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Everything posted by Williams+Williams+Williams

  1. I would like to see our defense start to punish some opposing players.
  2. The bills of previous years would drop a game like this. I think this is a different team, with a different attitude, and a qb that gives provides the confidence to win. We are going to lay the smack down in Miami. Lee Evans is going to scorch this team. (like always)
  3. I was referring to the trajectory of his deep balls Trent doesnt lob bombs or at least he hasnt yet. He throws his deep balls on a line. Kelly was tough. Trent took a huge pounding at stanford. He proved hes tough QB. But i agree that he hasnt had the opportunity to prove his toughness in the NFL. In no way am I saying that trent edwards is already as good as those hall of famers. But the question was who does trent most remind you of. So I threw some of trents characteristics that remind of some HOF qbs. Hopefully, he only gets better.
  4. Jim Kelly - simply because hes our next franchise QB. I just hope he continues to add to his abilities and become the QB of the future. Here are some comparible characterstics in my opinion marinos quick release and lazer deep ball Montanas Ability to make the quick read John Elways 4th quarter comeback ability Tom Brady's coolness Jim Kelly's toughness
  5. The last home game I was at against Miami was a few years ago and unforgettable. On the way into the ralph at drive 5 there was two guys standing on top of a Bills custom painted red truck. One holding a 40 inch salmon, the other lighting the quarter stick of dynamite that was in the salmons mouth. They launched the salmon from the top of the truck over the crowd walking into the causeway. It blew up about 5 feet above 1000's of people walking into the game. I was 60 yards away and get hit in the face and in my bag of peanuts with salmon guts. It was dangerous and stupid but very impressive. So the rivalry is still there. Did anybody on the wall witness that?
  6. The Harp is great for the games. Literally, hundreds of Bills fans. Get there early if you want to get a seat. There is always standing room. It's an experience a Bills fan should not miss on a trip to Boston. Dont even bother with the wings. If you are from the Buffalo/Rochester area you wont appreciate them. I grew up in Rochester, and Ive never found a wing outside of upstate new york that is up to par. But if you are a native of upstate, nothing compares.
  7. Agreed. First game he started as a rookie and he didnt play bad. You knew they were going to attack him as much as they can. Considering the QB and the receivers we played against, and it being his first start, I think he played well. 2nd TD was a perfect pass. Im not saying he played great but he played well relative to the situation.
  8. Whitner might not be as flashy or talked about as Sanders or Polamalu but the role he plays on our team is worth the early pick. He plays good football and hes a leader, and the Bills drafted him for that. I cant speak to Sanders or Polamalu's leadership ability cause Ive only watched them play and not listened to them speak. I like what Dante Whitner brings to the team. I like that he tackled Wilson in the endzone for showboating at the Ralph. He has convictions, he loves the game, and hes a team guy.
  9. hahahaha - that mask is great. You make a good point. Ive never seen that before but I doubt the intent of that is to be racist. The media spun it a little when they said a fan was wearing a "black face". Why did they write a fan was wearing Randy Moss mask? I think that mask is funny. It looks like a mold of his face and it has a huge fro. When I saw the mask the last thing on my mind was its racist. People dress like other people all the time for halloween and I think that was the intent. To label that mask racist is overly sensitive.
  10. He didnt name himself that. His pop warner coach told him he runs like a beast and thats where his, "beast mode" came from. Beastmode is discriptive of the way he runs and therefore relivant. Chad Johnsons ocho cinco nickname is arbitrary.
  11. Thanks, I didnt know that. Donahoe was a pretty bad GM. Mike Mularkey was probably my least favorite coach after Marv left. I didnt really like Greg Williams or Wade Phillips either. I like Jauron and Marv's influence on player and personell selection is paying dividends right now. What other running backs were available the year we drafted McGahee?
  12. haha - Michael Irvin was the worst. He took a breath and paused after every word until the last 3 words of his sentence. The only thing he ever stated was the obvious. And. Then.he. through. the. ball. down-the-field.
  13. nickname: Eddie Money. Appreciate the correlation between Eddie Money being a kick a$$ rockstar, Trents ability to make money plays, and the significance of 'eddie'. Eddie Money is the best nickname out there right now. No QB will ever have a better nickname than Jimbo did - Machine Gun Kelly.
  14. Your self description is great. Is that from a will ferrel movie? I hope its a movie quote or meant as a joke.
  15. I like that and would use it if it sticks. Hollywood is a little overplayed though. On every team or in every group of friends there is a Hollywood. Eddie Money is unique. Id love to hear Berman don him eddie money on primetime.
  16. He makes great throws, 4th quarter comebacks, and wins games. He can do it all, hes a winner, hes money. Eddie Money!!! Cause the guy is money!! What do you guys think? I love that nickname for him
  17. Im new to the Wall but Ive read a lot about Mort not liking the Bills on here. Is there any particular reason Mort is such a hater? Either way, I think Mort is a loser. As a bills fan, im used to everyone hating on the bills. Emmit Smith cant even form a complete sentence. If I were a Dallas fan, I would be embarrassed for him.
  18. You arent naive buddy. I love JP Losman for how much he loved Buffalo and the amount of effort he put in to being our guy. It didnt work out. I would love to see JP do well somewhere else because when he was here he wanted to be a Bill and tried hard. I can respect that. That said, you make a good point.
  19. You are right. That guy is a waste of life.
  20. Your an idiot. Id take a Bills win over a fantasy win any day. Your fanhood is supsect. My quoting skills are supsect. Was talking to three3. Sorry deep2evans.
  21. Agreed 5-1 Said this before, but technically trent edwards has not lost a game yet. Cutler is talented and impressive to watch. Portis is playing great. You cant knock any of that. Trent Edwards is winning games. Most important stat is wins. I dont care if Trent isnt flashy. I like that we are creeping up on people and its us against the world. Any quote you read this year from the players says there is great team chemistry from the top down. Trent believes in DJ, the team believes in Trent, Dante believes in Trent and Dante he is our Darryl Talley. Everyone believes in DJ, we as fans have been believing for years, and now the team believes. Trent = MVP There is alot more that goes in to winning games than stats.
  22. Great management qualities whether you are winning or losing. I dont see those as negative in any light for a coach. I always liked to play for motivating coaches. It has taken me a while to warm up to Jauron cause he doesnt appear to be a motivator. However, im not in the locker room, and I wont presume to know what Jauron says to our team in the huddle on a 90 degree day in the middle of August, or before we go visit the dolphins next week. I like the position our team is in. His leadership has our team believing right now. You cant argue with that.
  23. Love that DJ was a little frusterated. Hes not emotional in a rah rah way. I didnt like that when he first got here. Now I realize that his strongest leadership quality is his even keel. He's solid. Win or lose, hes emotionally solid and thats his defining leadership characteristic. Hes focused on the next play, the next game, and winning. He's always thinking about how to improve. He still was not emotional in his comments. He was composed, and made some good statements. I have to admit it took me a while to warm up to his style. But now I see his influence paying off from top to bottom. There is a lot of buy in on our team right now. Moral of the story: Trust in Marv. He picked DJ, and he picked these young guys that our team is built around. Everyone is buying in and the team is playing for each other. This isnt some Dallas BS. Marv Levy for president!
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