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Posts posted by TheChimp

  1. Did you see the play where Maybin ran his "stunt" and instead of taking the direct line to the QB, which was actually CLEAR, he tried to run around the outside and ended up about 10 yards to the right of Rodgers? I actually laughed at that one, it was so obvious. The guy has a coconut for a brain.

  2. This is what we need.


    1. Five capable O-Linemen, enough of them to push the guys we currently have starting back to the bench where they belong, as backups.


    2. At least 2 better-than avegare pass rushers. Better to get them from an established team than the draft, but use both methods.


    In order to get these things, if I were Nix, I'd trade everyone that any other team would want in a trade for any of the above.


    Personally, I'd trade Evans, Parrish, Moorman, Jackson, Lynch, who else has any value? Byrd maybe. Only guy I'd hold onto is Spiller right now. Too many people who know the game have lauded him as a pick so he stays for now. EVERYBODY else with value goes, so long as we get one of those guys I mentioned in the first two paragraphs in return.

  3. Ok, I watched Kelsay today, and what is his upside? What exactly is his strength on the field to guarantee a roster spot?


    He can't rush the passer. He can't even get into the backfield to pressure the passer. He can't contain (which when he was a DE was a primary responsibility). He can't tackle. I watched today where he was off in coverage, Bryd tackled the receiver short of the first down marker, but in plods Kelsay to hit the receiver and give him forward progress for the 1st down.


    Now as an OLB, how many games are we going to see opposing QB's take advantage of Mr. Plodder in coverage? He can't cover.


    I'm hoping that this season will be his last with the Bills. He has done nothing IMO to warrant a job. And that contract he was awarded from Levy.


    Sheeeesh...... :doh:

    \Dude I saw that play and laughed at exactly that. Kelsay the lummox helped the guy past the line to gain. Byrd shoulda punched him.

  4. I don't agree.


    What is a fiery Gailey going to accomplish w/garbage? Motivate basically a 3rd string roster to do what, exactly?


    No, Gailey has been around long enough to know that we are dung. The kind people step in, and scrape all over the sidewalk to get off the bottom of their shoes. Ka-ka. Poop.


    But Modrak had nothing to do with it, ofcourse. Modrak has not scouted, recommended, and helped chose our team. No.


    I actually believe that Nix and Gailey will get the Bills on the right track.


    What we are witnessing is the reality Mauron, Mularkey (what a name!), and Williams tried to hide. Our drafts have been horrible, our free agents have been terrible, and we have maybe 6 or 7 players on the entire roster worth a darn. Wood, Spiller, Jackson, and our defensive secondary.


    This is going to be a long rebuild.


  5. CAn you please delete this post. Did you forget that Trent Edwards is the QB. Also when trent is not QB lee evan always has a better game. Maybe you didnt watch this game, but trent made it painfully obvious that he is the worst QB IN THE LEAGUE. I would rather have Demarcus Russell over trent Edwards. Hopefully he gets benched.

    With Demarcus Russell add 21 more Green Bay points off of pick-sixes. At least with Old Footsteps in there, the passes don't get intercepted all the time. Today was not Trent's fault at ALL. And this is coming from someone who HATES Trent.

  6. Brady and Rodgers are "Cali" QB's. They do however, have a real NFL offensive line with real coaches and receivers.


    EDIT: That said, Edwards still stinks and it's got nothing to do with where he's from. He's just weak-minded and playing for a terrible team. Put it together and it spells top 3 draft picks in 2011.

    Huh? All up until game time, all the talk was of Green Bay's "porous" O-Line. Three sacks allowed last week. The Bills barely got close today. We have arguably the two worst Lines in Bills history. I could be wrong, I barely remember the Hank Bullough team, what Vince Ferragamo had in front of him and who we had on the D-Line at that time, but this bunch of dudes is easily just as bad, if not ten times worse.

  7. i agree at the beginning of the season i tried to say that we were better then alot of teams but this simply isnt the case. We are awful and we honestly dont have any hope. 2-14 maybe 3-13 all i know is we wont be good for awhile and we havent been good in 10 years

    Try 0-16, unless our opponents' planes land at the wrong airport.

  8. It's not Edwards fault that Johnson let one go right through his hands. It is also not his fault that the whole game imploded because of that play. That being said, he has not played well. Like I said, it is not solely his fault. At this point, I would put Brohm in to get him some work, down 3 to 7.


  9. Thats there problem? Having trouble getting the plays in? Thats nothing compared to our problems. That team is light years ahead of ours talent wise and they have great coaches too. Once they write down their plays maybe they will improve. Whats Gaileys plan? Sign an entire OL and QB, get some more talent at the WR and TE positions, then add some pass rushers and run stuffers?


    Yea Ill take their problem over our problems.


  10. Yeah, let's outlaw swearing in public but turn our backs when our children access crush video websites or chat with 50-year-old perverts jacking off at their PCs every afternoon when they get home from smoking behind the fence at school. I swear, this right wing agenda is killing everything that used to be sensible about this country.

  11. Sorry you're taking such a beating from these clowns. How quickly we can forget (or just not care).

    Yeah, I started watching Trailer Park Boys this year, and have to tell you, it's some funny stuff.

    Actually, I thought I did pretty well, and didn't even alienate my adversaries like I usually do!! :D And my god I can watch Bubbles all day long, looking for his cats running around his shed (he and I live almost exactly the same life, a fact that is surely going to garner me some more ridicule but oh well). The names he gives to them are priceless, made me wanna rename a few of mine!

  12. You seem rational. But there are kooks out there in the animal movement that put animal life above human life. Those people need to check their collective heads.

    I would argue that even the most avid animal rights advocates merely place animals on EQUAL footing with humans, not above. And if it weren't for them, we'd never know about some of the atrocities being committed by humans against the other species, and therefore I applaud their "kookiness" and even donate funds to their cause occasionally (always stipulating on my checks that the money is meant to go to the undercover investigator wing and not the lettuce-wearing pickets they do so often). One day we will all be able to enjoy sports that involve nothing but willing and well-paid participants while chowing down on a plate of wings that were raised in the open air and killed using Controlled-Atmosphere Stunning methods, and when that day comes, I for one will thank PETA profusely for fighting the good fight. :)


    And if Mike Vick does a HSUS commercial tomorrow, speaking out against dog fighting and all the myriad cruelty that follows such a "sport", I might start thinking I like the guy again.


    And the Bills, in all likelihood, will still suck, so I might even advocate for Vick coming here to take over. :) In the meantime, if he gets hit by a bus, I'm still gonna cheer quietly to myself, sorry.

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