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Posts posted by TheChimp

  1. My buddy just got an even better deal, $30 off per month for a total of 119.95. But he also has the Premier, or whatever they call their top-of-the-line package, and has so for the last three years. The more you spend monthly on your base package, the better your deal will be. The fact that most of us got the $20 off deal probably means that we all have something equivalent to the Choice or Choice Extra package.

  2. It bothers me when people on here say T.O. took plays off and didn't try here. If you're watching T.V. you see T.O. on only small percentage of the plays, since the cameras can't show all 11 players complete their full routes.


    I filmed for a college team last year, and if I learned on thing it was that coaches are so damn busy watching the how the play unfolds they don't have time to breath let alone individually evaluate players. That is why they spend until 10pm every night of the season going back over tape of previous games and grading how each player executed each play.


    If you have access to those tapes I'll listen to you. Other than that, you can't tell me you get a true indicator of a guys performance when you see him 1 out of every 4 plays on your glorious 50-inch plasma, and please don't tell me you can see it in the stadium surrounded by 50000 drunk 20 year olds screaming better than a coach in a silent booth with binoculars.


    Another thing, during the Colts game last year, I loved to see T.O. play around in the snow, and get up on the Bills bench, stand towards the crowd and get them into it when the team was on defense. I don't know how many people know this, but after the game, T.O and George Wilson both made complete laps around the stadium shaking hands of the fans that were left, they both bypassed the tunnel to get out of the cold and made sure to get every fan that was left in the stadium.


    T.O then went and took that huge Bills flag they wave around after scores and ran around the field with it, eventually running it off with it into the tunnel and into Bills history. There were only a few dozen fans left in the seats by this time. With the way the players of both teams and the fans wanted out of their and into someplace warm, I thought that was a pretty cool thing for him to do.


    Is he slowing down? Probably. Is he too expensive? Probably was. Would he have been a 1000 yard receiver in a semi-decent offense? Probably. Everyone on this team was depressed and listless last year. Do we need to resign him? *shrug* Who knows. We just need more players like him who feed off of the competition and hate losing.

    hell yeah, well said.

  3. That's surprising , the girl and I have only had DTV for about 18 months and the first lady I talked to gave me the 179 deal. I just told her I knew several people (the previous posters) who had gotten it and she gave it to me with go argument. Wonder why they jerk around a loyal customer like yourself.

    I had one chick hang UP on my ass. Believe me, the amount of B.S. you get when you call depends entirely on how much of a see-you-next-tuesday your CSR is.

  4. Yeah, we already got that over on page 14. First timer?


    Just so I got this straight, you'll be a single father with a newborn that's awake 24 hours a day, leaving zero time for anything other than your constant childcare - is that right?


    God bless you, but do you really expect any of us to believe your life should be on hold for the next 18 years while you attend to the little varmit every second of his/her life? You can't find 3 hours for 16 weeks to watch the Bills? It's your responsibilty to be indoctorinating the child in Bills fever. It's not as if you'll glued to the tube while the offical takes 20 minutes to check the replay, and you've left junior on the poolside deck to fend for himself.


    How you gonna cultivate the next generation of Bills fans if you yourself don't know what's going on? Are you gonna try that half-baked "teach your baby to read" crap, using Two Bills Drive as a tutorial?


    No time for football, my god. The feminization of the American male.


    Jesus, Christ. My father ignored me for most of my childhood and look how great I turned out! Do your duty and sit his ass down in front of the screen. Just pay attention and don't mistake the baby vomit for guacamole dip!

    Priceless. ;)

  5. After his Realtor told everyone on TV where he'd be living forcing him to find another place, Van Pelt breaking his reception streak by not calling a throw for him and being in a small town I wouldn't have been surprised or upset with him much if he did deride the city a little. He's definitely taking the high road and I can understand why he'd be happy to leave. JMO


  6. All you have to do is listen to Gailey's interviews and say to yourself, if I played for the Bills is this the no nonsense type of man I would want leading my football team.


    Confidence is an essential ingredient to winning in my opinion and Chan Gailey breeds confidence.


    Gailey/ Nix are going to turn this ball club around, Billieve it.

    All I know is, reading your posts makes me wanna smoke weed.

  7. People want to praise him because he didn't reduce himself to a ranting lunatic in a presser, then so be it. I don't think he added anything to this team. I know there is a lot of Evan's haters that will disagree, but if we would have thrown those balls to Lee, he would have been in the Pro Bowl.

    Lee wouldn't have been able to see them because of the blanket coverage he never gets free from. Please, TO dropped more balls than we would have liked (zero), but let's not get silly. Our WR corps is FAR weaker without him in there right now.


    I think he never got an offer because Chan hates him. Pretty sure he was coaching Dallas when TO pulled his standing on the Star thing.

  8. you must mean marcus easley, because there is only one rookie wr on the roster i can think of, and actually exactly zero rookie wrs on the team last season, so what are you talking about? you love terrell owens so much, arent you glad to be on summer break, looking forward to sophmore yr at cheektowaga hig :unsure: h?

    Are you !@#$ing serious? You and I have never spoken before, and this is how you address my post? Piece of ****, I oughta kick your mother. !@#$ing douchebags around here.

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