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Posts posted by GaryPinC

  1. 8 hours ago, Hapless Bills Fan said:



    8 hours ago, Hapless Bills Fan said:


    I was calm during KC week here in MO.


    I must admit, I'm starting to get nervous.  With all this talk of "More dominant than any NFL team has been", Baldy "Can anyone beat the Bills", an extra half day to prepare since the Bills didn't get home until like 5 am Monday...you just know that Meathead and the Henries would just LOVE to help the Bills "lay an egg" and embarrass themselves on National TV.


    I just hope and pray our Boys in Blue have their heads on straight and are "taking care of business".

    I think our boys remember last year all too well and take care of things this year.  TN really out-physicalled us that game but we later rose to the occasion when the Niners wanted to do the same.  Especially with the D-line improvement this year.

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  2. 2 hours ago, GreggTX said:

    Why are some people so anxious to get rid of one of the top slot receivers in the NFL? Don't you like winning? Or is this about his politics? I thought we wanted to keep good players. Maybe he's had a less productive season to date than last year, but so has Diggs. Surely you don't want to get rid of him too, do you?

    Because he's become a distraction and cast a negative light on the franchise.


    I respect his right to choose but not his childish, classless way of publicly dealing with it.  Further expounded by getting on Bills fans for booing him.  Like we should just look at him as a football player after he's gone out of his way to distract from that.

  3. 21 hours ago, Big Turk said:

    The refs didn't screw up the down and distance on the hold. Holding is measured by where the foul happened and the hold occurred 15 yards down field by their WR..I think Robinson(number 11) if I am not mistaken.


    Therefore 15-10 = 5


    Doesn't happen that often but I have seen it a bunch of times over the years in these situations, almost always when a WR is holding down field.


    Also regarding Henry...the Bills have done a very nice job against him the last 2 games...he has rushed 39 times for only 135 yards in those 2 games, an average of under 3.5 YPC


    Do you remember how far the runner/ball got on that play?  If it didn't go past the spot of holding, they should change the rule to deduct from the spot of the ball in this situation.

  4. Just now, LeviF said:


    bruh if you don't think the G could set up temp hospitals in a matter of hours idk what to tell you.


    It's a combination of things, but it may be related to the reason why the ventilators Cuomo stole from upstate hospitals never got used downstate.

    Bruh, how long would it take the government to mobilize all the proper equipment and personnel, identify suitable space and parking/transportation logistics, get everything down there and get it set up, functional and effective?  Why do you think they choose to instead send the hospital ships?


    Or would it be better just to bounce patients (especially non-covids) to outlying hospitals and work within the greater system?


    I mean, I would like to think there's a plans for makeshift military hospitals but I don't have much faith it could be executed well in major cities.


  5. 12 minutes ago, LeviF said:

    There isn’t much that’s supposed to be controlled at the federal level but are we really in here pretending that’s how it actually works?


    What happened to the Comfort when it pulled into NYC, again?

    Pretending?  Feds don't run the hospitals, my hospital is Cuyahoga County facility (Cleveland) that functions mostly independently with President and executive committee overseen by a County Commission.  Feds certainly don't run the Cleveland Clinic or anything other than the VAs.   Feds can influence through $, but then they would have to financially support increases in capacity.  I don't think either side wants that.  


    I know exactly what happened to the Comfort.  Do you know why they didn't use it?  Because I don't for sure.  I feel Cuomo is partly to blame with his ######ed nursing home policy, but there are considerable logistics to transporting patients to hospital ships and perhaps given the nature of the emergency they couldn't put a plan or adequate personnel together fast enough?

  6. 17 hours ago, Buffalo Timmy said:

    Something's I heard today from a  medical historian is that part of  the reason for this not dying out is that we shut things down so far that the disease had too much time to adapt. Basically if we had simply lived our normal lives we would have had more illness in 2020 but because of herd immunity much less in 2021 and beyond. I have not thought much about it but did think it was interesting.

    Well, your medical historian  has an interesting and mostly incorrect argument.  They have a good point that natural immunity will have an important role in mitigating this virus.  Certainly states/areas with less natural immunity will be interesting to watch in future outbreaks.  You have to wonder if low natural immunity influenced the current outbreak in Washington and Oregon. 


    But we would have many more deaths and morbidity if we hadn't taken preventative measures.


    You can look to  Russia, pessimistic philosophy and distrustful of their government, the populace mostly chooses to tough it out.  Vaccinations were under 20% for the longest time and have finally climbed over 30%.  Check out their graphs:




    No return to baseline after surges and escalating baselines and surges.  Hopefully this data speaks for itself.


    Go look at how isolation and masking affected the flu last year.  Experts think some substrains died out completely.  Will we have record numbers this year?  We'll see.


