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I spoke with a bucs fan.........


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Just to help fill in the picture here can you go into more detail about what both of you were wearing? What wine were you drinking? What music was playing in the background?


It was at the gym and my shorts are tight, just to give you a picture.

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Skooobys original post was:


According to him, the Bucs have tossed out just about everybody they had and should be considered rebuilding. He told me the Bills current offensive threats will roll their the Bucs D and he would bet against his own team.


Just thought I would pass this along, he is not rich and is no expert or pro in any sports.





I talked to a guy yesterday who was not an expert about aquariums. He said that freshwater salt is fine for a brackish tank. He said that I might want to toss out everything except for the green spotted puffers and start rebuilding, because when they get big they will roll everything in the tank.


I am just passing this along. This man was clearly poor, and not an expert in any fish.



Maybe im being too hard on you here. Half the people on this board dont know what theyre talking about either, but its not a big deal.

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I talked to the janitor that puts the toilet paper on those big rolls in stalls. He said that he thought it might be time to refill the rolls I stated that if its empty you should fill it. I then washed my hands, dried them and exited the restroom. Clearly this man was an expert at bathrooms.

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I talked to the janitor that puts the toilet paper on those big rolls in stalls. He said that he thought it might be time to refill the rolls I stated that if its empty you should fill it. I then washed my hands, dried them and exited the restroom. Clearly this man was an expert at bathrooms.





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