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Isn't sports talk where anybody with the ability to hit keys on a phone can call in and say something? Not exactly a high bar there.


True enough, although there are a few controls (the board monkey/call screener, the hosts' dump switches, etc.) But yeah, I don't envy anyone who hosts a postgame show -- in fact, I stay away from here most Sunday nights for pretty much the same reason.


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IMO, Schopp can overwhelm that pairing at times. Although Parker is the supposed "voice of the fan," he's been doing this for a long time. (In fact, I think he and Howard Simon worked together at WBEN for a while, back in the '90s.) Anyway, when Brad used to fill in on afternoon drive, he and Parker seemed comfortable playing off each other, and I enjoyed the program a lot more.


Again, just my opinion.


So you think his... lack of enthusiasm, I guess, is more of the combination of the pair not being comfortable working together? I can't really comment on how "football smart" he is in general, because again, I don't really hear him say much that is thought provoking. He kind of just laughs a lot. I didn't hear him before, either. The only exposure I've had to him has been on that program with Schopp. I guess you can understand why I don't really enjoy him.


I don't hate him, or think he's bad, I just don't see what he adds to the show. If he wasn't there I certainly don't think the show would be missing anything. Seems like a nice guy, though.


Overall I think the people around here are too hard on WGR. Its easier to complain when there's only one sports station and newspaper in town.

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It seems that on any message board you go to, you bring up any radio station or media member and have 95% of the posts bash on that. I hated Schopp and still think he's an idiot on the post-game and clearly doesn't want to be there. But, he has become way more fair about the Bills in the last two years, and less of a Sabres cheerleader. They clearly liked the Bills in Sept/Oct.


To me, that show has become way better over the last two years and Jim Rome has gone from my favorite show to my least favorite. People change - some for the better and some for the worse.

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I'm probably interning at WGR this coming summer...I can let you all know if these guys are as big of idiots as they seem.

I've worked in radio, for work study credits. No need for you to report. They are. Almost ALL of them are. It's almost a rule when it comes to radio. Douchebag? Oh hey, yer hired.

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I enjoy the morning and afternoon guys, the only time I have to change the dial is when they let listeners call in........90 percent of the points are garbage. Everyone in this town thinks their the Bills owner and have everything figured out.


That's the truth. I stream it over the 'net down here in Atlanta and I couldn't agree more. Even points that are "correct" are usually so far fetched that they're laughable.


I'm also have convinced that WGR "sucks" to some because Buffalo is a much more knowledgeable spots town. Whereas "woo hoo! Our guys score touchdowns, your guys suck!" works in a lot of markets, I think the Buffalo demographic expects a lot more. How many times have we heard that "buffalo is a drinking town with a sports problem" joke? It's probably about the only city in the country where any given stay-at-home-mom can explain the virtues of the 3-4 or the left wing lock.


Though, what the hell is up with spinal decompression? Also, any outsider listening to the radio as they drive through the region must think Buffalonians are a bunch of personal-injury happy lawsuit junkies.

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I've given up on Gr. Don't listen at all, except for Sabres games. Can't stand anyone that they have in the lineup.


That said, I like Brad's show on WECK . . . Otherwise, I just don't listen to sports talk.


Vote with your feet. If you can't stand it, don't tune in. If everyone feels the way you do, GR will change, If not, you've successsfully lowered your blood pressure. It's a win-win . . .

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Don't expect any objectivity on Lindy Ruff on GR either. I guess the station plans to roast the Coach at function. Now, since this event is being planned in part for profit and station promotion, do you honestly expect an unbiased opinion of Ruff's performance by the hosts? ( I for one think Lindy does well for what he has to work with)


I actually find Schoop more digestable when he's solo. Another poster put it right when he said Bulldog adds nothing. The problem is that they have four main voices three of which suck, and another that is passable only when his partner has off. They recycle these four all throughout local talk (with the ad naseum apperences by Roby and Hamilton) balanced only by the truly unlistenable Cowheard (who fits GR like a glove), Rome (love him or hate him), and a cast of second stringers who get unexplainable airtime (probably because they work for $7 an hour).


The only solution as I see it is for Entercom to sell it off, and have the staff and that idiot who programs it fired.


Or as Phil Leotardo said so eloquently in the "Blue Comet" episode:"We decapitate and do business with what's left"

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