    But Covid will not die out.  It is here to stay, it just needs to be better controlled and lower circulating.  The more it circulates the more it mutates.  Lockdowns allowed medicine and science time to understand/adapt to Covid, masking/distancing helped slow the spread to mostly manageable levels.  Now we need to lower its circulation through vaccination, especially in the rest of the world.  


    The interesting thing will be how China adapts, given its most prevalent vaccines are not very good and with no natural populace immunity.  We are a global community and I suspect they will have a price to be paid in the future.

  7. 11 hours ago, LeviF said:

    It’s doubly hilarious because there has been zero effort to increase hospital capacity in response to the iNUndATiOn at the federal level but we keep hearing the same lie over and over. 

    Well, our hospitals/hospital capacity isn't controlled at the federal level.  I can tell you at my hospital, during Covid surges, they allocate more beds/floors to Covid patients and push off whatever surgical procedures they can to enable the reallocations. 


    Since we mostly aren't a socialized medicine country, temporary beds would be the way to go (like USNS Comfort).  Hospitals aren't going to commit to excess capacity long-term as it will incur financial losses after Covid reaches an endemic equilibrium.

  8. 2 hours ago, Just in Atlanta said:


    RACIST: "a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human racial groups determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to dominate others or that a particular racial group is inferior to the others."



    Yeah.  That's the old definition.  The new definition is any racist, prejudiced or discriminatory thoughts, words or actions.  I still can't believe the dictionaries haven't updated.


    I prefer the old definitions, but it's not reality.  Everything is rolled into one, whether we like it or not.

    53 minutes ago, The Wiz said:

    100% Polish.  Love it.


    Call us the Buffalo Polacks for all I care.


    Our new team logo is a guy holding a pussywillow branch.

    With big ears and at least calf-high white socks.  100% Polish here also!

  9. 1 hour ago, BillsFan4 said:

    He finally took his own advise!


    I have to imagine him insulting the entire Bills fan base didn’t go over too well with the coaches/front office/owners. I know if I insulted my work’s customers I’d probably be fired on the spot. Most people would.


    I don’t want him to be cut but he needs to stay off social media with his anti-vax misinformation. We all know he refused to get vaccinated. We all know why he feels that way. But he just can’t let it go.


    Remember his first press conference training camp when he said he’d make 1 final statement on the vaccines (then refused any questions on it) and that would be the last he said about it this season? Well, it’s about damn time.

    Just to add to your excellent post, living in Cleveland, it seems obvious to me the NFL has a playbook and trains their players to talk about and treat their team's fans as the best in the league.  Browns players will say the exact same things about their fans as Bills players, so much of it is scripted.


    I'm sure Cole taking the booing fans to task really chaffed the Bills front office and was addressed.  Personally, I think the lack of touches was a scheme thing as Diggs only had 2 receptions last night.

    • Like (+1) 1
  10. 8 hours ago, Buffalo Timmy said:

    this is horrifying. A mother using her child's condition to push a political point that should not matter to her daughter. If her daughter is immunocompromised she should not be sending her to school period. Every county in Florida has specific programs to deal with children like her. I truly feel for the child but this mother needs to more honest with the kid.



    Yeah, send her in an N-95 mask, sheesh.  Definitely a bunch of political garbage here.

  11. 19 hours ago, hjnick said:

    Sounds like an excuse to me… he’s coming into a contract year.  BIG payday he wants.


    I bet there is a shot they could give that would last for a couple of hours for the game…

    Well, Baker wasn't the one talking about it.  No excuses from him.  The thing is, it didn't noticeably affect his throwing in the Bears game but he was missing more badly than I've ever seen him last week.  And I live in Cleveland, so I see a lot of Browns games.

    • Agree 1
  12. 1 hour ago, All_Pro_Bills said:

    I'm not going to argue the perceived or actual benefits of the vaccines.  I'm familiar with the clinical trial process and commercial pharma business and as it happens a couple of the  vaccine manufacturers are contracted clients of my organization.  Other parts of the organization generate daily stats and forecasts on COVID.  So I know the data pretty well and much of what the CDC distributes is provided by us too.  

    So I'm not arguing numbers or probabilities but i also have additional insights I'm hesitant to discuss for several reasons.  And while the vaccines don't prevent you from getting sick, they don't prevent transmission, and the don't prevent the virus from replicating I'm not blaming the vaccines or their sponsors for that either.  Its more about the complex nature of treatment, the coronavirus and the respiratory system.  I should add one of the members of our team is a vaccine and immune system "expert" with 25 years experience in the field.  I wish I could share her explanation of COVID and the immune system.  Frankly it was the best explanation I've ever heard on the topic.  Much better and detailed than anything out of the CDC, FDA, NIH, or anywhere else.

