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John in Jax

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Everything posted by John in Jax

  1. Thanks for adding absolutely ZERO tangible content to this thread!
  2. Good to hear that they didn't do that for EVERY house, but it shouldn't have been done to ANY house unless they had GOOD info that the perp was there, and obviously, looking back at it now, they DID NOT have any good info on his location until the guy found him hiding in his boat. It appears that they're damn lucky he was wounded in "the shootout" the night before, as that severely limited his ability to run. Here's a link to the FULL video, which clearly shows NOTHING going on (by the inhabitants of the house) before the Feds start banging on the front door, and then systematically removing each person, telling them to keep their hands on their head, and patting them down. It also shows that after the raid, the cops mill about and talk about who's going to go to DD to pick up the next round of donuts, the violated folks eventually come down the street and pick up their dog (was tied up to the fence), and then head home. And CLEARLY, it is from Friday in Watertown, MA. Here's a pertinent quote from Ben Franklin: "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.”
  3. NOTE: This is NOT a "conspiracy theory", but rather, just retelling what actually happened last Friday in Boston. OK, so everyone knows that last Friday the city of Boston & some surrounding towns were on "lockdown", as thousands of LE folks searched for one of the suspected marathon bombers. They told people to stay in their homes, for "their own safety." Then heavily-armed LE/SWAT/Secret Service/DEA/Homeland Security personnel scoured certain neighborhoods, and in some cases, went door-to-door SEARCHING houses, without a warrant for those searches. From the attached video, you can see that they REMOVED INNOCENT PEOPLE FROM THEIR HOMES AT GUNPOINT, SEARCHED THEM, and then told them to run down the street to who knows where. They did the latter even when the physical attributes of the people DID NOT MATCH the suspect they were looking for (and at that time, they knew exactly who they were looking for, the younger Chechnyan brother). It's one thing to knock on someone's door and respectfully ask them "Is everything OK in here? It's just you and your family in here, right?", and then move on to the next house. It's totally another VERY WRONG thing to YELL at you, and force you out of your home AT THE END OF A LOADED AR-15, and SEARCH you for weapons. Link to video is below: http://www.libertyne...nother-country/ IMHO, they stomped all over the 4th amendment, and it's not a good sign for the future, I don't care who they were looking for.
  4. You quote a post of mine and reply directly to it, but you're "not engaging" me in discussion? That's comedy gold. I guess maybe YOU and your lapdog, Captain Hindsight, believe that, but sorry DCT, anyone with a functioning brain knows otherwise. Better stick to your original game plan and just go away before you get pwnd even more, although I don't see how that's possible. Bye Loser.
  5. Actually, for those who read the whole article, the folks at the Blaze conclude this:
  6. You're proffering a straw man argument, but WTH, I'm not too busy, so I'll play anyway. Obviously, at this point, I don't have the answers to the many, many questions of things that don't "add up." And other than "the authorities word", no one has seen any real evidence. And as I said in my second post in this thread, just about everyone is speculating that they're 100% guilty, even though virtually NO hard evidence has been presented. I stopped taking the "word of the authorities" long ago. They've lied to us so many times, I don't know how anyone age 40 & up could possibly trust them.
  7. I don't have to tell myself anything. ANYONE with a functioning brain can plainly see that HIS OWN two statements, shown below, are very contradictory. Apparently, YOU do NOT have a functioning brain. DC Tom said: "Why the hell should anyone even discuss it with you?" Then just a little while later, he said: "Why on earth would I ignore this thread?", as he promptly engaged in discussion with me.
  8. Just caught this "fact" from the story in the Boston Globe I linked earlier: "A local officer spotted the brothers driving in two cars, a Honda sedan and the stolen Mercedes SUV, said Deveau (Watertown Chief of Police). The brothers stopped, jumped out and started firing on the officer, while more police rushed to the scene, he said." Umm, THIS WAS AT NIGHT, IN THE DARK, and ONE OFFICER spotted the TWO suspects, in TWO DIFFERENT cars. Yeah, that sounds totally plausible! I mean even though they were in a residential neighborhood, they probably have a main, 6-lane road going through it, and the bros were in the inside lane and the outside lane, stopped at a red light, and the cop pulled up BETWEEN them, looked to his left then looked to his right, and BAZINGA, he had them cold. Still trying to figure out how the younger kid escaped from the "shootout" WITH THOUSANDS of LE personnel running around the area. Also, does anybody have any concerns that the Posse Comitatus Act was thrown out the window, as well as the 4th Amendment (during the lockdown & random search of area houses)? The funny thing is that YOU make a total fool of yourself, no one else needs to do anything.
