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Posts posted by TheChimp

  1. I think the pro-Vick folks on the board should at least know this: If it weren't for Vick's brutal off-the-field crap and his completely unapologetic nature towards it afterwards, I'd probably still be arguing for him to come here and help this team win. Because I was one of his biggest fans. I don't care if you believe that or not, it's true.

  2. Don't bother judging anyone you sanctimonious pr!ck. The world would be better off without you and your ilk, and the bottom line of it is that people like YOU who continue to pass judgment even after penance has been served, or really who think you have any right to be judgmental in the first place, are a greater detriment to society than Vick by several orders of magnitude. I am not a Christian, but I'll be damned if that Jesus dude didn't have some pretty profound insights, among the greatest of which is "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."


    You can be a lover of animals all day long. I personally am a lover of humanity, even with our many flaws, because though we are capable of unspeakable evil (dog-fighting not being even close to fitting that description), we are capable of redemption and forgiveness as well. And those qualities are a small measure of what separates us from the rest of the animal kingdom to begin with. So you can take your opinion and shove it up your a$$.

    Oh so now the world would be better off without MY ilk and instead populated by more of Mike Vick's ilk. Yeah, you get down with your bad self, bro. See how he spins it? I hate humanity because I love animals. Apparently, in this poor slob's universe, I can only make one choice, like so many TBD Polls. So dogfighting isn't even close to evil, in your opinion. You're only a small step away from Hitler Youth, and I feel sorry for your offspring.

  3. I think most would agree, but with Trent there seems to be issues "on top of" his O-line's play.


    Nobody expects Fitz to light the world on fire, but you can bet that on 3rd and long, he'll be attempting a first down pass instead of checking down or tucking and folding. Those appear to be the differences in Trent and Fitz; he gives his WR's a chance to make plays whereas Trent will not.


    But like I said, most would agree that our O-line is laughably deficient.

    Thing is, so are our receivers. None of them get open, pretty much ever. Combine that with a QB who acts like he's been contacted by the Mob who told him that if he throws an INT they'll start cutting off his family's fingers, and yes, that highly offensive line of his, and you have 0-16. Maybe with Fitz we'll win enough games to go 4-12 and lose the #1 pick yet again.


    Yeah, awesome idea.

  4. See how angry they get at those who don't condone Vick's behavior? It is as I said in another thread. They will say anything to demean and demoralize those of us who would have a world without wanton torture, even of the animals that are destined for our tables, because they simply don't understand why we care. And it angers them that they know we judge them because they don't. They can't quite get themselves to admit that if they stumbled upon a dogfighting operation in their neighborhood, they'd probably participate in it themselves, and even the ones who claim to be "animal lovers themselves", if questioned properly would more than likely admit that their "love" of their pets falls into about the same realm as their love of their favorite couch or coffee table book.

  5. The fans don't deserve this and the players don't deserve this. Upper management (which obviously included the owner) deserves everything the media is dishing out right now. I place no responsibility on the players anymore because for the past few years, they are the ones who have been put in a position to fail. Is it Edwards fault he was never good? Is it Maybin's fault he was drafted when he was? Is it Whitner's fault he should have never been picked there? Go right down the line (including the coaches) and you just see such a void of talent and lack of football knowledge across the board.


    I never got mad after the first two games this year knowing they would be pretty bad and now I am going to enjoy the abuse ownership will get for the remainder of the season. Sound harsh..tough luck. My money is being spent on crap and although I will continue to attend,I will sit back and watch this organization get blasted for the remainder of the season. They are the ones who deserve the abuse after trying to barely get by with the talent they put out there.

    Ownership won't feel any abuse so long as it's coming from people who forked over the $400 to get their family in the seats on Sunday. ChaCHING.

  6. Basically what the article's existence proves is that this world is composed of more people who hate animal protectors than those who hate animal torturers. If we treated sick, abusive human beings the same way we treat those who stand up for the rights of the defenseless, the sheer weight of such a change would spin the earth directly off its axis. We are a cruel, hateful, and most importantly lazy species who is fascinated and enthralled by its most heinous members and simultaneously seeking out our weakest members to harass and emulate our monstrous heroes with. Face it, what Mike Vick did, about 80-90% of this human species has absolutely no problem with, in fact you wanna see pictures of it. The rest of us find ourselves trapped here with you.

  7. Now i am the first one to think what he did off the field was horrible. I have two awesome dogs myself. And i lived here in Atl, and watched how he almost single handedly brought down the Falcons. Petrino helped.

    But after watching him some the first two games, he seems to still have the talent. It looks like he is also being coached up by Reid and his staff.

    Vick is saying all the right things. In an interview yesterday, he said all he wants is a chance to be a starter for a team next year.

