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Arafat is dead


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If I'm not mistaken (I could be) GG is jewish.  I have no problems with GG.  In fact I respect his point of view.  I don't care if one person agrees with my point of view on this, that's fine.  I'm allowed to have a point of view.  It doesn't mean I'm a hater of all jewish people.


I hate George Bush.  Does that mean I hate everyone from the south?  No.



Yet you continue to show an incredible penchant for failing to grasp the issue and the context of actions of the men.


If you cannot tell the difference between a military commander's actions in wartime and a power hungry thug who deliberatly blows up innocent civilians for generattions, then please do not respect my opinions, because they're having the same impact of me having stern talks with my neighbor's dog not to soil my lawn.

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Yet you continue to show an incredible penchant for failing to grasp the issue and the context of actions of the men. 


If you cannot tell the difference between a military commander's actions in wartime and a power hungry thug who deliberatly blows up innocent civilians for generattions, then please do not respect my opinions, because they're having the same impact of me having stern talks with my neighbor's dog not to soil my lawn.


I hear claymores work for them and barking dogs. Ask Mock. :)

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I dont understand why the networks are treating his death like a national day of mourning.  I guess however we can't celebrate and send up fireworks for fear of offending the Palestinians.  It's a good thing he came from a warm climate.  He'll be used to the heat.


The networks can never resist the opportunity to make a splash of the demise of anyone famous, no matter how repugnant the individual actually was. By the time the networks were finished with him, Richard Nixon almost sounded like a saint at the time of his passing.

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The networks can never resist the opportunity to make a splash of the demise of anyone famous, no matter how repugnant the individual actually was. By the time the networks were finished with him, Richard Nixon almost sounded like a saint at the time of his passing.


say what? why shouldn't nixon sound like a saint next to this bastard? what did nixon do that compares to this bastard?

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Yet you continue to show an incredible penchant for failing to grasp the issue and the context of actions of the men. 


If you cannot tell the difference between a military commander's actions in wartime and a power hungry thug who deliberatly blows up innocent civilians for generattions, then please do not respect my opinions, because they're having the same impact of me having stern talks with my neighbor's dog not to soil my lawn.



I whole heartedly understand the difference between millitary action and a thug.


There's no point of arguing about it. We are just fortunate not to live in that area of the world and deal with it every day.


I just take offense to someone calling me an anti-semite because I disagree with the actions of one man who happens to be of the jewish faith.


I'm sure you can agree with me on that point at least.


A good day to you GG. We can agree to respectfully disagree yes?

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I whole heartedly understand the difference between millitary action and a thug. 


There's no point of arguing about it.  We are just fortunate not to live in that area of the world and deal with it every day. 


I just take offense to someone calling me an anti-semite because I disagree with the actions of one man who happens to be of the jewish faith.


I'm sure you can agree with me on that point at least.


A good day to you GG.  We can agree to respectfully disagree yes?



Shame you have me on ignore.


You are an idiot.


Pure and simple.


Wanna talk to me?

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Have I told you I don't care what the hell you think about me?


If I haven't, I have now.


I don't care.


You know, it's funny.  Guys like you or Tom or whoever sit around all day and throw insults my way expecting them to do something other then make me laugh.  This is the INTERNET.  Like I'm going to take offense to an insult towards me that is probably coming from someone sitting at their computer in their underwear eating their 5th bag of Dorritos of the night while surfing for porno.


Not that I'm saying you are that person, but I think you get the overall point I'm trying to make here.


IT'S THE INTERNET, who cares what someone types onto a computer screen.



That little rant on the unimportance of the internet is highly ironic coming from someone who generates so much absolute drivel through it...

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That little rant on the unimportance of the internet is highly ironic coming from someone who generates so much absolute drivel through it...



Good for you Tom. 20 minutes into a new day you can feel like a better person for have chided in with your "BF insult of the day."


Good for you.

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You do know the history between these two correct?


Sharon is no angel.  I hope he burns in hell right alongside Arafat.



Wow, for someone who thinks he knows the history between these two, I would say that comment is unusually stupid. I would do some more research on that.

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Wow, for someone who thinks he knows the history between these two, I would say that comment is unusually stupid.  I would do some more research on that.




I feel certain history will depict Arafat as the father of modern terrorism.


Which he was.

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I feel certain history will depict Arafat as the father of modern terrorism.


Which he was.



A fabulous legacy; he invented the homicide bomber.

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Good for you Tom.  20 minutes into a new day you can feel like a better person for have chided in with your "BF insult of the day."


Good for you.



That was an observation.


An insult would be something like: "I can't believe you're too !@#$ing stupid to know the difference between an observation and an insult."

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Suicide denotes killing oneself; Homicide denotes murdering others.


I understand, but he seemed to enjoy getting his young boy to drive bomb laden vehicles into embassies and bomb vested boy to walk into crowds of people, hence suicide bombers.

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