  9. That sounds like a really good excuse! But wait, THEY found out who the perps were about 48 HOURS AGO, on Friday night, within hours of releasing their photos.
  10. "Brothers Acted Alone" OR "Sleeper Cell is Behind Bombings", which is it? Apparently, "the authorities" don't have their story straight. But what do I know, I'm just a clown. lol The Boston mayor says that the two acted alone http://hosted.ap.org....04-21-09-51-07 But WAIT....the FBI says the two were linked to a 12 person sleeper cell http://www.ibtimes.c....eeper-cell.htm Thanks for the personal attack; very good arguing tactic! YOU need to brush up on your reading comprehension skills....WNY gov't schools I'm guessing? lol I NEVER said the stitched together still photos were "unusable", I just pointed out that it definitely was NOT video footage, like THEY said it was. Also, you're very free to ignore this thread forever. G'bye.
  11. To "Erik": So now I'm "an idiot" and "a clown" because I have a different OPINION than you do? Well, that's nice. Please seek professional help asap.
  12. Just read this at the Boston Globe's website: "Deveau said the Tsarnaev brothers hurled something at the officers – apparently a pressure cooker bomb -- and there was a tremendous explosion. Police later found the lid to a pressure cooker. “We believe it was an exact duplicate of the Boston Marathon bombs,” he said. The suspects also threw five “crude grenades” at officers; three of which exploded, he said." (Deveau is the Watertown Police Chief) http://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/2013/04/21/new-details-wild-shootout-with-bomb-suspects-watertown-chief-believes-older-brother-was-killed-younger-brother-desperate-getaway/Z793pheqYmXbWbhPr74YDN/story.html (Story/link might not be available on Monday 4/22; in light of the bombing they made their website access free til Monday) Umm, yeah, this all sounds plausible. The story actually says that THEY WERE EACH IN THEIR OWN CAR for this early Friday morning action. So they were driving a car, firing a gun(s), tossing grenades, AND tossing pressure cookers!? All at NIGHT too. Wonder if they were sending out tweets and updating their Facebook statuses too! Wow, they sure are/were good multi-(steve)taskers! lol
  13. Never specifically called those cops liars. Chill.
  14. How about early Friday morning WHEN POLICE SPOKESMEN told us a fact that the brothers robbed a 7-11? Well, guess what? Come to find out directly from 7-11 corporate officials that they did NOT rob a 7-11....but the police always tell us the truth, and are always 100% accurate and up front, right? What color is the sky in your world? lol Also, no reporters WITH CAMERAS were on the scene. All I saw was some shaky cell phone video from hundreds of yards away, showing NO DETAILS whatsoever. It did show a cop car's flashing red & blue lights though! lol
  15. Ummm, no. Other than what "the authorities" have told us, has ANYONE seen any evidence of this shootout? Has the guy who was carjacked done any interviews or been identified yet? I haven't seen anything. You do know that women have been raped....they have had the rapist's face right in front of them for SEVERAL / MANY MINUTES......yet sometimes THEY FINGER THE WRONG GUY. The "video" the FBI released was actually a bunch of still photos stitched together....take another look at it and notice the "ghosting" effect of ALL the people in it....was NOT a video. Other than the older brother going to RUSSIA....RUSSIA...for 6 months, I have not seen any real evidence that says he was at a terrorist training camp. Have you? Post it up please. Didn't see it, but I guess The Gov. of MA went on "Meet the Press" and HE SAID they have video of the younger bro dropping a backpack/bomb before it goes off.....release it........freeze frame it right as it explodes so we don't see limbs go flying. Bottom line, I don't assume anyone's guilt until you SHOW me. And I damn sure don't take the "authorities" word as gospel truth....been on this earth way too long, and seen way too many lies come out of the mouths of the "authorities." Yeah, I'm very skeptical, but it doesn't mean I'm a nut.
  16. No harm done. 99% of what's been posted in here declaring the absolute guilt of these brothers has also been speculation.
