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The Senate didn't have time to read that $800B Stimulus

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They read the stimulus bill and there was plenty of time, very little of the stuff was new legislative language, all they needed was some reference notes and that is what staff is for. If they didn't then that is one them for not doing their job and hiring incompetent staff. The rest is a joke, I agree, pretty silly.... but so is the Pro---College Sports Industry in general.


Though I admit the NCAA tourney is great theater.

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They read the stimulus bill and there was plenty of time, very little of the stuff was new legislative language, all they needed was some reference notes and that is what staff is for. If they didn't then that is one them for not doing their job and hiring incompetent staff. The rest is a joke, I agree, pretty silly.... but so is the Pro---College Sports Industry in general.


Though I admit the NCAA tourney is great theater.


Nice regurgitation of the talking point. You're doing a fine job! :thumbsup:

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Sure, a talking point.... Hmmm, I was there serving four different Members of Congress for over 15 years. I know what they read and didn't and briefed many a member on legislation and concerns about it, but you can call that a talking point. We used to do spread sheet side by side comparisons for these guys to fully understand the stuff in plain english, but you wouldn't know that, you obviously have never been there and are just reiterating that lazy minority leader's complaint because he is too busy spending time at a tanning salon smoking cigarettes.

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They read the stimulus bill and there was plenty of time, very little of the stuff was new legislative language, all they needed was some reference notes and that is what staff is for. If they didn't then that is one them for not doing their job and hiring incompetent staff. The rest is a joke, I agree, pretty silly.... but so is the Pro---College Sports Industry in general.


Though I admit the NCAA tourney is great theater.


So let me get this straight. They were drafting legislation that was going to prevent the economic collapse of the world and they relied on cliff notes and their staffers? Holy !@#$ing hell batman that's just not right in my book.

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So let me get this straight. They were drafting legislation that was going to prevent the economic collapse of the world and they relied on cliff notes and their staffers? Holy !@#$ing hell batman that's just not right in my book.

Not cliff notes, but nice twisting of my words, side by side comparison of the legislation to the law they were changing and possible any other proposals...

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Not cliff notes, but nice twisting of my words, side by side comparison of the legislation to the law they were changing and possible any other proposals...


Plus, it's not unreasonable to expect that staff work be delegated to staffers. I certainly don't expect my Congresscritter to read every bill that crosses his desk cover-to-cover; I expect him to say "I've got a defense appropriations meeting this afternoon, and have to review half-a-dozen bills in committee, and be on the floor for a vote at 4pm...read this monstrosity, and let me know if there's anything I should be concerned about." If he's not doing THAT, he's not doing his job...but on the whole, I wouldn't find that unreasonable.

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Plus, it's not unreasonable to expect that staff work be delegated to staffers. I certainly don't expect my Congresscritter to read every bill that crosses his desk cover-to-cover; I expect him to say "I've got a defense appropriations meeting this afternoon, and have to review half-a-dozen bills in committee, and be on the floor for a vote at 4pm...read this monstrosity, and let me know if there's anything I should be concerned about." If he's not doing THAT, he's not doing his job...but on the whole, I wouldn't find that unreasonable.


I agree 100%. I know they don't read every bill nor do I expect them to. But one that is throwing hundreds of billions of tax dollars to save the world's economy I would hope they'd want to read it. I'm not talking bills in general, I'm talking this one.

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I agree 100%. I know they don't read every bill nor do I expect them to. But one that is throwing hundreds of billions of tax dollars to save the world's economy I would hope they'd want to read it. I'm not talking bills in general, I'm talking this one.


You're presuming it's important to them. It's not their money they're spending.

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You're presuming it's important to them. It's not their money they're spending.


Well seeing I hired them (actually I don't think I hired any of the clowns that represent me, but you get my point) and it's very important to me I expect it to be important to them. But I know where you're coming from.

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You think EVERY Administration has had time to read EVERY Bills hundreds of pages long?


This has been going on for DECADES.


You want a law passed you write a bill for each law. THEN you can't bury PORK in them!!!


Well we want them familiar enough with what they're voting for so they don't look like a jack-ass when they are outraged about something that they put in the bill. I would want them to at least ask if there was proper provision for how the stimulas money was or wasn't not going to be spent by the companies that got the money. In this case them came accross as foolish. But hey, if you want to think they're all great people doing a bang up job go ahead. Just points to your ignorance as to what's been going on for DECADES.

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Well we want them familiar enough with what they're voting for so they don't look like a jack-ass when they are outraged about something that they put in the bill. I would want them to at least ask if there was proper provision for how the stimulas money was or wasn't not going to be spent by the companies that got the money. In this case them came accross as foolish. But hey, if you want to think they're all great people doing a bang up job go ahead. Just points to your ignorance as to what's been going on for DECADES.


My ignorance? What I want, what YOU want and what a Politician decides are so far apart it's not funny.


Where did I say I approved of signing / passing bills without proper review?


You want to talk about wastful earmarks?


In 2005, Congress defeated the infamous “Bridge to Nowhere” earmark spearheaded by Sen. Ted Stevens (R-AK), which would have spent $200 million.

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My ignorance? What I want, what YOU want and what a Politician decides are so far apart it's not funny.


Where did I say I approved of signing / passing bills without proper review?


You want to talk about wastful earmarks?


In 2005, Congress defeated the infamous “Bridge to Nowhere” earmark spearheaded by Sen. Ted Stevens (R-AK), which would have spent $200 million.

AK still got the $200 mil and God knows where they spent it... probably on Wasilla's new town hall. <_<

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