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Losman update per Donohoe


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[not sarcasm]Most rookie QB's also don't break their legs in training camp on routine hits and miss half the season.  Let him heal and show he can STAY healthy before we make plans to have him replace a seasoned NFL veteran.

[/not sarcasm]



Com on, tell the truth.

You wouldn't want JP in there under any circumstances this year even if he was as healthy as Superman, would you?


How can I exercise to get strong if I'm not strong enough to exercise?


Don't put in an inexperienced QB because he just has no experience.

Think of the QBs that would have remained on the pine if their coaches followed that philosophy. Ben Rollshisbuggers comes to mind. I know, I know. JP is no Rollshisbuggers. We're simply billsfanone this year, and we'll be billsfanone next because JP won't have any experience and he'll be kept riding the pine again until he gets some through osmosis. :P

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IMO it's not an experience issue, it's a maturity issue.



I couldn't agree more. He's immature. Probably will be caught sleeping with a 15 year old. No Bills player should ever play until they're more mature than that!

I for one could never respect any Bills player that was that immature.

I'm sure you agree.

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Com on, tell the truth.

You wouldn't want JP in there under any circumstances this year even if he was as healthy as Superman, would you?


How can I exercise to get strong if I'm not strong enough to exercise?


Don't put in an inexperienced QB because he just has no experience.

Think of the QBs that would have remained on the pine if their coaches followed that philosophy. Ben Rollshisbuggers comes to mind. I know, I know. JP is no Rollshisbuggers. We're simply billsfanone this year, and we'll be billsfanone next because JP won't have any experience and he'll be kept riding the pine again until he gets some through osmosis. :w00t:


Bledsoe hasn't been the only problem with the Bills' offense, and Ben R hasn't been the only bright spot for the Steelers. If you are ready to write-off the season, then by all means, put Losman in when he's healthy (whenever THAT is, seeing as he's still having pain). And if the Bills' OTHER problems on offense aren't fixed, Losman isn't going to do much other than probably get hurt again.

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These areguements are pure bull stevestojan. Drew Bledsoe was done BEFORE we signed him. But some fans MUST have him succeed. They can't come to grips with the reality that TD made the wrong move. That Bledsoe is and has never been anything more than an average QB.


"Seasoned"? I read that word. Well Rothlesburger isn't 'seasoned'. Manning wasn't, Marino wasn't, Elway wasn't and on and on and on. History is starting to show SITTING a QB his rookie year is NOT the way to go. The only way a player develops is PLAYING!


Not seasoned? Play him.


Immature (*) Play him.


(*) BTW who the !@#$ came up with that? Immature? The kid was going to lose his football program at Tulane. Major schools wanted this kid. He said NO. He started there, he would end there and support that program until it died. You guys are pathetically reaching for excuses if you say JP is immature.



Long story short, this season is done. Beat the Jests, Fine. We will finish out this season no better than 6-10 and even that is wishful thinking. When we do we will look back and know we should have started JP Against the Browns and let him start the last 4 games.


Then you know what the best part is? We still have to wait NEXT year for him to develop. Man that will be great. Fans will hang that on his head and boo him out of the stadium although any FOOL knows it takes ON THE FIELD TIME to develop.




Let me add this. I am sick of 'I am not ready to give up on the season yet'. What fuggin season? We WILL NOT MAKE THE SUPERBOWL! Now that we have cleared that up, Start playing and developing the trio that just might get us there next year or the year after or the year after.

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The Patriots would have never won 2 SB's with DB at the helm. Bradys' play has energized that entire team while Bledsoes' play has deflated the Bills more often than not. There is a reason why the Pats had no qualms about trading Bledsoe within the division.


Once the Bills swung a trade to draft Losman, they basically showed their concern about Bledsoes ability to take this team to the next level. His play has declined rapidly since Nov. 2002 and the future is JP Losman. When he's ready, he'll start and Bledsoes' days in Buffalo will be over. That could happen in the next month.

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(*) BTW who the !@#$ came up with that?  Immature? The kid was going to lose his football program at Tulane. Major schools wanted this kid. He said NO. He started there, he would end there and support that program until it died.  You guys are pathetically reaching for excuses if you say JP is immature.


I did, because he's immature, but I never said he didn't have leadership abilities.


Fortunately for Tulane's football program, maturity and leadership are two seperate things. Aren't they?

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You guys wanting to keep Bledsoe starting must be sadomasochists!! There's simply no other rational explanation.


For the last two years we've been tortured by having a good defense and virtually no offense. DB should not have even been brought back this year. I knew it would get ugly with him.


The season will pretty much be over when we lose for the 7th time, (certainly the 8th) At that point, JP may not start, but will come in when (not if. . . when) DB struggles. And the last month of the season? That's JP starting time.


And let's get this straight right now folks. . . there is NO WAY Bledsoe returns to this team next year. You really cannot believe that if you're rational at all. It cannot happen after yet another disasterous season.

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You guys wanting to keep Bledsoe starting must be sadomasochists!! There's simply no other rational explanation.


For the last two years we've been tortured by having a good defense and virtually no offense. DB should not have even been brought back this year. I knew it would get ugly with him.


