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Cut Kelsay, keep Ellis and Bryan PLEASE!!

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The Bills will not cut Kelsay. They don't have the kahonies. Say goodbye to Copeland Bryan. Ellis makes it because he is only in his 2nd year. So it's Maybin, Kelsay, Schobel, Ellis and Denny. They may have the fortitude to cut Denny and keep Bryan but I doubt it. It will be the same with Stupar. The politics of football. :rolleyes:

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even though he is a complete waste of a roster spot?


Don't get me wrong, I'd like to see him go, I just don't think this staff would cut their defensive captain.


I hope you're wrong bandit.


There usually is a surprise roster cut or two, and I'm praying that he is one of them.


Agree 100%.


Wasn't Crowell a defensive captain?


Yes, but he didnt' get cut.


Wasn't Coy Wire a captain as well? (may have been Special teams)


ST captain is correct, and again, I don't think he got cut (left in FA), but I could be mistaken.

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Meh... easy way out, just blame it on Marv. :rolleyes:

They could probably get away with a little of that, at least up to a point. But with the way the front office makes decisions collectively, odds are that most of the people who were saying that was a good decision back then are still with us today. So cutting Kelsay would involve a little egg on some people's faces--and not just the faces of people no longer with the Bills.


However, with Kelsay getting older and Bryan and Ellis coming into their own, it won't be long before the level of play of the latter two guys reaches or exceeds Kelsay's level of play. If the Bills got rid of Bryan or Ellis in order to keep Kelsay, Ralph Wilson will ask, "Why am I paying money hand over fist for Kelsay, when I could get the same or better level of play from younger guys who play for peanuts?" (Peanuts here being a completely relative term.) So it's a choice between getting a little egg on one's face now (by cutting Kelsay), or getting a little more egg on one's face later (by keeping him).


A front office type might be tempted to try to avoid that dilemma by keeping Kelsay now, and replacing him with a high draft pick in a year or two. There are, however, several problems with that plan:

- Those high draft picks will be needed at other positions, such as LT

- Other Bills DEs are getting on in years. Within the next three years or so, we will probably need to find replacements for Kelsay, Schobel, and Denny. Do we really expect to find three guys that will be that much better than Bryan and Ellis? If not, we should keep them both while getting rid of Kelsay. That would leave us with just two aging DEs to be replaced in future offseasons.

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