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Thanks to all you Military guys


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All of you who do the real important jobs - our Military guys (and ladies - if we have any).


Not a "silent" thread (I know how everyone hates those) and this "thanks" shouldn't be reserved just for this day, but it does help us remember how unbelievable all of you are.



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Thanks, Sh!*, oops, I mean, Steve. (I get so accustomed to your name being used in vain...)


I served in the Vietnam era, and thank God for the word "era".


I served in Germany, did not see combat, and am grateful for that, since it adversely affects the lives of those who must endure it.


I work on an Army base, and see soldiers every day. To the soldiers of today, and all those serving in the past, I also say "Thank you".

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Thank you for bringing this topic on here Steve. My dad & uncle are VietNam veterans, and I thank them for their service. My Grandfather on my mother's side was on the Pennsylvania at Pearl Harbor, and he survived that horrific day and now resides in northern California, God Bless him, and God bless all the men and women who serve today and in the past.

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