    And I didn't say all kids should be not be be vaccinated.  I said the decision should be based on the specific circumstances and the individual child's personal health profile and condition.  And a one-size-fits all approach is not the most effective approach.

    My objection to mandates boils down to one simple question.  A question of accountability.  If somebody dies or develops some life-threatening condition because of government or corporate vaccine mandates that apply force and coercion to obtain compliance to their authority are they going to be held accountable personally, professionally, financially, legally, or in any other way for adverse consequences?  Because from where I sit if somebody is forcing me to do something they should also be accountable for the outcome.  My guess is that's not how it works here. 

    You have excellent points and I as a scientist highly respect your reasoned approach and thoughtful questions.


    WRT immunizing kids, I personally am not in favor of it below 12 for various reasons.  But for teenagers I am and look at it this way:


    What is most likely to have more far-reaching long term effects, the Covid virus or the mRNA vaccine?  The mRNA vaccine is short lived and mRNA is easily broken down, no DNA is involved.  Each mRNA molecule cannot replicate.  The opposite is true of Covid, including a lysogenic component where the virus incorporates into cell DNA to go silent and possibly re-emerge later.


    Ok, vaccine side effects of clots and transient myocarditis.  Are these strictly problems from the vaccine structure or would these people have the same or larger issues if it had been a live Covid infection?


    I have known 3 teenagers with confirmed or most likely covid:  My two nephews and my son.  My one nephew definitely had it while the other had no symptoms so it was never confirmed but my brother also had it so we suspect all 3 of them had it.  So all 3 teenagers had mild/no symptoms while infected.


    Anyways, 2 out of 3 had bizzare side effects, my nephew had covid fingers (akin to "covid toes") for 2 months or so after recovery.  My son had  chest tightness and light headedness the week after he returned to football.  Was it respiratory or cardiac?  He definitely had headaches and brain fog and loss of taste while no problems breathing, just some upper respiratory congestion.


    Now, 3+ weeks later he seems full healthy but still hasn't fully regained his taste yet.  WTF is that all about? 


    I don't know but it's unsettling to me.  So many sit here quoting death/cases/hospitalizations but do people take a hard look at the stories of the people who recover and factor that in?  What other virus has these bizarre, lasting effects?  And some try and pretend Covid is just a routine virus?

    • Like (+1) 1
  13. 3 hours ago, Buffalo Timmy said:

    I have already been vaccinated, as I have stated many times, but when you are telling me my 16 year old son needs to get it in order protect 70 year old who never took care of themselves I do get pissed since we do not have even a 5 year study mich less a truly long term study on the effects. I also understand a business like a hospital pushing the vaccine, but it still should not be mandatory. 

    My 15 year old will be getting his vaccine in a couple weeks, he'll be far enough out from his natural infection recovery.  Biggest reasons?  It's a safe vaccine, he'll get an extra degree of protection, and at this point there's no reason Covid can't mutate to afflict the younger more. 


    Mandating an emergency use only vaccine should not be allowed, and it mostly wasn't until after full approval.


    So a company, struggling to get back on it's feet after the lockdown, shouldn't be allowed to mandate a fully approved vaccine to create the safest workplace possible and minimize the risk of a super spreader event that would hobble their business and increase healthcare costs?


    That doesn't make good business sense. 

  14. 5 minutes ago, JaCrispy said:

    I disagree with your first sentence...you do realize that there are over 100 million Americans who already have natural immunity, and have no need for a vaccine? 


    There are healthcare staff, with natural immunity stronger and longer lasting than the vaccine, who were fired...can you honestly say that this is right? I mean, if we are being logical...

    I totally agree that it's a real shortcoming that natural immunity can't be easily quantified and used as a substitute.   But please understand science is shades of gray and to the best of my knowledge:  1) we can only estimate the number of Americans with natural immunity,  2) there is going to be variability as to the strength of their natural immunity to the point that a certain percentage with "natural immunity" won't give them much protection against a significant exposure,  and 3) there are a number of recent studies showing that natural immunity + vaccination offers the strongest protection of all.

  15. 17 minutes ago, Buffalo Timmy said:

    That is well done- you now state that since vaccines are not useless we should all be forced to get it. If something helps the majority everyone should be required to do it.

    I think the intelligent thing to do is to get it, but it's your choice.  It's also a matter of public safety, healthcare costs, and stress on the healthcare system.  So when your employer forces you to get it to maintain a safer working environment and keep their healthcare costs lower, either get it or find another job.  It's your choice, but stop whining about it like a kitty.


    I've had to get flu vaccinations for years or lose my job.  This is no different and will be supported by the courts.  I don't like it, tbh, but it's my choice to go along.  I prefer my job here.


    Choices have consequences, freedoms come with responsibilities.