    With him and Spiller in the backfield. You could spend your first couple picks on OL, maybe start to have something. Vick is still young.

    Thoughts? and please focus on talent people.

    OK. Your talent as a spin doctor are not very good. Vick is a despicable human being, and anyone who even passively condones his behavior, for which he has still offered NO apologies or penance, in my opinion is capable of doing exactly what he did and should get hit by the same bus. How's that?

  8. As someone who has owned a AmStaff Terrior (aka Pit Bull) I think Vick is scum. I like the headline in the Daily News, I just wish it was about how he had worked his way to the top of the sociopath hierarchy in max security prision, and not that he was again a starting QB. Luckily, before long he will show why he was on his way out of the NFL as a QB even before the dog mutilation and murder charges he went away on.


    I would never condone fighting dogs, but don't find that to be the really scary part of what he was doing. Slamming a dog to death by hand and electrocuting them with a hose and lose wires for fun, which he personally took part in, is what makes me cheer for bad things to happen to him everytime he steps on the field. Maybe now that he's starting some NFL defender will sieze the opportunity to pick him up and slam him into the ground until he dies too.

    Trouble is, the chances that said defender is also involved in dogfighting is much higher than the chances that he's some avid animal lover or even a decent human being. Sorry, Mike Vick was just the guy that got caught. Guaranteed, there are dozens of other NFLers who are fighting dogs right now, as we sit here and type.

  9. I don't recall anyone here anointing Brohm as a savior, or the QB of the future. Everyone has acknowledged that he would struggle as a starter. The difference is, he has room to grow and improve. The prior starter has had over 3 years of playing experience at the NFL level and has FAILED to improve. That is fact. Somehow, this fact made its way past Chan Gailey. Actually, I believe Gailey was arrogant enough to think that he could make Trent into a serviceable QB.

    The argument was such: rather than seeing a veteran continue to fail, why not bring in the young guy, who has at one point enjoyed a level of success (10,000+ yds and 70 TDs at Louisville). I understand that you dislike Brohm as a player, but you have absolutely no reason to hate him just yet. He has not proven to play "Trentative" on the field..

    Nailed it.

  10. The toughest part of all of this is hitting rock bottom after 10 plus years of futility. It is not as if we have had some good seasons sprinkled in with the bad, and I see nothing to suggest that we are about to improve significantly.


    It is not the coaching. We do not have the players.

    That's what sucks about this. Ralph the old !@#$ that he is fell asleep on his club and about the time he hired Marv he SHOULD have actually hired someone who KNEW what the !@#$ to do with this team. I agree, this team is a good five years away from not sucking. But I think we can all rest assured at getting the first pick these next two years, so that will help all by itself. So long as Chan and Buddy were the guys we needed to draft the right people for once. Let us all pray...

  11. I'd keep Spiller,Lynch, and Evans. Thats it.

    Evans is useless with the QBs we have and would fetch the absolute MOST in a trade, compared to everybody else on our offense. Followed directly by Lynch. They both would need to go if we really wanted the team to get better fast, as backwards as that might sound to you.

  12. We have officially hit rock bottom. We don't even have hope going into these games. IMO this will tell us if the new Bills front office "gets it". They need to trade Lynch for whatever they can get and really start rebuilding. If it's true they can get a third or Hawk they need to do it now. If the Pats had this many options at RB they'd trade one because they realize if you get 8 picks in the first 5 rounds you should hit on enough to improve a team. The Bills problem is they undervalue picks because their draft history is so horrible. They don't value a 3rd round pick because the odds have been it wouldn't turn into anything. They need to start stockpiling picks if they want to build through the draft. If they don't trade Lynch, who is a 3rd string head case, this front office is no better than the previous ones and I can't see where that hope is going to come from.


  13. I hope Vick dies of Aids. I can't listen to another ESPN donkey like Fred Coleman kiss the guy's butt. Why is it that any time someone prefaces a point with "I don't condone what he did but..." they basically condone what he did (kinda like "I'm not a racist/I have black friends")?


    Has anyone ever met a 28yr old terrible person that wasn't still a terrible person at 32? Do you seriously have to patronize us by saying years and years of planned torture/murder is a "mistake", or imply that everyone who is disgusted by the guy must be some extremist Peta freak? No, it wasn't a mistake. Plaxico Burress made a mistake. Vick is pond scum. Sorry this is old news, but being in Philly I'm tired of hearing about him. I don't and have never owned a dog.

    best post ever on the subject.

  14. And the offensive line situation makes it impossible to judge the QB. And the OL makes it impossible to judge the HC. It will be two years before what Marv and DJ did to this team can be undone. For that reason it makes no sense to keep McGee, Stroud, or Jackson around. Trade them for anything. I would be ok with them drafting two QB's and 3 OL and 3 LB's next year.


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