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John in Jax

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Everything posted by John in Jax

  1. Oh I beg to differ. Maybe something like this: a diehard Bill's fan who moved away long ago comes back to WNY in mid December after his Mom dies, to tcob and sell the farm in Elma. He decides to take in a Bills game, and he sits next to a hottie who just lost her Dad, and is at the game with her brother. Of course at 1st the guy doesn't know its her brother, but a little bit into the movie he figures it out, and next thing you know they're getting together to talk about old Christmases at Delaware park. Later, they're heading down to Canalside and making it happen, and then a few weeks later, they're making plans for the playoffs, and a Bills Super Bowl appearance! Movie culminates with Haush$$$ making a 47 yard walk off winning kick!
  2. Why is Brees still at the game.....8 minutes to go and leading by 34!? Maybe the post back on first page about him coming back to go for records has some merit.
  3. I feel bad for Frank and the Colts getting embarrassed like this.....
  4. Huh? Bad logic. You said RIGHT NOW get JA some good receivers and the Bills would be better. I, as well as others, are saying that JA RIGHT NOW would overthrow/miss good receivers as well. You have eyesight, and watch the Bills games, right? LOL
  5. Just imagine how good they'd be if Brees was the Bills' QB! The passes would be right on the money, and not all over the place, and not mostly too high. Surely would have beat Cleveland and NE. LOL
  6. I'm literally watching the Saints cheat on every play...blatant block in the back on that last screen pass. When one of their O-linemen got hurt a few minutes ago, and they showed a replay to ostensibly show his injury, there was another Saints lineman holding as blatantly as I've ever seen in 40+ years of watching NFL football. WTF is going on here? "Just do it" for Brees, maybe?
  7. Hilarious. Except for the small FACT that he's NOT a Boomer; he's 86 years old. So you're really not funny, but just a dummy trying hard to be funny, and failing miserably. And before your small mind thinks about replying "OK, Boomer" to THIS post, shove it where the sun don't shine. LOL
  8. Colts are getting killed by the Refs tonight. Saints DBs doing the same grabbing against the Colts WRs, but not getting called for PI. Plus, TWO holding calls in a row (on the Colts) ON A PUNT!? I rarely see holding called on the punt team.
  9. LOL. Re Rothlisberger: Would he have had a Great game? Maybe......but certainly he would have been about 10x better than an undrafted, 4th string QB. Cmon man, get real here....Big Ben will be in the Hall of Fame, while Duck Hodges will be an answer to a trivia question in a few years.
  10. Aren't you the same guy who back on Dec. 1 showed us your vast football knowledge by stating that there would be no way in h**l that the Steelers would be favored in this game!? Why, yes, YES you are. LOL
  11. LOL. If you think that the Bills would have won that game last night if the Steelers had had Rothlisberger at QB, you're either drunk or high. ?
  12. Great win, glad they won....but let's be honest, they only won because Pitt had a 4th stringer at QB. Most of the time, the Duck was just throwin' them up, and hoping his guy came down with it.
  13. Nothing against JA, and I sure hope he develops into a good QB, but if the Bills already had a good QB, they would be a legit SB contender THIS YEAR.
  14. They did do a kneel down at the end of the game. As I said in a post a few above yours, McDummy should have turned the D-line loose on that play. Post Game Presser could have gone like this, regarding the matter: Media (to Coach McD): What was that at the end of the game? Wasn't that a dirty play by your defense? McD: Did you see the end of the first half? Media: Yes. McD: So when they line up in that formation, is there any guarantee that they are just going to kneel down? Media: Uhhh.... McD: NEXT QUESTION!
  15. Getting a kick out of Alphadawg's trolling....truly is funny. EV-REE-BODY, except for the Dawg, is rightfully pointing out how it was bush league, pathetic, and dangerous (dangerous to the Bills in this case, because the D-line certainly wasn't expecting Balt to come at them). And like many others have stated, it leaves Balt liable to get blown up on ALL "Victory" formations (and that's exactly what it was) going forward. I sure hope that other teams do indeed go "full blast" on them, to include a LB bull-rushing the center and smashing Lamar before he has the chance to kneel down. In Dawg's demented logic, it would be perfectly fine! ETA: The Bills should have done the above on the last play of the game. If McDummy was a good coach, then he would have ordered it. It certainly would have been justified, given the Ravens previous actions.
  16. The defensive holding call on Star L. had to be the worst call I have ever seen in 45+ years of watching NFL games. He was simply doing what defensive players do every play of every game, and that is throwing the offensive guy out of the way, if they have the strength to do so. Of course, nowadays, offensive players (especially linemen and tight ends) use their hands to hold onto the defensive player on virtually every play. I guess this is acceptable in today's NFL, because it happens so often. The technique is to place both hands on either side of the other guy's shoulder pads and GRAB ON as tight as possible....you can see it on every play.
  17. Lol. As I explained above, it's totally different.....apples vs oranges. In the intentional spike situation, the defense has no idea that it's going to happen. IOW, they have to be ready, and should be ready, for a real play. Buffalonian explained it perfectly. Not sure how anyone cannot understand this.
  18. Really surprised at all the people in here saying that this is "Ok." This is way different than faking a spike into the ground (to stop the clock). I've been watching NFL games for 45+ years now, and of course I don't get to see all games, but I can't ever remember another team pulling this chicanery. And like I said earlier, it just gives other teams a reason to go full tilt at the Ravens whenever they line up in V formation, and because of today, they'd be perfectly justified in doing so.
  19. Say What? It absolutely was the same V formation that teams use at the end of the game. It was bush league, IMO. But like Yolo said, if I'm a coach of a team playing the Ravens for the rest of the year, I absolutely tell my guys to go full tilt on these a**wipes when they're in that same situation.
  20. Pats are going downhill, fast. That's good for us!
  21. Somebody posted in the gameday thread that they thought they saw Beasley get open on that last 4th down play.....Just DVRd it, and that was true. He would have easily gotten the 1st down (with a good throw from JA). Unfortunately, it looks like JA was going to Brown all the way, and stared him down from the git-go.
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