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Something Good


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I have been a fan since the beginning. I have seen some really horrible Bills teams. I have seen Kay Stephenson and Dan Darragh and Rob Johnson. I have watched the coaching of Hank Bullogh and Harvey Johnson. I remember in the 70's when 3 or 4 starters on opening day were picked off the waiver wire a few days before the opener. Going into next season, this team is several times better than most of these teams and can be a legitimate contender. Let me try to explain this heresy.


Coach - Dick Jauron has made some horrible in game decisions but I never saw a player quit on him. He gets buy in from the players. I was disappointed that he was retained but we were young this year and it may be that continuity is more important than starting over. From everything I have heard the word of mouth among the players is that Jauron is a good coach to play for (I know some think that is because he is easy on the players), but it will serve us well in free agency.


Quarterback - In 50 years of watching the Bills, I have only seen 3 other quarterbacks with the talent and smarts of Trent Edwards; Jim Kelly, Joe Ferguson and Dennis Shaw. Shaw ended up being a bust. The other two had great careers. I am worried about Edwards ability to stay healthy but we have a winning record when he starts. He has great presence and that is something that can not be taught (see- Rob Johnson, JP Losman, Todd Collins).


Talent - We have a lot of top quality talent - Lynch, Evans, Peters (if he gets his head together), Posluzny, McGee, Whitner-- what we dont have now is that game breaker-- the guy that makes a play most every game that changes the course of the game (see Bruce Smith). Can one emerge? Can we draft one? Can we get one in free agency? That is what the off season is all about.


Schedule - Doesn't anybody ever learn anything about this? You can not judge the difficulty of the schedule in the NFL by the results of the last season. This year, Miami, Atlanta, Baltimore would all look like easier games. Seattle, Dallas, San Diego would have looked like tough games.


Owner - Ralph Wilson is 90. Frankly, I don't see him running this team much different than when he was 50. He has always been on the cheap side (that just may come with the territory of owning a small market, bad economy team) but every indication is that he wants to win. He spends money on players and probably meddles a little too much for my taste but then again there would be no such thing as the Buffalo Bills without him and most owners would have taken the money and left town years ago. So, I will take old Ralph with all his warts because he has provided me with a team in my home town for 50 years.


I will keep my season tickets, watch the off season and look forward to next year. Try to remember it could be worse, you could have been a Detroit Lions fan all these years.

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