  16. 2 hours ago, plenzmd1 said:

    Hmm. Everyone just comply and shut up and take the Vax. The CDC says so, and so does  @Sundancer, Who thinks only conspiracy theorists like Berenson believe there is any issue with side effects. Guess the Swedes read Berenson on substack eh? 

    this is exactly why young people . Especially those who have had Covid, should just so no to the vax. 








    Classic case of tweetardation.  From the article:


    "The Swedish agency said the vaccine from Pfizer is recommended for these age groups instead."  


    Cardiac inflammation, while a very small side effect in these groups, was a little more pronounced with the Moderna vaccine so they made these recommendations.

    • Like (+1) 1
  17. 1 hour ago, JaCrispy said:

    I do agree about not wanting to overwhelm our healthcare system... but it doesn’t really make sense firing the very heroes who saved us from the brink, during the pandemic...Now our hospitals will be even more overwhelmed...kinda reminds me of the Australian police shooting people so they don’t spread covid...sure, you might stop the spread- but only because everyone who leaves their home will have a bullet in their back...


    Natural immunity was supposed to be part of the equation for herd immunity when this thing first started...now, nobody cares, even though it is stronger and longer lasting than the vaccine...So, I’m long passed thinking herd immunity is the main objective anymore... too many things just don’t add up, the way the government is going about things imo...

    Well, it really doesn't make any sense in logical or scientific terms for our healthcare workers to refuse the vaccine putting their families, colleagues, and patients at heightened risk.  Choices are to be respected but have consequences.    And now everyone suffers from their choice.  But it's their choice.


    How will effective (herd) immunity be determined?  It will be determined by epidemiology, low numbers of hospitalizations and deaths, hopefully cases too.  Outbreaks will be reduced and more limited.  The quickest, healthiest, most controlled way is mass vaccination with natural immunity playing an increasing role over time until we have it under control. 

    In the end, you can only really control vaccination, the natural immunity contribution is far more difficult to assess.  So focus on vaccination and look to the numbers to tell when we've reached a sufficient combination.


    Of course the virus will mutate, and until it's controlled worldwide, we need to be vigilant and revaccinate against breakthrough mutants.  While some see a giant conspiracy, it's simply a resilient pandemic level virus.


    • Eyeroll 1
  18. 2 hours ago, B-Man said:



    More Americans have died from COVID-19 this year than from the virus in all of 2020






    Here's some more facts for you    https://graphics.reuters.com/world-coronavirus-tracker-and-maps/countries-and-territories/united-states/


    Death chart on the right.  Graphs start from December 2020.  The greatest outbreak of deaths was winter of 2021, before vaccination got up to speed.  Then in the late summer 2021 Florida, Texas and the south led the way with Delta deaths. 


    But I'm sure the right wing Tweetards will try and sell everyone that the vaccines are useless.  And the mindless sheep will suckle at this teat.

  19. 6 hours ago, JaCrispy said:

    You’re absolutely right...but you know why they don’t? Because it’s not about trying to get to herd immunity, never has been imo...if it were, natural immunity would be included in the equation...👍

    It's been about trying to get to a herd immunity, but keeping people healthy and alive and trying to keep our healthcare systems from being overwhelmed while doing so.   Vaccination is the best option for that, at least in adults.  You've seen from the other postings here that the technology isn't there yet to properly assess antibody levels, unfortunately.


    Also, research into the efficacy and resiliency of natural immunity is just starting to develop to fruition.  It's not a given with any virus.  Hence the focus on vaccination.

  20. 7 hours ago, JaCrispy said:

    It’s what most people have known all along...


    Media and government cover up about natural immunity due to Big Pharma...👍


    Also explains the social media censorship...


    Welcome to the rebellion...

    One thing that gets mentioned and is absolutely true is they should have an antibody card and ease of antibody testing to go with the vaccine card.


    That would alleviate these valid concerns of the naturally infected and be really beneficial to validate the efficacy of the vaccine in the immunocompromised.

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  21. 6 hours ago, hondo in seattle said:

    Beth was good.  Knew what was happening on the field and could competently describe it.  Voice sounded dramatic or excited at appropriate times. 


    I don't get all the negativity.  

    Having seen her 2 years ago, I'm not a big fan of her voice but she loved to voice in inappropriate drama and excitement that I hated.  She did far better yesterday and has improved.  From a technical standpoint, she definitely is a little above average for me as a play-by-play. 

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  22. On 10/2/2021 at 8:52 PM, Process said:




    So, just to review.  I'm pretty sure the girl with the blue tank top in the still picture is the one who is grinding on him in the video.  Why?  The white belt.  


    So cute she rests her head on his shoulder.  I think the fingers up her butt was consensual. 


    Good luck pretending it was just an unfortunate situation "thrust" upon you Urban.  Too bad for the second recording or you might have had a chance at believability!

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