  17. Should be rather easy to come up with some police car dash-cam video or show the guns they had (in the shootout) and show where they got the guns from, right? I'm not saying that I think they're innocent, but I am saying to show me more evidence instead of just "we say so.". Anybody remember Richard Jewell's nightmare? If you don't. Google him. The "authorities" are not infallible. Again, I'm not saying they're innocent or that there's some big conspiracy, but statistically & in reality, eyewitness testimony is usually the least reliable evidence vs. say hard forensic evidence or even cumulative circumstantial evidence.
  18. Have been following this story very closely this past week, and yes, there are a LOT of perplexing, unanswered questions. I am sort of amazed at how 99% of the public seems to have no doubt whatsoever that these brothers are 100% guilty, even though NO REAL HARD EVIDENCE has been seen or produced (by the feds). Sure, they have told us a lot of things, but personally, I'd like to see the proof. Maybe if suspect #2 lives, and goes to trial, then we'll see. But for now, I'll go with the ole "innocent until proven guilty" paradigm.
  19. Can we get one more person to say that a tarp should be part of the logo? Cuz then you could look as stupid as the other dolts who kept recycling a very bad attempt at humor. IMHO, the new logo has such a small change from the old one, it's not really worth it. Most likely just a ploy to sell more merchandise.
  20. Good poin.....hey, wait a minute! I have traveled extensively in this country, and can tell you that there are many, many places which can be labeled "a dump", but Jax isn't one of them. I'm guessing you're just jealous of our great weather, low taxes, low cost of living, good roads, hot women, and beautiful beaches. ;-)
  21. Nice try by the OP....no really, nice try. But the 5-yard CHUCK rule is just that....DBs can CHUCK a receiver within 5 yards of the LOS, NOT HOLD THEM! According to the rulebook, holding is illegal anywhere on the field. I also disagree with your premise that the ball was uncatchable (in bounds). Many a "circus catch" has been made with the ball thrown in that exact spot. A few years ago I recall a Steeler (in SB vs. Cardinals) catching a game-winning TD in a similar situation. Although in that case, I still contend that he never got his second toe down, because his whole body was on the way UP.
  22. You mean like the crazy "judgment call" they made when they decided to let blatant defensive holding go, and "decided" the game for the Ravens? Some see the glass half full, others see it half empty. ;-) I think most here would agree that the DB (on that play) would be called for def. holding 99% of the time in any NFL game. To say that the NFL "lets'em play" during the playoffs now, is news to me, because they have never had that mindset before.
  23. Pretty amusing thread. I love the fact that somebody had to throw the racism card into the mix too....how classy (and ignorant)! The bottom line is that taste in music is like taste in pizza, or taste in chicken wings, or taste in movies, or taste in BBQ ribs, etc....100 different people will not have the same view as to who's better or what tastes better or which movie is more entertaining. Some people will even be vehement that "these wings are the best ever" or "Beyonce is awesome and she's the best singer ever", while others will think the latter folks are off their rocker. That's life; different strokes for different folks.
  24. Got to see some game coverage on ESPN today, and Wow, the blown calls, in favor of the Ravens, were even more prevalent than I thought. And in fact, they dealt with the two "subjective" fouls (Pass Interference & Holding), which have been called inconsistently FOR YEARS now in the NFL. The latter, in addition to the Bills being such a frustrating team to watch, has driven me away from being a dedicated NFL fan (have had a LOT more free time on Sundays over the past 10 years...lol), because it comes to the point of being like "pro" wrestling to me....from game to game you'll see wildly different interpretations of PI & holding, and how frequent they are called. Anyways, in last night's game, of course there was the blatant hold (TWO Ravens clearly holding a Niner at the 26-30yard line as Jones goes right by them) on the KO return TD to open the 2nd half. Then on the Niners 4th down play, there was holding ON BOTH SIDES of the field (nice eye Eric Mangini), on both receivers. Of course anyone who watches the game regularly knows that they call holding and/or defensive PI for FAR LESS contact than what you saw on that 4th down play. Then on the Ravens last offensive play (the punter running around in the end zone) TWO Niners are blatantly held as they rush the punter (yes, I know it just would have been a safety anyway, but it's the point of it not being called even though it was so blatant). It was a good game, but it's a shame that the officiating was so poor, and IMHO, had influence over who won the game. Disclaimer: I'm not a Niners or Ravens fan....couldn't care less who won.
  25. And I'm sure that he blames Bush and/or the Republicans, just like ALWAYS. lol
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