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Everything posted by billsfan_34

  1. Bobo is just pissy today. The best way to be competive is to give away all your draft picks for mcnaab right? Try again. P.S. You gotta have one of the gayest names...I mean really...it wreaks of you wanting to honk on a bobo.
  2. Oh but he was. We can all roll our eyes next year when he is riding pine cuz he sucks so bad.
  3. Ha..whatever dude..calm down. I think I understand they all play in the secondary. Besides, mckelvin blows. Now take a qualude or a xanex...!@#$ chop.
  4. Byrds a Safety, Mckelvin is a corner. Just sayin.
  5. Before he got injured...go back and look at the games. he was getting torched left and right. Good special teamer..thats about it.
  6. Im not saying garcia is better...I just wouldnt give up the bank for an aging QB. And Garcia wouldnt cost us anything.
  7. Really...he was getting turned around inside out!
  8. No way, the Eagles are in a pickle with too many high priced QB's. I would rather have Jeff garcia come in as a stop gap, at this stage thats all McNaab is anymore. We have way too many holes to give up draft picks.
  9. Thanks for the post, a great read. I know hindsight is 20/20, but I hated the McCargo, Whitner, Mckelvin and Losman picks. What a disaster this team has been during the draft. And to be absolutely honest, Lee Evans doesnt do much for me either, and that kinda sums up this whole team. He needs to start going over the middle and get some YAC.
  10. The Bills have a ton of holes, and any direction we go wont be right IMO....I think the Bills will take the best player available besides a DB. Jauron got us a ton of those!
  11. Ok, a few years back I remember the jets coming into town in December and in typical fashion it was Buffalo weather at its finest. Chad was throwing lame ducks all over the place. I am not saying Chad isnt a good player, just not suited for us thats all. He is smart and plays with alot of heart but he wont put any fear into defenses and just cant get the ball downfield. He is not the answer and I dont think its what Chan and Buddy will be looking for. If we want to get it right and challene the other teams in the division, we better get a strong armed, smart cold weather rust belt QB like Big Ben.
  12. That wasnt my point...Ben is doing great in Pittsburgh, Flacco in Baltimore, and Chad has had a very good career. My point is not every QB can pick where they play in college. Some play in big programs and do well in the NFL, some dont. The QB position is a crap shoot, everyone knows that. I am merely stating that good QBs can some from other places besides the ACC, SEC, PAC, Big 10 etc... I diasgree that he played like a college QB in a weak conference. He played pretty darn good in his time with central michigan.
  13. So did big ben and chad...if you can play you can play. Flacco played at lil ole delaware. Romo...N illinois.
  14. So true, but our linemen were undersized and subpar, however perfect sizes for the LB in the 3-4 role. Guess this means our FA/Draft will be targeting some D linemen with some size.
  15. Lets just give him a bogus date all together.
  16. Man I sure hope so. A 91 year old owner has no business in the draft room or evaluating talent. He shouldnt even be writing the checks anymore, thats brandon and overdorfs job. Those 2 just need to make sure Ralphs kids trust funds are healthy!
  17. I totally agree. I dont think many posters realize what is transpiring at OBD. They key now is to keep Ralphs hands out of the cookie jar. For the first time in a long long time I like what I see. Last years draft was pretty darn good...I know the jury is out on Maybin, however I will remain optimistic that he produces this year. I am extremely excited to see what the FO does in the begininning of free agency which will really clue us in a little more on the draft. Go Bills.
  18. I honestly would..but I dont even know where they are stored at. But if its that important to you then feel free to search for it. At the end of the day I will still be sleeping sound.
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