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Why would a topic about possible voter fraud


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Just for clarifiication... what does Taters avatar look like to you guys, Lib or whatever quasi-insulting term is suppossed to represent Republicans?


A mix of Rush and Moore. So a centrist.


But to be honest I only looked real quick. And then started scratching my eyes out.

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Why do you guys have such a problem with posting on the PPP boards?  That is where stuff like this belongs.  We want to keep this a fun sports board and not turn it into a political bs bickering board.


I'm afraid of the PPP board, the people over there are all too damned serious!!! :lol:

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Holy Crap!!! I posted a report about possible voter fraud and am accused of being a liberal for doing so!!!  I have offered no politcal leaning in any of my posts on this topic, I only notified others that the fraud story was out there. The story itself NEVER mentions which candiadate may have benfited from the pre-existing votes.



The right wants to sensor you.

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The PPP board is OK provided you don't offer an opinion without pages of back-up (or ask for help with your homework). :lol:




This thread can fit right in on the PPP with all the inciting and negativity!


Even when you back up your posts with a 1000 facts; if you are not in the "right" you will get attacked. And expect half of your posts to be removed! But it is still fun.

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This thread can fit right in on the PPP with all the inciting and negativity!


Even when you back up your posts with a 1000 facts; if you are not in the "right" you will get attacked.  And expect half of your posts to be removed!  But it is still fun.



Yup. Massive Republican conspiracy. Tinfoil hat a little tight today?

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Don't know what you're talking about?  I am just having a little fun.  You folks on TBD are too serious.


Right on. This had me pissed for the first 10 minutes or so, but I have just been being beligerant just for fun ever since. Its been fun watching Billsafone and EZC get their panties all in a bunch.

Its been a true Bipartisan effort


{sniff} :lol:

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Right on. This had me pissed for the first 10 minutes or so, but I have just been being beligerant just for fun ever since. Its been fun watching Billsafone and EZC get their panties all in a bunch.

Its been a true Bipartisan effort


{sniff}  :lol:



Soooooo, you WERE pissed.


{sniff} {sniff}

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Right on. This had me pissed for the first 10 minutes or so, but I have just been being beligerant just for fun ever since. Its been fun watching Billsafone and EZC get their panties all in a bunch.

Its been a true Bipartisan effort


{sniff}  :lol:


See I knew you were a liberal. Or are you calling me a liberal? :lol::lol:

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Soooooo, you WERE pissed.


{sniff} {sniff}


At first yes, but years of being jaded cause emotions to pass quickly.


By the way, it seems that the original story that spurred all this may have been a hoax :lol:

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See I knew you were a liberal.  Or are you calling me a liberal?  :lol:  :lol:


Hey VA,

I am a liberal, but only in the way that republicans seem to throw the term around. Anyone who doesn't support Bush is a LIBERAL!!!! The word seems to be completely intended to be an insult, like calling someone the "N" word or something.


I consider myself rather conservative, but just don't agree with GW. Therefore I am labeled a liberal.

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At first yes, but years of being jaded cause emotions to pass quickly.


By the way, it seems that the original story that spurred all this may have been a hoax :lol:



There's a saying in Texas, "fool me, fool me once, fool me and I'm a fool, fool me again and. Fool me again."

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