesser risks for lasting damage. It's always a judgment call.


    You know, if we're out on the field making judgement calls about whether to go full-out for the ball, that could go a way to explain our record.


    Other teams make plays. We make judgement calls. Yeah.

  10. Trent Edwards is the back up quarterback for Fitzy this week.




    It seems to me, if all three QB's were supposed to have an equal and open competition for the starting position, then Brian Brohm should move up to number two behind Fitz, while Edwards moves to the back of the line, or simply gets cut....today, before the offense even has their first practice for the Pats tomorrow.


    Are we to believe that Brian Brohm would be a worse option, if Fitzy gets knocked half way to Albany by a blitzing Pats' OLB that Green or Bell forgets to block, then Trent freakin' Edwards??


    How is Brohm supposed to feel right about now? Edwards looks about as bad as any QB has looked over two games, in what, the history of the NFL, the coach yanks him, and still Brohm remains number 3 behind that stiff??


    Maybe Chan will succeed, maybe he is a mistake, time will tell.


    With regard to Brohm, has anyone considered that perhaps he's not bad at all, just needs more time to develop and studying a different offense each week is one way to get it? Some quarterbacks come into the league and are great right away. Others need 4-6 years to develop. How long did Steve Young, or Aaron Rodgers for that matter, sit on the bench before they started and became stars? I know this isn't a popular view here - I personally feel that if Edwards had been brought along more slowly with a consistent system he would have had a better shot at success.

  11. maybe he will get aids from the needle and he wont play a down again


    Do you touch your mother's hand with those fingers?


    That's just vile.


    People it was a joke get over it. I really dont wish for Trent Edwards to get Aids. What sane person would. The only thing I want is for trent Edwards to not start for the team anymore. And I am sorry for ruining this thread. You can bash me if you want. I deserve it.


    I really appreciate this. Most of us have made comments we wished back from time to time, me included.

  12. OK, he needs to work on that.


    Some people claim one can't teach accuracy, a QB either has it or he doesn't


    I'm not saying that's my POV -- most things one does improve with practice, why shouldn't accuracy?

    Maybe what they're really meaning is, by the time a guy gets to the pro's, if he can't get the football to go where he aims it's too late?


    On the other hand, maybe Hahvahd doesn't have the same caliber of QB coach found at football powerhouse programs so maybe there's hope


    Hahvahd Guy's "got Game" and I wish him well

  13. There is no point in keeping Edwards on the roster anymore, they might as well try to deal him before week 6 for anything they can get in terms of draft picks considering his contract is up this year.


    What are your notions on trade takers?

  14. I predict that the offense will suck as bad with Fitz at the helm, as it has with Edwards at the helm (I actually prefer Fitz's suck to Edward's suck, but it isn't really more effective, just different).


    I also predict that the offense will suck WORSE with Brohm at the helm than with either Edwards or Fitz.


    I post this to collect in one place, and make easy to find, all the Brohm lovers foolish claims. Stuff about "What is there to lose? and "We don't KNOW that he sucks yet". The coaches know. They see him everyday. I can picture an offense so bad that they will almost exclusively run the ball, and have at least one game without a completion beyond the line of scrimmage.


    I know this is not news to most, but there seem to be some people that think this change is progress.


    Where does the bold prediction part enter into it?

  15. I've been a strong supporter of Chan Gailey since he was hired. He had a history of identifying the range and limits of his QBs abilities and working with him. So I was more than willing to believe that he saw something in Trent Edwards that I surely never did, and that he'd build an offense around him that would minimize his weaknesses while playing to his strengths. Hope springs eternal.


    Yet two weeks into the season he benches his personally chosen starter. He did this on the heels of, for example, Brett Favre throwing three picks and the "great" Eli Manning and his "powerhouse" Giants getting beaten as badly as the Bills did on Sunday (worse, without that garbage TD at the end), with the team the Bills had a solid chance of beating last week (the Dolphins) besting media darling Minnesota.


    I'm surely not saying benching Edwards is the wrong move only that it smells of panic. And then replacing Edwards with Fitzie? If, in Gailey's assessment, he wasn't good enough to dislodge Edwards (!!!) prior to yesterday, why in god's name does he think he's suddenly become the answer? And it comes on the heels of benching Spiller after ONE game.


    I don't know about you guys, but this change causes me to question everything I thought about Gailey. And by extension, Buddy Nix's thinking.


    I see it differently. I think Edwards showed the best physical skill set and sufficient game management during preseason that Gailey felt he could coach him up and gave him the benefit of the doubt that his poor game-day performance last year was the result of poor coaching or schemes. I think after the first game, Gailey and the coaches sat down with Edwards and watched film and marked out what had to change. 2nd game, Gailey went off and watched film and saw no improvement or even regression, and said "OK, the poor game management/decisions don't make up for the better physical skill set, NEXT!" I think Edwards is completely bemused by the 3-4 defense and, if he has any duties on calling the OL protections, may even be contributing to confusion on the line.


    I don't think it smells of panic. I think it is calculated and was one of the options planned in from the start.


    Just my opinion and worth whatever you like.

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