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Anyone else just see the text from the Bills...


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This just shows the problem we have with text messages, twitts and all these other quick information mechanisms. The full story is never provided. This is the same problem I see in business folks reading emails on Crackberries etc vs a full client and responding to the first sentence only.


TO missed a practice with a sore toe, is it likely he was excused so the staff could take a better look at it and DJ didnt want to comment till report was in. It could be JUST a sore toe let the staff do their jobs and wait for the full freaking report.


Well said. I fell into the same 'sky is falling' trap when I read the text.


TO has been excused from morning walk thru. "He's been excused," said Jauron. "Iill address it further tonight".



Reading this in the middle of a work day can cause a grown man to cry.

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PFT is confirming it's because of a "sore" toe.




Rest up TO, I wouldn't even play him on Saturday...we know what he can do, let him get 100%.

PFT if NOT confirming it's a sore toe. PFT is merely linking you to The Buffalo News piece, which Allen Wilson wrote. ... this post is merely giving credit where credit is due. in this instance, the credit is due to Allen, not PFT, for merely providing a link.



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PFT if NOT confirming it's a sore toe. PFT is merely linking you to The Buffalo News piece, which Allen Wilson wrote. ... this post is merely giving credit where credit is due. in this instance, the credit is due to Allen, not PFT, for merely providing a link.



My bad


Allen Wilson is confirming the "sore/broken/possessed toe" story.

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My bad

BGIOP, no problem as this wasn't entirely directed at you, though you took the brunt of it.


it's a pet peeve of mine on this board and others where other sites link or reference someone's story -- be it mine or anyone else's for that matter, as the case was here -- and the site that posts the link gets the credit.

just want everyone to be mindful that we're all out here doing our work and should be duly noted. ... now, proceed.



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