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Posts posted by BuffaloBill

  1. Maybe because of what happened to Javon Walker. Or the O-lineman from Jacksonville. Or the Denver Bronco DB that was killed. Or because of what happened to Sean Taylor.



    My point exactly - don't go to places where you feel you need a gun. Do not hang out with people who cause you to believe you are threatened enough to have to carry a gun. There are plenty of places to go where you can have fun and nothave to put yourself in this situation.

  2. What an idiot. Why would he even carry a gun in a nightclub? Can't possibly contribute to anything but trouble. If he is worried about his safety then he should not be out on the town or at a minimum hire a bodyguard. Stupid incidents like this are why I appreciate Marv Levy insisting on going after players with high character.


    I get to see the circus here in Dallas every day. Their collection of players prone to moronic acts like this have not turned them into a good team.

  3. Goes to show that McCargo was not only a sub-par college player (that was pretty obvious in and of itself to everyone but the Bills), he might have been damaged goods.


    The Bills traded up to get him in the first round, he has barely played in his 3 years in Buffalo, and a trade they tried to make involving him got cancelled because it revealed he was damaged goods.


    If that doesn't make the front office look like a bunch of bumbling idiots...



    According to ststs quoted on CBS 50% of the picks from the first three rounds in any draft are not with the club selecting them or they are out of the League. McCargo is a bust, JP is a bust. Time to move on from these picks.

  4. No way Crowell stays, bitter relationship due to IR

    I'd like to keep greer but we have spent too many picks on DBs to keep him. I think he's better than mcgee at CB.



    I think that the coaching staff does not want him. I am also suprised that he has not received an injury settlement yet and moved on. My guess is that he knee was worse than what was reported. If it is worse than reporrted and he is not healthy yet then IR was justified.

  5. How is CNN so sure that Buffala/Rochester will be the most effected. When GM announced plant closings back in teh 80's, Buffalo fared OK, largely (I believe) because the Engine Plant was one of the more efficient. If that plant still has a reputation for quality and productivity, it has a strong chance to survive. I had a colleague in Cinci tell me how, at that time, GM couldn't wait to close teh Norwood, OH plant because of low productivity and numerous worker issues. The plants that produce quality parts on time should survive.


    Here's another issue, is WNY going to do anything to attract foreign automakers to teh area. The foreign makers are here to stay and if Buffalo gets their plants, there's a place for displaced autoworkers other than down south. It's a tough anecdote but its the real world.


    The other problem is Albany and teh NTS Legislature. NY is so business unfirendly that it takes a deal with the Legislature for any plant to be brought to NYS. Unless teh Senate Majority leader is in your region, you're screwed. Albany-Saratoga got loads of business development because its in or near the district of now former SML Joe Bruno. The SML is now from Long Island, and guess where the business development bucks will go now (despite what they say to the press).



    Having worked for a parts supplier - they tend to go to lower wage and right to work states. NY fits neither of these.

  6. You don't read much online do you?


    This idiot recently confronted a Browns fan via E-mail and blasted him for being critical of the team by saying: "Why don't you go follow the Bills". This was after we lost to them last week. If that's not an insult I don't know what is.


    Somebody here actually put up that news article and you can find it if you look hard enough.


    Actually I did read about long before I put this post up. Read my post I was not defending the guy nor do I want him in our front office. I was simply trying to say to the individuals on this board who continue to say the Bills need a GM that he is likely to be available.


    I do not want him primarily because he f-d up the Kellen Winslow situation and he did not pick a good coaching staff.

  7. I was out last friday night and saw JP at a bar on Chippewa..As I don't get out much I had a little more than a few

    and walked up to JP and asked him where he would be playing next year.


    He was very cool and said, "I am playing here this year." I asked well what about next year and he repeated himself in a respectful manner...where he could have just punked me off. Then I asked him what he felt about Trent's 1st qtr melt down v. Cleveland...JP smiled and said listen..I'm just out for something to eat and a little time with my friends and I am not really talking football tonight.