The season will pretty much be over when we lose for the 7th time, (certainly the 8th) At that point, JP may not start, but will come in when (not if. . . when) DB struggles. And the last month of the season? That's JP starting time.


And let's get this straight right now folks. . . there is NO WAY Bledsoe returns to this team next year. You really cannot believe that if you're rational at all. It cannot happen after yet another disasterous season.


If DB returns, I wouldn't want/expect him to start, but I'd like having him on the roster all the same.

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If DB returns, I wouldn't want/expect him to start, but I'd like having him on the roster all the same.


Isn't possible. There's no way he hangs around as a backup with as badly as it has gone for him. He might take a backup gig somewhere else (maybe even find some stupidly optimistic team to start for)


TD will undoubtedly cut all ties with him at the end of the year. The situation is too far gone for him here. TD will at least give DB the chance to play somewhere where there isn't some much anomosity and negative feelings towards him. I'm certain DB (if he doesn't retire) would want a change of scenery himself.

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Good thing your not coach of the Steelers this year with that "Rookie Quarterbacks don't start" attitude.




I for one hope Bledsow plays every down this year.

I hope Losman doesn't play until 2006 or 2007 at the earliest.

Who does he think he is anyway?

I don't want HIM to get any experience on the field until Drew is safely in the HOF.

Afterall, Drue didn't start as a rookie. <_<

Rookies NEVER start in the NFL.

Especially Rookie Quarterbacks!


Won/Lost record be damned!

Play Bledsow.

Play Bledsow.

Play Bledsow.

Play Bledsow.

Play Bledsow.

Play Bledsow.

Play Bledsow.



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Ice, although sometimes I don't agree with you..............you definitely hit the nail on the head with everything you said. My sentiments exactly. I'll tell you one thing...........I'm really starting to like Mularkey's no-nonsense approach and he will make whatever moves are necessary to improve his team. If that includes benching an underachieving statue like Bledsoe, he will........regardless of egos.

I know we only saw Losman briefly this preseason and it was against 3rd stingers but anyone who saw those games cannot deny how exciting it was to see him back there running the offense with his LEGS AND HIS ARM. True, the only way Losman is going to speed up the learning curve is by throwing him out to the wolves. I think the offensive line, although not particulary strong, is gonna look a little better with a quarterback who has some pocket presence and can avoid the rush. That alone fires up the offensive line when they see their QB making something out of nothing and avoiding sacks/fumbles. I still haven't figured out why some people are still such strong believers of Bledsoe. Are you watching the same Bills games and every snap to go with it?? Do you all really think Tom D/Mularkey, etc.. would make such a bold move to give up our #1 pick if they didn't think Losman was something special?




quote=ICE,Nov 6 2004, 10:02 AM]

These areguements are pure bull stevestojan. Drew Bledsoe was done BEFORE we signed him. But some fans MUST have him succeed. They can't come to grips with the reality that TD made the wrong move. That Bledsoe is and has never been anything more than an average QB.


"Seasoned"? I read that word. Well Rothlesburger isn't 'seasoned'. Manning wasn't, Marino wasn't, Elway wasn't and on and on and on. History is starting to show SITTING a QB his rookie year is NOT the way to go. The only way a player develops is PLAYING!


Not seasoned? Play him.


Immature (*) Play him.


(*) BTW who the !@#$ came up with that? Immature? The kid was going to lose his football program at Tulane. Major schools wanted this kid. He said NO. He started there, he would end there and support that program until it died. You guys are pathetically reaching for excuses if you say JP is immature.

Long story short, this season is done. Beat the Jests, Fine. We will finish out this season no better than 6-10 and even that is wishful thinking. When we do we will look back and know we should have started JP Against the Browns and let him start the last 4 games.


Then you know what the best part is? We still have to wait NEXT year for him to develop. Man that will be great. Fans will hang that on his head and boo him out of the stadium although any FOOL knows it takes ON THE FIELD TIME to develop.

Let me add this. I am sick of 'I am not ready to give up on the season yet'. What fuggin season? We WILL NOT MAKE THE SUPERBOWL! Now that we have cleared that up, Start playing and developing the trio that just might get us there next year or the year after or the year after.


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JP = RJ  :lol:


The reason Losman isn't RJ is simple: in college, RJ wasn't known as a sack waiting to happen, because his offensive line was good. In the pros, he never had the chance to play for a team with a good offensive line.


Losman, on the other hand, had a lousy offensive line when in college. He demonstrated a Flutie-like ability to mask the weakness of his team's line, and an RJ-like ability to throw the deep pass. Putting Losman in when he's healthy would make sense.

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Very well said!




quote=KurtGodel77,Nov 7 2004, 12:24 PM]

The reason Losman isn't RJ is simple: in college, RJ wasn't known as a sack waiting to happen, because his offensive line was good. In the pros, he never had the chance to play for a team with a good offensive line.


Losman, on the other hand, had a lousy offensive line when in college. He demonstrated a Flutie-like ability to mask the weakness of his team's line, and an RJ-like ability to throw the deep pass. Putting Losman in when he's healthy would make sense.


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