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A quick update from my last cryptically drunk post--"dopes."

Been travelling, since that post, in South America: Galapagos, Machu Picchu, Lake Titicaca; currently in Chile, and now heading to Mendoza, Argentina to drink as much red wine as I can in the next 5 days. Hope you are all well and surviving the recession. I am... :wallbash:


Chao amigos.


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A quick update from my last cryptically drunk post--"dopes."

Been travelling, since that post, in South America: Galapagos, Machu Picchu, Lake Titicaca; currently in Chile, and now heading to Mendoza, Argentina to drink as much red wine as I can in the next 5 days. Hope you are all well and surviving the recession. I am... :wallbash:


Chao amigos.



NICE! Have a great time. :worthy:

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Enjoy the ladies.....Argentina has some classy-hot women. Go to Brazil for your young, crazy party girls. I for one am partial to Columbian women. They are the happy medium of the world. Good looking enough and fun, yet hard working and a good head on their shoulders. Columbian women would fit in well at a Bills tailgate.


Not missing much here. Just talk of a few states getting ready to secede. Don't worry...Obama is going to give a nice speech to the pensioners that should calm them down. Have you ever been in line at the buffet when one of them gets to the crab legs to find an empty steamer? Just imagine how pleasant they will be when they are told they won't be getting their full checks soon.


Let us know if you go to the racetrack. Bet on the horse whose groom has his own bottle of tabasco sauce.

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Enjoy the ladies.....Argentina has some classy-hot women. Go to Brazil for your young, crazy party girls. I for one am partial to Columbian women. They are the happy medium of the world. Good looking enough and fun, yet hard working and a good head on their shoulders. Columbian women would fit in well at a Bills tailgate.


Not missing much here. Just talk of a few states getting ready to secede. Don't worry...Obama is going to give a nice speech to the pensioners that should calm them down. Have you ever been in line at the buffet when one of them gets to the crab legs to find an empty steamer? Just imagine how pleasant they will be when they are told they won't be getting their full checks soon.


Let us know if you go to the racetrack. Bet on the horse whose groom has his own bottle of tabasco sauce.



Damn...taking me back...Brazillian girls....lots of fun, spent 4 weeks partying my a$$ off in Brazil in the mid-90s...then proceeded to Argentina for 4 weeks of R&R. After the constant party in Brazil (which absolutely rocked), 4 weeks in Argentina, meeting classy, more sophisticated women was a lot of fun. They can party too, you just have to loosen them up a bit. Wow, hadn't thought bout those 2 months in a long time before reading your post. South America is so much fun.


No experience with Columbian girls, I'll have to take your word for it.

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He TPS!!

Funny one of my colleagues is just doing about the same trip than U!!

She's a taken a 6 months sabathical from her job and travle with her boyfriend ...

She must be around the Bolivia-Chile border now...

If you see a crazy frenchgirl called Marion that's her!

Hola Olivier,

Am on sabbatical myself. Never know about meeting people, I´ve had two "small world moments" on this trip already. Just finished a 4-day wine drenching in Mendoza, and after perusing a few posts here, am ready to do it again... :blink:

Chao, tps


Oh, replies to others: there are beautiful women in every country--I don´t discriminate; Kirchners? I'm trying to hang with my leftist hermanos: Hugo, Raphael, y Evo...

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