    I apologized for interrupting him and he was cool..asked me my name etc made small talk. I wished him good luck in his future and went back to my group of friends.


    My take on JP, the guy is a class act..even to a drunken overzealous Bills fan out for some answers.

    Good Luck where ever you end up JP :)



    Too bad it has not worked out for him here. I think he genuinely likes the city.

  8. I'm confused by your post. You say he can make things interesting, and he's a good evaluator of talent, but you don't want him, at the end of the day? :)


    I am simply trying to say to the many who have posted elsewhwere that the Bills need a GM that he is likely to be available after the season. I think he f-d up the Kellen Winslow situation. I am also not in favor of the rebuilding that typically comes from rebuilding. I am tired of starting over.

  9. First of all, it is wrong to think that race isn't at least a little part of this. Buffalo, I love the place, is still a very segerated city in a lot of regards. The places downtown are very open places, but they also tend to be mainly white. The black clubs, for the most part, can be very hostile places and if I was a millionaire, would not feel comfortable going to.


    Secondly, this issue reflects part of the problem plaguing Buffalo now. Buffalo has the highest per captia % of college students in the nation. However, they retain them at the lowest ratio. So in the age group (22-35) that the majority of pro athletes are, it tends to be the smallest population in the area.


    I love Buffalo and hate when people take shots at teh city. This, however, is not a shot. Clements is being honest and at no point did he say anything bad about Buffalo. For a lot of 22-35 (not just athletes), Buffalo isn't exactly the ideal place to live socially. That's just the truth. But Buffalo is a great place to raise a family. On the other hand, if you paid me millions, I'd play in the North Pole as long as they had a bank and one bar.



    Where did the college statistic come from? Imagine wht WNY could be if it was able to retain the students.

  10. It was just the four of us this year. I'm like many out there with an uncertain employment status (that appears to be getting better, but I'm not counting my chickens quite yet). So, when I'm not nauseous about my own situation - I'm even more nauseous reading about the economy, depression, recession, hyper-inflation, etc... and worrying about the kids and what the future holds for all of us. :censored:


    Since there is no sense in wasting time watching crappy football played by teams that are meaningless to me - the wife and I raked a ginormous pile of leaves in the back yard and let the kids loose. What appeared to be a subdued, anti-climatic holiday this year turned out to be one of our best!


    Here are some of the better shots I took and illustrate my reasons to be thankful this year (as well as every year):




    I hope your day was filled with such moments.



    Is the chick in your avatar your wife? If so, you are a very lucky man. My wife is hot but she would never give the Lord Stanley some tongue.

  11. "It's frustrating because we want to be considered a great defense", said Posluszny, who leads the Bills with 94 tackles.




    Well Paul, it's frustrating for Bills' fans because comments like those are all we ever hear these days from Bills' players and coaches. "We should be doing this, we aren't doing that, we didn't execute this, we could have done better with that,".....I have an idea for Poz and his buddies on defense: tackle better and you just might become what you want to be. On offense, things might continue being better if the line continues to open holes for the Beast Brothers like the past two games.


    Actions speak louder then words, Poz.



    Why would you come down on Poz? He is already a good and may become a great player. I respect the fact that he and the others are pushing themselves. Improve the d-line and the who;e d will come around. While I say that I really do wonder if the Tampa -2 is a defense that lends itself to greatness.

  12. So is it true that there is no way to get a streaming audio of the game on the web except for paying for it?


    I live somewhere down south and the Bills are never on TV here unless it's a Sunday or Monday night game. So usually I go to a sports bar. Last week I couldn't make it and found myself watching the play by play on NFL. com. It's a kinda painful way to take in a game - web radio would be nice but I'm a cheapskate!



    If you have a Sprint phone and subscribe to their NFL service you can get radio through your phone - you should have an unlimited minutes plan though or you could out yourself in the poor house. When there was a power outage at the Ralph this is how I kept up with the game. Also, if you are going to a bar you probably are spending enough to just get DirectTV and the NFL package. This is what I did.

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