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Does the NFL have spies inside the NFLPA?


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Former Bill Troy Vincent as "The Mole"?


I'm not sure what to make of this. Texans owner claims it's just the rantings of a disgruntled ex-employee but why claim something so specific and and detailed if your are just making stuff up? Anyone surprised that Troy Vincent is allegedly ratting out his union brothers?



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Just curious, and don't know if you can go into detail, but how did you get stuck with this story? Familiarity with the NFLPA from when Vincent was here?

in covering the NFLPA elections over the past year, i've taken on a bit of a side role as NFL labor writer, having established certain contacts within the union. part of it had to do with having Vincent, the former NFLPA president in Buffalo, and another had to do with a few other connections i've made along the way.


the only real news to come out of the lawsuit at this point is the Department of Labor probe with which Ms. Moran is involved with and brought to light in her court papers. the investigation has been confirmed by the NFLPA, which has stated it has been cooperating with authorities since the beginning.


as far as the lawsuit goes in specific, many allegations have been made. none, to my knowledge have yet been proven. and much of that depends on what the investigation finds or doesn't find and whether Ms. Moran and her representatives can provide further proof as this case progresses through the legal system.



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John, if you don't mind, what is your opinion on how the is all going to go down? Do you see an uncapped year next year and a lockout, or are these guys going to sit down and get this thing done?


I know owners and veterans both want a rookie cap. You can bet agents are going to be screaming bloody murder lol :censored:

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John, if you don't mind, what is your opinion on how the is all going to go down? Do you see an uncapped year next year and a lockout, or are these guys going to sit down and get this thing done?


I know owners and veterans both want a rookie cap. You can bet agents are going to be screaming bloody murder lol :censored:

NFLPA is doing all it can to say veterans do NOT want rookie cap, however that remains to be seen. as for how this is going to go down, i really can't fathom a guess other than to think it will go down to the wire and possibly a few days beyond much like most labor talks.

DeMaurice Smith has followed Gene Upshaw's lead by saying if the cap is removed the union would be against bringing it back. could be posturing. but i think the true thrust of talks won't begin until after this season and dependent on whether the economy shows signs of turning around.

based on what i've seen so far, the owners have won the opening round in part because the union was rudderless in seeking a new executive director. Smith bounced back by settling one lawsuit with retired players, but NFL smartly countered by announcing it would not cut benefits to retired players in the event of uncapped year.


right now, both sides are trying to grab support of the retired players in a bid to gain momentum.

i think that'll be a wash, which would be one for the union's loss column. but we'll see.

this will eventually be determined by who blinks first, and i think the owners, at this point, seem more united than they were in the past.


stay tuned.



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NFLPA is doing all it can to say veterans do NOT want rookie cap, however that remains to be seen. as for how this is going to go down, i really can't fathom a guess other than to think it will go down to the wire and possibly a few days beyond much like most labor talks.

DeMaurice Smith has followed Gene Upshaw's lead by saying if the cap is removed the union would be against bringing it back. could be posturing. but i think the true thrust of talks won't begin until after this season and dependent on whether the economy shows signs of turning around.

based on what i've seen so far, the owners have won the opening round in part because the union was rudderless in seeking a new executive director. Smith bounced back by settling one lawsuit with retired players, but NFL smartly countered by announcing it would not cut benefits to retired players in the event of uncapped year.


right now, both sides are trying to grab support of the retired players in a bid to gain momentum.

i think that'll be a wash, which would be one for the union's loss column. but we'll see.

this will eventually be determined by who blinks first, and i think the owners, at this point, seem more united than they were in the past.


stay tuned.




The retired players are still split on their support between the NFL and the NFLPA. The retired players on the NFL side are still hesitant over the NFLPA. Settling the lawsuit was minor. They want to see more out of Smith.


Honestly, I am not sure which group has more support at this time. The ones supporting the NFLPA are not doing it because of what the NFLPA has done. They are just tossing their eggs into one basket and hoping for the best. If Smith does not deliver, it would be pretty easy for them to abandon the NFLPA. A few will stick with them, regardless (the hardcore anti-NFL types), but from my discussions with the players, the NFL has done more so far for the retire players than the NFLPA.

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