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Single White Fan


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Quick Summary: This guy sent out letters to every NFL team telling them that he is a free agent fan and asking them why he should be a fan of their team. Guess who was the first team to respond (did T.O. say something about good PR guys?)?


So far, only 3 replies, and it's mostly just PR packages. Nothing in the form of explanations why he should be a fan of their team (not that I would expect them to take the time to do that).

Anyway, seems like a good idea for a fun experiment. Here's his first BLOG post/letter to the teams.



Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Single White Fan Seeks NFL Team

I'm a single white fan seeking an NFL team to love.


A large portion of my life is defined and controlled by sports and the teams that I love. Right now, those teams are the Lakers, the Dodgers, and the University of Alabama. There's one glaring hole in my sports fan resume...an NFL team. For a 26 year old American male, that is completely unacceptable.


Now don't get me wrong, I love watching the NFL as much as anyone, I'm just not invested. I appreciate everything that is going on and may cheer for a player or two if they're on my fantasy team or if ESPN ran some sob story about the backup left guard having to raise his thirteen siblings by himself while working nights at Krystal as a 15 year-old, but that's about as far as my emotional attachment reaches. Never has watching a team lose left me paralyzed on the couch for hours. Never has watching a team win sent me into some strange state of euphoria where I hug everyone in sight. It's a casual relationship. It's convenient, non-commital, and empty.


I'm ready to change that. I'm ready to settle down and be a one-team man. I want to look forward to and dread Sunday afternoons, knowing that my week will be far too heavily impacted by something over which I have absolutely no control. Now, I'm not looking for a team to root for this season, or even for the next few. I'm choosing for a lifetime. I'm sure that choosing a spouse will be almost as important of a decision one day, but as of now this may be the most life-rendering choice I've ever made. You see, I was born into fandom of my other teams through my Father's allegiance. It was nature and nurture. This is different. This is the first time I have ever had to actually choose a team, and I must confess, I'm scared to death.



So what do I bring to the table as a fan? I think I can explain this best through a few random facts: I bought a house and realized the only pictures I have are Dodgers\Lakers\Alabama related. I never had a pair of Air Jordan's, but did have a pair of Air Nomo Max's (proof -


I walked around Walmart until 2 a.m. alone after the Lakers blew a 30 point lead in the Finals to avoid watching highlights. I drove over 20 hours and spent too much money to watch the Lakers close out the championship in Orlando. I have a Nick Van Exel Lakers jersey. I stopped dating a girl because she brought magazines to an Alabama football game. I cried in my bathroom the night Kobe got arrested. I sent Tim Tebow's brother a facebook message to try to sell him on Tim committing to Alabama. My vacation schedule is normally scheduled around when the Lakers and Dodgers are within driving distance or what bowl Alabama is going to. I'm writing this from the backseat of my Dad's jeep as we drive from Cincinnati to Alabama after watching the Dodgers\Reds. My friend and I rewrote "We Didn't Start the Fire" to be a song about Alabama football (we are up to four verses). (It just became increasingly clear to me why "single" still applies).


Are tons of people more fanatical than me? Absolutely, but I'm definitely above average. Not to toot my own horn, but I'd be a heck of an asset to any NFL fan-base if you ask me.


So how am I going to pick a team? Good question. Here's the plan (in short):


First, I'm going to spend the next few months looking at each team and the attributes of each. I will go into more detail of this in the future, but basically I'm going to look at and rank these attributes (updating these rankings as I learn something new, as things happen during the season, or if I just change my mind) and this is going to play a major factor in the decision. This is a lifetime commitment, so I'm going to do my due diligence.


Secondly, I'm sending a letter to every NFL team asking them to make their case as to why they're the team for me. Where will this lead? Who knows. Maybe a form letter they send to every fan that mails them. Maybe I get a free t-shirt (and don't underestimate the power of a bribe). Maybe Jerry Jones arranges a charter flight for me to join him in the owner's box for every home game so he can wine and dine me and teach me what it means to be a Cowboy. I am fully prepared for any of these possibilities. Regardless, I'm going to be thrilled just to hear back from a team and I will post any of these responses as I get them.


Third, I'm hoping that a few people take the time to read this, follow this, and try to advise me. Maybe you want me to pick your team. Maybe you decide "you know, I really hate this guy" so you want me to pick your rival. Maybe you will just say "man, this guy would make a great _____ fan". I would be thrilled with ANY of that. In reality, a total of 5 people will ever actually read this, 3 of them will be family, and by the time I pick a team I will be both the author and the lone reader, but that's ok, I will have an NFL team. But, if for whatever reason you do read this, let me know what you think whether you know the team for me, or if I'm completely wrong about your team. I trust you know more about some of these teams than me. Educate me. Advise me. Persuade me.

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Quick Summary: This guy sent out letters to every NFL team telling them that he is a free agent fan and asking them why he should be a fan of their team. Guess who was the first team to respond (did T.O. say something about good PR guys?)?


So far, only 3 replies, and it's mostly just PR packages. Nothing in the form of explanations why he should be a fan of their team (not that I would expect them to take the time to do that).

Anyway, seems like a good idea for a fun experiment. Here's his first BLOG post/letter to the teams.





Does the single white fan live next to the Dirty White Boy?

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